Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Shell Game, and She'll Lie - Further Adventures at the Port Angeles Port

The following all came in as comments on an earlier topic, but I thought they needed a more prominent location, so I'm cutting and pasting them here...Thanks to Mr. Binswanger for sharing all of this with us.

Hi Crypt Kicker - I just posted this in response to the most recent PDN CRTC piece. In case they delete it, I'm posting here so you can have a record of it. Here it is...

To whom it may concern:

I believe it is vitally important for Clallam County citizens to know some truths about the Port of Port Angeles and its support of the CRTC from a person who has first hand knowledge.

Fact: The Port was awarded a $2M reimbursable grant from the US Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration to offset funds the Port spent building out the Port owned CRTC building. (EDA Project Number: 07 01 07214). One of the conditions of that reimbursable grant was that the Port charge “fair commercial rental value.” While working at the Port, among other things, I was tasked with oversight of the Port’s business with the CRTC including working toward a long-term lease with the CRTC that would meet EDA approval. During this work, I discovered Port Executive Director Karen Goschen had executed a Memorandum of Understanding that committed the Port to a ten year lease with the CRTC at a rental rate below fair market value.

Fact: At a Port commission meeting on January 09, 2017, I brought to the attention of the commission the fair market rental deficiency in the agreements with the CRTC Ms. Goshen executed on behalf of the Port and the negative ramifications it may have in regard to the $2M reimbursable EDA grant. In response to my report to the commission, Commissioner Burke commented that the Port could play a “shell game” with the money.

Fact: On January 23, 2017, I met with Port Human Resources manager Holly Hairell and informed her that I wanted to take action regarding Ms. Goschen’s insistence I be complicit in this unethical action about the CRTC and EDA.

Fact: After I informed Ms. Hairell about Ms. Goschen’s insistence I be complicit in the unethical action about the CRTC and EDA on January 23, 2017, Ms. Hairell called Mr. Nutter and informed him of our meeting who then reported this to Ms. Goschen, who in turn placed me on paid administrative leave effective immediately.

Fact: Several days after placing me on paid administrative leave, Mr. Nutter served me papers on behalf of the Port alleging I was Insubordinate and of unsatisfactory conduct. Ultimately, Ms. Goschen dismissed me for this purported insubordination and unsatisfactory conduct.

Fact: The Washington State Office of Administrative Hearings conducted a hearing in April and May of this year and despite an overwhelming preponderance of evidence proving the Port retaliated against me for reporting improper governmental action, Administrative Law Judge Lisa Dublin inexplicably ruled that the Port did not retaliate against me. (OAH Docket number: 02-2017-GOV-0004)

On page 8 of ALJ Dublin’s July 17, 2017, Final Order, in subsections 4.15. and 4.16., she states in part: 4.15. “At the Port commission meeting on January 9, 2017, Mr. Binswanger brought to the attention of the commission what he determined to be a financial discrepancy of approximately $79,000.00…” “Ms. Goschen and Finance & Administration Director John Nutter recalled Commissioner Burke commenting that the Port could play a “shell game” with the money.” “Commissioners Burke, Beauvais, and McAleer did not recall any such statement.”; 4.16. “Based on the totality of the circumstances, I resolve conflicting testimony in favor of Ms. Goschen and Mr. Nutter, finding that Commissioner Burke suggested playing a shell game to account for the financial discrepancy.”

On page 15 of ALJ Dublin’s July 17, 2017, Final Order, in subsection 5.9, she states in part: “In the present case, over the course of his communication with Ms. Hairell on January 23, 2017 in person…Mr. Binswanger reported alleged improper governmental activity, i.e. filed a whistleblower claim, relative to the CRTC lease and the EDA…”

...And Nutter wouldn't melt.


Fact: On August 16, 2017, I filed a Petition for Judicial Review with Thurston County Superior Court. (Case number 17-2-04663-34)

In closing, it is my hope that this post will not be removed and Clallam County citizens will become aware of this vitally important information. As of late last week, I was informed by the EDA that the Port has neglected to request at least 40% of the grant awarded to it. A question as to why the Port has not requested these funds should be asked.

I recognize that there will be Port supporters that believe I am writing this because I am disgruntled. I also recognize that the Port will go to almost any lengths to make me out to be the “bad guy”; they’ve done a good job at manipulating facts to harm my credibility and to interfere with my business endeavors thus far. The truth is, I am understandably unhappy about the way the Port has treated me and behaved, and I am also deeply disturbed none of the commissioners or senior staff (except for me) objected to commissioner Burke’s suggestion that the Port do a “shell game” with public funds. In my humble opinion, there is never ever an appropriate circumstance to suggest let alone to do a “shell game” with funds one is a fiduciary for. *Merriam-Webster’s definition of a “shell game” is in part: “Fraud; especially: a swindle involving the substitution of something of little or no value for a valuable item.” Dictionary.com’s definition of a “shell game” is in part: “any deceit, swindle, fraud, or the like.” Google’s definition of a “shell game” is in part: “a deceptive and evasive action or ploy…” TheFreeDictionary.com’s definition of a shell game is in part: “any swindle or fraud”.

