Saturday, September 30, 2017


I have a few, I guess, philosophical questions to ask you, dear readers. Things don't quite add up, and I'm wondering what your thoughts are.

The aim of this blog, though it may have a snotty tone at times, is to share information. To give people access to some facts, and to allow them a venue in which to share facts themselves. The general focus of such fact-finding explorations - and occasional mockery - is the deep, abiding, corrosive corruption that has taken hold in Clallam County. You know, the type of corruption that kills entire communities, and shatters individual lives within those communities.

In other words, we're focused on the poison in the well.

Now, you'd think there'd be very few people willing to advocate, even anonymously, in favor of the poison. Right? I mean, in theory, political corruption is something that everyone - except for the morally bankrupt few actually participating in it - is against.

And yet...You've all seen the crazy pushback I've been receiving of late. (Which is to say, you've seen a fraction of the threats, insults and assorted ravings that I've allowed through for demonstration purposes.) Which leaves me with some questions.

But first, let me explain that, out of all the various threats, insults and assorted lunatic ravings I've received here, only a tiny, tiny percentage of them ever even come close to objecting to a subject because they say I have the facts wrong. You've seen that with the recent threats I've let through. They aren't saying, "Hey, asshole, you've got the facts all wrong and need to correct them!" No. They're saying, "Shut up or else!"

This failure to challenge the facts presented here leads me to believe that said facts are - in fact! - closer to the truth than not. Would that not be a fairly logical conclusion to come to?

Having concluded that, I have to wonder, as I stated above, who in their right mind is it that is advocating in favor of the poison in the system?

Related to all that...So many of the threats, insults and full moon lunatic ravings that come in berate this blog. Run it down. I'm a "loser." No one reads it. My readers are all figments of my imagination. It's "irrelevant." And did I mention that no one reads it?

Now, if all of that is true...Why be so upset? If this blog is irrelevant, has no readers, etc., then why would anyone care what is said here? Let me put it this way: Peter Ripley can say anything he likes about me, or anything else, because it doesn't matter. No one reads his blog. He's a one watt radio station, broadcasting to nowhere. If Peter Ripley said the vilest, meanest, most untrue things possible about me, I wouldn't care. I'd consider the source, and be well aware that no one is seeing what he's writing. So again, if this blog is as marginal as its critics maintain...Why are they so upset?

Which leads to...What kind of creep and cretin makes un-American threats to someone just because they disagree with their perspective? Really? That's your land of the free? We're all free to see things exactly like you do, and no other way? Wow, comrade, that sounds pretty much like an old-fashioned Soviet Block to me.

More pointedly...What kind of creep and cretin makes un-American threats that they have no intention or ability to carry out? What kind of faux fascist foolishness is that? "I know who you are." No you don't. "I know where you live." No, you don't. And even if you did, you'd have us all believe you're going to leave the comfort of your lonely basement, leave the protective cocoon of Clallam County, travel hundreds of miles and..? What? Try to commit a felony? After leaving so many pieces of online intelligence here that already it's laughable?

And all for...What, exactly? Let me point out the exact same thing I told Scott T. Collins when he tried to bully and threaten me into shutting this blog down: I'm the only one who has the passwords to this blog. If your goal is to get this blog to go away, and something were to "happen to me," it would just stay here, floating along on the internet...Forever. Accessible and alive. So, even if your most macho fever dream were to come true, it would still be an epic fail on your part.

So, what's the point? More to the point, what the fuck is it that is so wrong in Port Angeles and Clallam County that there's so much corruption? What causes a sick few to take from so many? How many communities inspire a blog like this one? Why the hell would anyone defend the corrupt status quo? And how do these losers think they're making a difference, or making anything better, by behaving like thugs, bullies, cretins and fascists?

Port Angeles isn't a town - it's a psychological disorder given physical form. And the more you fight that fact, the more you just make it worse.


  1. How deep into this do you want to get, CK? There are some pretty well understood reasons why victims defend their abusers.

    1. Good point, at least on a personal level. Once you mix in ideology, it also clouds the issue for a lot of people.

      Another aspect that just baffles me is the waste of effort. This blog is not subject to anyone's control but me. Nothing is going to change that. Period. Full stop. Any efforts to make me do something are, thus, wasted efforts. Sending in comments that you know I will just delete is also a waste of time.

