Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Having a Senior Moment

Thanks so much to the commenter who sent in the notice about Cherie Kidd's Special Pretty Princess moment...


Yes, Cherie Kidd has been named Ms. Washington Senior America 2017 by "Senior America, Inc.," which is located in Allenhurst, New Jersey, and, so far as I can tell, looks like nothing more than a sub-Chamber of Commerce-type "enticement" to get the fifty lucky ladies they select to come to New Jersey for their "pageant."

I will now pause briefly while you all rush to get your plane tickets to the pageant purchased. New Jersey beckons!

"I'd just like to thank all of the me who were kind enough
to nominate me for this great honor of which I have the honor
of being nominated for. The honor, that is. For which I am, me, myself,
have been nominated."

I'm going to take a wild guess that Cherie may have nominated herself, or, at the very least, was "involved" with the "process." In any case, she is still peddling all the same sad old lies, including that "She successfully ran Success Seminars and became a speaker at public and corporate seminars throughout the U.S."

Cherie, we've all heard you speak. You have a truly unfortunate, screechy voice, and, even with prepared notes, you stumble through your statements like a drunken sailor on shore leave. This lie needs to be, dare I say it, retired.

It's also clear that Cherie wrote her own (glowing!) write-up for the Senior America website. How do I know? Because many statements don't make sense, such as: "Interested in historic preservation, she was the author of her city's only historic district." See also: "She is third generation Kidd family with her grandparents homesteading in the early 1900's."

Despite that incessant need to claim local roots, other statements lay bare her deeply (deeply!) buried ambivalent feelings about her undeniably distressed hometown. After all the times she's screeched out "It's another great day in Port Angeles!" the best she can muster here is a Jack Webb-like recitation of the minimal facts: "Port Angeles is a waterfront city on the Strait of Juan de Fuca."

Yes, and Washington is a state on the West Coast. Of course, there's a little more to it than that, but it seems that even Cherie, when it comes right down to it, can't think of anything nicer to say about Port Angeles than...Well, there it is.

If you've ever wondered what Cherie sees in her mirror...


  1. Don't forget. In her math if only 1% voted for her and 99% didn't vote. Those nonvoting 99% actually supported her by secretly endorsing the 1% ?!?

    1. Perfect! Yes, I do remember her "math", and rationalizations.

  2. Isn't vanity one of the Seven Deadly Sins?

    1. I believe you're thinking of pride, as in what comes before a fall.

      And under Cherie's blind eyed leadership, Port Angeles has fallen quite a lot.

      Businesses closing. Businesses moving out to the county, or to Sequim. Devastatingly high rates of drug abuse, suicides. High school graduation rates down, public debt up. Infrastructure maintenance down, utility rates up. Months of wasted time and energy on ethics complaints.

      All this and so much more. All brought to you under Cherie's terms in office.

      But is Cherie proud, does she have pride? Yes she does. Her malignant ego is one of the few thriving things left in Port Angeles.

    2. As a devout church goer, it seems Cherie just never hears that part.

  3. On one hand, it's kind of childish to mock people like Cherie. It doesn't really accomplish anything.

    On the other, Cherie has made herself so much a part of the "story" of Port Angeles, and misses no opportunity to insert herself and her unquenchable need for attention into any situation, that it's hard not to mock her. She is like Trump, with a constant need for attention, adulation, reassurance. By trying so hard to project strength and competence, they make their inner weakness crystal clear.

    It accomplishes nothing to mock Cherie Kidd, but then again, Cherie Kidd has accomplished nothing. So I'll just mock that total lack of accomplishment. Given the sad and run down state of Port Angeles, I'd say Cherie is the perfect public face for the town.

    Have a nice trip to New Jersey, Cherie. No need to hurry back.

  4. The only person to have done less and promoted it more is Donald Trump. Both are pathological attention whores.

  5. This certainly sounds like another of those "Best Town in the USA" things that are meaningless and only serve to make money selling plaques and trophies to the "winners".

  6. What a disgusting, nacissistic individual. Very toxic actually. And don't forget the undiagnosed learning disabilities that are now on "honored" status, instead of undergoing therapy.

    Yet another example of what contemporary life in the U.S. has devolved to, and places like PA lead the fast & furious race to the bottom.

  7. Out of all the small towns in the US, why do so many of these scams and stupid "contest" highlight Port Angeles?

    1. Location, location, location. Port Angeles is remote, and has few interested eyes watching over it. It's also a poor, "distressed" community, used to looking for handouts. The crooks have put those two things together, and learned to put their hands out. And birds of a feather flock together, in Port Angeles.

    2. Yes, but there are many hundreds of small, remote towns in the US.

      What's the same, and what's different? There may be lots of small, remote towns in the US, but obviously, Port Angeles is well understood to be scam-worthy.

    3. 3:18PM, THAT is the big question. IMO worthy of its own thread.

      This blog has provided plenty of irrefutable evidence over the years of the crimes and misdemeanors of PA officials. As well it is common knowledge that this level of criminality does not occur in the vast majority of other small towns around the country (after all, how many town have their own blog like this?).

      So yes, WHY is PA as it is? Is it something in the water? Is it a genetic deficiency amongst the founding families? Or is it just that the conglomeration of below-average intellect simply has no interest in doing anything right? Or complying with the law?

    4. Apparently complying with the law does not pay. A recent study by university criminologists have confirmed that criminals make more income than law-abiding folks, with the average petty thief raking in $900. a week. See? Port Angeles IS trying to be a leader!

  8. Still no coverage of this incredibly important story in the PDN...

  9. By the way, how is Cheri doing with that fundraising for the suicide barriers on the 8th street bridges? Don't you remember, back when she was running for re-election, she implored her fellow council members to allow her to "go outside" to seek funding for suicide barriers on the bridge. This after the city council had the engineers remove the barriers from the original design because it was too expensive. How about it Cherie, how much funding have you secured? When are you going to report on your progress? Unless you do then we must all accept the fact you used the sad fact of suicides as a campaign ploy. Shameless.
