Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Port Angeles: Unsafe At Any Speed (Or Any Age)

How sad is it that headlines like those below are so common in (Cursed) Port Angeles?

One sent to hospital after vehicle strikes pedestrian in Port Angeles


Port Angeles man charged with raping, molesting 8-year-old girl

Yes indeed. Pedestrian pinball and child abuse. Just two more things that make every day another great day in Port Angeles.

And remember: The sick, "I don't care about you" attitude that permeates the town comes from the top down. When the people in charge are con artists and thieves, liars and backstabbers, it sets a tone. I mean, really, how healthy or caring could (Cursed) Port Angeles ever hope to be, with so much larceny and lying in City Hall and the County Courthouse?

Or, to put it another way...Since the civic leaders of Port Angeles do all the financial raping and looting...


  1. Port Angeles is a town by and for sociopaths.

    1. +1. It's like the old west, the law stops at the Jefferson County line.

  2. There are accidents and child molesters everywhere. the part of this that baffles me is that the PDN always seems so eager to play up bad news like this. They hide so much other stuff, but when it comes to the things that make this area look depraved and dangerous, they just run with it. If it bleeds, it leads.

  3. Are these headlines in today's paper? I don't subscribe or patronize that piece of crap.

    But, you're right. As posted below, the town just refuses to recognize the on-going problems it has. As you've written before, it sits in absolute denial.

    And, what is done about it? People who try to point out the problems are ganged up upon, and attacked with vengeance.

    I guess if you can't fix the problems, you just attack anyone that tries to do anything about them.

    1. And attack those who simply point them out.

  4. Port Angeles: Cursed Loserville

  5. Is Forks this bad? Because I'm starting to look around...

    1. If you like remote, isolation, and pretty much nothing to do, yeah, Forks is okay. It is a much smaller town with a much smaller circle of "the powers-that-be".

      Poulsbo seems like a decent place. Waterfront, people care. Close enough to everything you might want to do.

    2. Too late on Poulsbo you are priced out of the market.