      Seems to me that if they want to waste time online, they could find some porn, or flat Earth websites, or something more suited to the simple-minded.

      Another aspect that these fools seem to miss is that very, very little of the content here is provided/generated by me. Most of the material comes in as comments from readers. You know, actual aggrieved residents of the same community these bozos are trying to keep backwards. In other words, I'm not the problem. Their friends and neighbors are. They're the ones who are pissed off and concerned.

    2. CK - Do you ever feel you are wasting your time? Blog generates internet conversation for what that's worth, but proactive change we don't see. Its a forum where idiots and ideas clash, and we come away perhaps further convinced the other laughably stupidly wrong. Whether you see life as simply a sexually transmitted fatal disease or magic pie in the sky alters how you navigate the world. Since leaps of faith are non rational everything becomes negotiable for true believers. Words don't have to make sense...contradictions don't exist because power and resources trump language. While I appreciate this blog, don't understand why you continue moderating it given all the negatives. On the other hand as a critical thinker I understand the public service announcement this blog purveys....abandon all hope (for ethical government and business practices) ye who enter here. That sign could be hung on the Statue of Liberty. Looking around planet Unethical rich run all worlds, and to them the rest of us just the ticks on their belly enjoying their trickle down largesse....and best we can hope for is that somebody passes the naloxone, so we can do it again tomorrow. Woe is us.

    3. Yes, you're right.

      There are lots of angles to the issues you bring up.

      Obviously, the morons that keep sending in threatening drivel are trying to exert control over you. Is it because they have no control in other parts of their lives, and they "take it out" on you?

      The other really obvious part to this is trying to apply rational, logical thinking to stupid, illogical comments. As you point out, they don't know who you are, where you live, etc. So, threats are meaningless from the git-go, and everybody but them (in their obvious stupidity) knows this. So, they keep sending stupid things to you, thinking they are doing something other than demonstrating to everyone else how stupid they are.

      Just like calling posters "cowards", and then posting the comment as "Anonymous". If they really had the big balls, and confidence in their power, they would sign their real names, right?

      And, as you also point out, most of the content they seem all wiggy about comes from people who post here. Now, I guess you could be generous and attribute more mental ability to these fools than they demonstrate they have, and say that by getting you to shut down the blog, the people who are posting their views and comments are silenced. Here.

      But the root issue comes back to "freedom of speech", and these morons attempts to silence anybody saying things they don't like. By any means. They don't seem to be able to understand that you cannot kill ideas. The Romans tried that 2 thousand years ago. And lots of others have tried, since.

      And continue to try.

      I do want to say "Thank you" to you, CK. I know you're no wuss, are very principled, and will not succumb to bullying and threats. I very much appreciate the time you put into keeping this blog interesting and informative. It is the "public service" you envisioned. Thank you.

    4. @ Anon 7:24

      That is a pretty heavy "Why bother to do anything" kind of rap, don't you think?

      You're right, of course. Nothing matters. What ever we do, or don't do, we all will die eventually. So what?

      Well, as much as that is true, people are not feelingless robots. My children are very aware of the things the previous generation has done, and how it impacts their daily lives. Yes, they will die one day, too, but until then, they see, laugh, sing, surf, and take time to do things that bring meaning to them.

      As we all should.

      The issue is why others, like the morons that post stupid comments here, take the time out of their lives to try to silence other people. People they don't even know.

      It is about ideas, thoughts and words that these people are scared of, and want silenced. If only solving the world's problems were that simple.

  2. your blog is better than my soap opera

  3. Port Angeles is cursed. It was founded by two Seattle lawyers that instigated anti-Chinese riots. It was literally built on indian burial grounds and established by displacing the natives and raping the land to extract natural resources. You can see that legacy on the faces of everyone here. No one is happy. Everyone drives angry.

    Get out while you still can. Do whatever it takes to leave.

  4. HEY!!! WE can be number ONE! Lets all vote to change the government, and be the first, at something, for once.

    PDN Headline: Port Angeles Would Be First In State to Lower Status To Second Class City

    Now that's some positive news I can get behind.

