Monday, October 2, 2017

THIS is What the Fix Looks Like

It's election time! Time to exercise our rights as citizens to select our representatives!

Whoops! Except in Port Angeles, that is...

Jake Oppelt is pulling out of the race for Port Angeles city council.

Oppelt announced Monday that he was suspending his campaign. He says he is in the process of selling his house and his new residence would be ½ mile outside of the city limits. That would make him ineligible to serve on the council.

That leaves local restaurant owner Mike French as the only active candidate for the race.
However, Oppelt's name will remain on the ballot.
Current city council member Lee Whethem was ousted from the race to retain his seat during the August primary.

This is the second candidate to pull out of race for city council following the primary.

Todd Negus dropped out of his race against Jim Moran last month after the two advanced from the primary, eliminating Marolee Smith.  

Because he had no idea at all he'd be moving soon...Right?
This is exactly what the fix looks like. Split the vote and drive out the "troublesome" and occasionally "question asking" incumbent in the primary, then, once that's done, have one of the other candidates drop out. How many times have we seen this total subversion of democracy in Clallam County? It's been done again and again, and it's only done with the willing, knowing participation of all parties involved.

That means Ohole is rotten, Mike French is rotten, and leaves good ol' boy Lee Whetham - who was part of a similar scam himself when he first ran - looking like the least rotten of them all.

Now, much as I may have my issues with Lee Whetham, I think it's time to organize a serious write-in campaign for him, and for Marolee Smith, too. They were robbed, yes, but more importantly, you were robbed.

Fuck the fix, and fuck Mike French. Write in Whetham and Smith and at least send a message that you know what is going on, and won't stand for it.


  1. That is a great idea, CK! I hope enough people make an issue out of this, and get the idea in general circulation.

  2. If he is so concerned about having sold his home and having to live temporarily outside of city limits, couldn't Oppelt have creatively claimed the Lincoln Theater as his address, saying that he is the "resident manager" there? If he wins the election he could be sworn in and resign later, which would allow the council to appoint someone to fill his vacant seat rather than handing it to French.
    You're right, CK. This situation stinks of a dastardly and cowardly "Fix".
    Citizens, Unite and Write-in!!!

    1. Gosh gee, and you make that decision to sell a house at the very last minute, and people are just standing on the doorstep to buy it.
      Yeah, SURPRISE!

  3. Indeed...write in Whetham and Smith. Even if you don't like them, there is no way that you can LIKE these two idiots(Negus and Oppelt)rigging the election.

    They were joined at the hip in this (signs nestled close) and both dropped out. Huh, and who can tell me this wasn't PLANNED from the start?

    French is so PRO fluoride he sloshes when he walks. On three different occasions he said that he "would vote for fluoride if the citizens vote was close enough" and put it back into the water. Meanwhile Moran is a meat puppet for "them old time powers" and claims to be "agnostic" on the issue (but likes to point out how he only drinks bottled water, so what ever bothers those poor people doesn't apply to him).
    This place stinks more than ever before.

  4. Let's remember back not so long ago, when, during the primary, good ol' Ohole was skipping out on all sorts of debates and forums that really are pretty much mandatory for anyone running for office.

    Looking back on that, and seeing how Ohole wasn't willing to invest any time or energy into those events, gee, it's almost like he knew he wouldn't ACTUALLY be running for office. Gosh, in fact, I'd say it was practically psychic of him.

    Hmmm...Either that, or, could it be he just knew the fix was in, and was in on it?

    1. Don't overlook the PDC. Maybe this isn't just local?

    2. Not that I've found.
      It's local alright.

    3. He was on mini-reporting with the Public Disclosure Commission, claiming total campaign contributions of less than $5K. Probably because he was piggybacking off others' campaign money during his publicity stunt. Like the huge wood signs that are still up, and the joint signs with whathisname the "other" candidate. The PDC might want to look into how that was paid for, among other things.

  5. How was anyone robbed?

    It is clear that Smith & Wetham are not well liked or they wold have carried at least enough votes to be second in a three person race.