    1. You seem real happy. Tell us one good thing about it.

    2. Second class town is not a lower status. It merely reflects the size of population. Nothing more.

    3. Bullshit. It means there will be no more citizen initiatives - a guaranteed reduction of the people's power. It hampers the city's ability to compete with other cities, by forcing it to use obsolete business methods. Go do your homework.

    4. oh, gosh, and there have been so many local initiatives. The last one attempted (regarding fluoride) was fought by the city government and never appeared on the ballot. And, the fluoride vote on the ballot in November is simply an "advisory one" meaning they don't have to follow it. Oh yeah, we get so many local hell raisers to put things on the ballot, or even stop the crazy stuff the city does.

    5. I'm happy about a positive article where Port Angeles can be NUMBER ONE, the first, trailblazers for something. We can be THE FIRST. How exciting.
      Because for everything else we're dead last.

  5. They say "do this or else" because it works on most of us because the godawful truth is that to the extent they do know where you live and work, they have their ways of carrying out that "or else." And no, it's not paranoia when they really are out to get you.

    I would be surprised if you didn't know that in Clallam County, there is definitely a "they" who are most definitely out to get the likes of you and me. Didn't you leave town because of it? Don't you blog under anonymity because of it?

    To the likes of us who still live and work in Clallam County, that "or else" is coming through loud and clear.

    1. To be clear: I did not leave Port Angeles because I was bullied or pushed out. I left for the same reason NOAA never came; other than the view of the mountains and the water, there is no quality of life there. None. Little culture, a dying economy, and the spectacularly corrupt political system also didn't exactly help me feel warm and fuzzy about staying.

      All of which leads once again to: Life is too short to live in Port Angeles. It really is that simple. No place is perfect, but most places are preferable to Port Angeles.

      Now, if I can only impart one piece of information, one pearl of wisdom out of all these years of blogging, it would be this: Bullies have exactly as much power as you give them. They are, at best, 10% tough, and 90% bluff. And all they use the tough part for is to be gutsy enough to try and bluff people. They count on people being too timid, or too polite, or too whatever, to ever just call that bluff.

      Ever seen THE BLUES BROTHERS? That scene with the Nazis rallying on the bridge? And one of the Blues Brothers says, "I hate Illinois Nazis." Then they charge the fascists with their car, causing them to scatter in panic.

      It's not a perfect analogy, but I think you get my point. Charge the clueless, cowardly fuckers. Do it individually. Do it in groups. Be sure to do it in public, for all sorts of reasons. But for the love of all that is holy, DO IT.

      One person, raising their voice, can change the future, and make history. No doormat ever made history, y'know?

      Oh, and while we're on the subject...I haven't heard even a peep out of the tough guy, "or else" troll since posting all of this.

      Not. A. Peep.

    2. You haven't heard a peep dipshit because you stopped fucking with McAleer.

      You really are as stupid as they say.

    3. LOL! That's because the troll is still passed out from that hard Saturday night of puffing and bluffing.

    4. Nice dodge! Except that...All the material you objected to is still up. And people are free to post more. So...What has changed? Other than that you're looking for a way to save face.

      Oh, and from the time your comment came in, it DOES seem like you're just hanging around online, waiting...What a waste of time. And a waste of...What's that other word?

    5. Colleen McAleer kicks sweet, innocent puppies.

    6. Colleen McAleer kicks sweet, innocent puppies, while wearing obscenely expensive shoes.

    7. Colleen McAleer kicks sweet, innocent puppies, while wearing obscenely expensive shoes - shoes that she bought with ill-gotten funds from the Port of Port Angeles.

    8. "You really are as stupid as they say."

      Written by someone who knows their stupid.

      Or is that someone who knows they're stupid?


    9. And...Look! I didn't wake up dead this morning or anything! Had a terrible sleep, though, what with the sound of Colleen McAleer kicking those sweet, innocent puppies all night long...

    10. oh she doesn't kick puppies ... but i don't want to get into the gutter.

      Rumor has it she and Ethan Wayne get together now and then. Perhaps that]s a little pillow talk she has oozing from her about the sale of the Wayne property because as of Sunday there is still no listing.

      That should make her hubby get riled and threaten someone.

    11. Such an evil woman! She must be exposed for what she is, puppies and all.

    12. I'll take the silence from C.B. (Colleen's Bestest) to mean they are not disputing that McAleer is a puppy kicker.

      We'll see what ol' C.B. has to say about the rest later...Maybe.

    13. Isn't anyone willing to post anything about good ol' boy Colleen McAleer?

    14. I've been doing politics in Clallam County for a lot of years, and I won't have anything to do with Colleen. "Self serving" is the nicest thing I can come up with.

    15. I guess I'll have to dig up some more dirt on that clueless, lying, thieving, scamming, backstabbing, morally bankrupt good ol' boy (grant) whore to wake ol' C.B. up...Lord knows it's easy, what with the Port being the rottenest of all governing entities there, and what with Colleen McAleer having ambition, sticky fingers, and no ethics whatsoever.

  6. You ask: "So, what's the point? More to the point, what the fuck is it that is so wrong in Port Angeles and Clallam County that there's so much corruption?"

    And you answer this fairly well yourself with: " I left for the same reason NOAA never came; other than the view of the mountains and the water, there is no quality of life there. None. Little culture, a dying economy, and the spectacularly corrupt political system also didn't exactly help me feel warm and fuzzy about staying."

    Over the years, I've seen and known a lot of other people who have said and done the same thing. They came to Port Angeles thinking it had potential, "if only.." Some put some effort into trying to change things in one way or another. Others just came to see the nasty under belly of the town. After a few years or more, they left for better towns.

    The people who support the corruption stay. The people who think pointing guns at people, threatening and bullying and other forms of intimidation, stay. This has been going on since the town was colonized by Europeans, and they drove the original inhabitants away. They didn't ask politely!

    After all these years, we have Port Angeles. Intolerant. Racist.

    1. It appears to me to be an inbred disorder amongst the local families, a genetic predisposition to concurrent stupidity, meanness, and disrespect for the law. Then add in the learned hatred, handed down from parent to child. When that's all they see, that's all they know.

      This isn't to assert that everyone there is bad. In fact the vast majority are inherently good people. But their apathy abets and encourages the perps. And the lack of a leader or a plan for the necessary "charge" against the perps.

      If anyone anywhere has to "take back" their town, it's the people of PA.

    2. I take issue with the leaders being inbred locals. Each one came here from somewhere else. Name one that was born and raised in callem county.

    3. Obviously Anonymous 3:48 PM has the skills required to run for office in callem county.

    4. Clearly, 3:48 was born in this county. I'm surprised there was only ONE spelling error in the post. Must be one of them smart ones.

  7. I agree with a previous post, let's overturn this crappy city administration and go to a new form of government where they cannot put any more debt on us without the state's okay. Also, any ordinances passed by the new council, under the new form of government can be undone by popular vote at the very next election. We can control this city government if we discontented majority get out and turn over this government. Rock the vote knock the council on their ass and make them realize the voters/taxpayers are still in charge. Fuck the chicken shit candidates and other "know it alls" who bad mouth the change. The only reason they bad mouth it is, like city attorney Bloor, his fucking job is gone and he is unemployed for life--who else would hire him? How many would hire him as their personal attorney. We have the power if only we use it. Talk it up among your friends, anyone not registered to vote go get them a registration card from the Auditor's office at the court house. Buy them a beer/coffee while they sign up to vote. The ballots are sent to the homes so when they go out go around your neighborhood and get your neighbors to shut down this corrupt government. Today the city council next year the county corrupt. It's now or never...

    1. Right now, this is truly the best and most practical solution. And that is exactly why the perps fear it so much. Vote to re-classify!

    2. Wow, 2:20, you have been fed a gigantic line of shit about what this proposition will do.

      It totally will take away the referendum power. Meaning we can't overturn jackshit anymore. Not like anyone ever was smart enough to do anything with it in the eleven years we've had it. Did you know a petition and a referendum could have overturned the fireworks law? Just one minor example, too late now.