    1. BECAUSE - it is so obvious as to be painful - when you have people sign up as candidates, who have no real intention to run for office...Indeed, people whose real intention is to skew the results and then drop out...Then that makes the whole process dishonest, thereby ROBBING people of having a real, honest choice. Information is withheld, results are unfairly and dishonestly distorted. It's a lie, a cheat. The whole affair is based on deception. It makes a mockery of an open and honest and informed election.

      Does that clear things up for you?

    2. Bernie Sanders staying in the race to the bitter end. 14 republicans splitting the party.

      We Get Trump.

      This is how politics works. It is not new.

      Tell the voters what they want to hear to win the election or else you lose.

    3. Thanks for stating it clearly for ALL to see, and hopefully, understand.

      Too many people are telling themselves "it isn't THAT bad", and are just going along with the crazy stuff that goes on in this town.

      No. It IS that bad.

    4. Bullshit, 8:41pm, only a small percentage of the registered voters voted in the primary. It's hardly a gauge of "liked" nor not liked, and it's pretty difficult to get much contact with the average citizen from the middle of May (when one registers to vote) June and July (when many people are out on vacation). The fact that the primary is the first Tuesday in August is pretty darn unfair to the candidates. (It would be so much better if it were September 1).
      And, how much can anyone know if they "like or don't like" any candidates. How do YOU FEEL about those left in the race?
      Clearly you are ignorant about all of it, and jump to the simplest answer. "ooh, not liked".

    5. But on the other hand, if only a small percentage of the people bother to respond to a fluoridation survey, that's the rock-solid cast-iron voice of the people. Unh-hunh.

  6. What are you going to do when you lose this vote? Will you finally do the right thing and leave?

    1. Who are you talking to? Clarify, please. Which vote? Which person? Clarify, please.

  7. Here's the latest from Ohole, taking a very Ahole approach to things. Way to bow out with class and grace, Ohole...

    In the primary, French garnered 39 percent of the vote (1,449 votes), Oppelt had 34 percent (1,281 votes) and Whetham had 27 percent (1,003 votes).

    Oppelt on Monday dismissed Whetham’s chances of defeating French had Oppelt dropped out earlier.

    “Lee Whetham never had a chance,” he said.

    “He never was able to get out of the primary.

    “That pretty much shows his support was gone.”

    Oppelt said he was not concerned that Whetham might feel shortchanged by Oppelt dropping out of the race so late.

    “Lee Whetham’s feelings on this issue are of no concern of mine,” Oppelt said.

    “I ran because our city needed new, strong council members.”

    Oppelt endorsed French for the position Monday.

    “The mission is accomplished in getting new council members up there,” Oppelt said.

    1. Boycott the Gastro Pub, Moss's and any other business interest related to the asshole. Dry up his finances and show him we do not approve of his tactics.

    2. " “The mission is accomplished in getting new council members up there,” Oppelt said."

      Right. The plan has been successfully executed.

    3. There is no logic whatsoever to O-Hole's words.

    4. Yes to a boycott! Boycott and write in. Both are good.

    5. Technically you can’t boycott and write-in.

    6. Uh, technically, yes, yes you can. One does not cancel the other out, if that's what your (vague) comment is suggesting.

    7. I'm guessing Anon 7:27 is thinking people are calling for both a boycott of the election, and a write-in campaign. That is the only way the comment makes any sense.

      But, perhaps I'm wrong. This IS Port Angeles.

    8. BOYCOTT Oholes business ventures. Do a write in vote for the goofy elections. Vote against fluoride. Vote for change of government.

      The cliff notes, for those of you not paying attention.

      There will be a test in November.

    9. What is so hilariously obvious are the comments that assert the people cannot do a certain action against the mob that rules.
      Those kind of coments strongly suggest that the poster is part of the problem, and trying to keep the status quo.

      A consensus on a write-in campaign sounds great!
      But how do you good folks intend to rally the ignorant villagers on this, as well as the reclassification of the city?

    10. I used to tell everyone to go to the GastroPub. Not any more. I specifically tell them to avoid the place.

    11. Just did the write-ins on my ballot. And felt good about it.

  8. Yes, the fix is in in Port Angeles. That's why Port Angeles can never BE fixed. We're broken beyond repair at this point, and no one in the wider world cares. They just stay away and laugh at our ineptitude.

  9. Off topic question (I think) but....does anyone know what ever happened to toxic Teresa Pierce from city hall?