      The state does not get a shred more control of the city's debt. Not. A. Speck. The debt limits are just the same for second class cities as they are for code.

      And there ain't gonna be no all-council election. By the time the courts finish shredding that idea you won't even remember why you wanted it.

      And Bloor loses his job? Or what it says in the voters guide -- we'll have an elected mayor? Where are you people getting this happy crap?

    3. 6:45pm, please see RCW 35.23.021:

      City officers enumerated—Compensation—Appointment and removal.
      "The government of a second-class city shall be vested in a mayor, a city council of seven members, a city attorney, a clerk, a treasurer, all elective..."

    4. Oh who cares? It isn't like we have the ability to do anything. We don't even get choices in the elections. How many times have people been elected and dropped out, allowing the "powers" to put in some total idiot (Hello Collins, Hi Gase) and how many times have people left the election because "oh didn't understand I had to actually spend time on this" or more recently "oh, surprise, moving!".
      We might as well give up and let Olympia run everything, because we are clearly incompetent to have any ability to run a democratic representative government locally.

    5. gigantic lines of shit are what we're all fed all the time here, 6:45pm Oct 1. Who cares what it will do? Lets just send the message that we don't like whats going on. Not like we can't clean house, and then switch back.
      Just wait until the city admits it is insolvent. Can't run a city on 119.5million dollars a year? You do realize that is about 6 times what any other town of our size cost to run.

    6. 10:07, we're doing RCW 35A.06.070, which matches what the words on the ballot say. Means we keep exactly the the council and staff setup we have now. All the RCW cited on the petition was wrong. Sorry y'all missed that. Maybe, read slower, think longer? Just a thought.

    7. Very wise post, 2:06.

  8. YES...lets vote YES to change our form of government because the loony city staff are shitting themselves over the thought of it.

    Terrified that people will vote it in and stop the gravy train. Look at the $$$ they make (you can look up the salaries here:!/year/2017

    "Redacted" is the City Manager $152,531.00 (and guess how much HE will get when he retires...a pension from the Fire Department AND as City Manager. KA-CHING).

    They don't make salary in line with what other small, quasi-rural towns in WA make, they make comparable salaries to Seattle. SEATTLE. And, they get regular cost of living increases --- funny, I don't. My utilities go up, the taxes go up, everything goes up by MY SALARY.

    Then, look at the Open Budgets!/year/default
    And see what our city spends OUR money on. And, now they want to do a matching grant to gussy up Race Street (and take away all the parking places on the street..sow e can have a bike lane. Hey, how many of YOU ride bikes?)

    Then tell me we wouldn't be better off with the state stepping in and having some oversight.

    So do it. Lets be first to give our government a clear message that we're fed up with this crap.

  9. It's sounding better and better all the time. Seattle PI picked up on our PDN's complaining story.

    VOTE...make us cutting edge, the first...for something besides the same child abuse, and boobs.

  10. What difference does any of this make? We have an election, only no choice.

    Oppelt just dropped out of the race, so now there is only Mike French. Just like Negus dropped out of the race leaving just Jim Moran.

    Oppelt and Negus are both friends -- I think they did this to screw the town and make the people that Orville Campbell, and his old-fart cronies wanted to be on the council.

    Hard to believe this town and it's silly foolishness when things like this just keep on happening.

    Oppelt left the race because he is selling his home, and moving out of the city limits. So....yeah, he couldn't see that he was going to do this a couple of months ago?

    What total bullshit.

    1. "Oppelt announced Monday that he was suspending his campaign. He says he is in the process of selling his house and his new residence would be ½ mile outside of the city limits. That would make him ineligible to serve on the council.

      That leaves local restaurant owner Mike French as the only active candidate for the race.

      However, Oppelt's name will remain on the ballot.

      Current city council member Lee Whethem was ousted from the race to retain his seat during the August primary.

      This is the second candidate to pull out of race for city council following the primary.

      Todd Negus dropped out of his race against Jim Moran last month after the two advanced from the primary, eliminating Marolee Smith."

    2. Are you surprised the McAleer Republican Train ran over wetham and marbley?

      Remember she just hired Gase at the Port.

    3. Is it just me, or has Clallam County outlawed correct spelling and grammar?