Quite simply, the behavior of the Port is not surprising to me based on what I know about its history but nonetheless, it is wrong. At this time, it appears Clallam County citizens have been deprived of another $800,000.00! It also appears Clallam County citizens may not be aware of what Ms. Goschen testified was $8.2M in public funds spent on the CRTC endeavor thus far….an endeavor that has purportedly earned a whopping $28,000.00 and employs 17 people! Just imagine how far $8,200,000.00+ could go to create actual living wage jobs for Clallam County citizens if these funds were entrusted to honest and competent business persons?

On the many signs placed around our county for incumbent commissioner McAleer, the slogan reads in part: “Integrity”, “Vision” and, “Experience”. I ask the voters and citizens of Clallam County to consider the facts I have laid out, and to ask yourselves if this commissioner, or the other commissioners and Port staff that seemed to be complicit in one of the commissioners suggesting the Port do a “shell game” with the public’s money, have shown “integrity”? Or, “vision”? Other than a vision for squandering millions of dollars of the public's money for headlines? Or, “Experience”? Other than experience in patting themselves on the back for their great “vision”.

Sincerely at the citizens of Clallam County’s service,

Daniel Binswanger

PS - I have shared all pertinent and factual information related to this matter with PDN reporters, who thus far have neglected to follow up with me in any way. As of this writing, I remain available to share my experience and the truth that surrounds it with the PDN or other concerned citizens.


  1. I'm not sure what the issue is, here!

    Seems like Mr. Binswanger has laid out the facts, and that the Port doesn't dispute that a "shell game" was proposed by our elected representatives. That the State oversight entity cleared the Port is just one more of many such examples of how the public is NOT served by these entities. I can think of quite a few multi-million dollar scams Port Angeles tax payers are on the hook for, that State oversight entities determined were just all okay.

    It is disgusting.

    1. Why do power and criminality go so well together?

    2. It is more than disgusting, it is ILLEGAL.
      So, what are we going to do about it? We, meaning, as citizens of the area, who are affected by this crazy stuff?

  2. Perhaps Binswanger should make a full report of this to the State Auditors office which will do a full investigation and hopefully report it.

    1. No downside to that. Plus file with the AG's office. And the inspector general for the federal Department of Commerce.

      To hell with those self-serving bastards!

    2. As much as I appreciate Mr. Binswanger taking the time to post this information here, it does seem like maybe it would be more productive to share this elsewhere? If the state isn't interested, maybe the Seattle/Tacoma media might be?

    3. Hello readers: If you read my additional comments you will see that I am going through what I believe are correct progressive measures to get the matter I've exposed heard by the right people.

      Also, I'd like you all to know I've written the Lead Whistleblower Investigator at the WA State Auditors office. Maybe, just maybe, this matter will rise to a level of interest for her to pay it the attention it deserves.

      If enough of us complain loud enough, we may be able to make meaningful change in our County. I encourage you all to do your part, PLEASE make your voices heard!


  3. So the bloom is off the Rose. Thank you Mr. Binswanger for shining the light on Colleen's marijuana induced haze.

    It is ok for her to destroy careers as a whistle blower and then snuff out a whistle blower.

    She has ZERO integrity, a close personal friend of Edna Peterson, Randy Johnson, and others.

    Mr. Binswanger you should connect with your predecessor who also left (albeit quietly) who had the EXACT same issues but elected to remain silent.

    Hit McAleer where they hit Dale Wilson - go after the TEAM McAleer empire today.

  4. Thank you, Crypt Kicker! This has been a lonely and traumatic experience fighting a "gang" of people trying to cover up what seems to be malfeasance. I worked hard to bring genuine industry (manufacturing) to our county and I would not go along with what was at that time was a multi-million dollar "mistake" by the Port executive director. Obviously, if this came to lite it would've made one particular commissioners look wet bad and would jeopardize her re-election. Also, it's unbelievable to me let Commissioner Burke suggested the Port "do a shell game" with a financial discrepancy and an administrative law judge excused it as a generally accepted accounting principle! WTH! I feel like I've been in an episode of the twilight zone! I ask you, your readers and your friends to join me in exposing this wrongdoing. I will gladly meet with this group to do my part...and, you can all rest assured knowing I have overwhelming evidence to support my claims. Thanks again for helping me to feel I am not all alone out here in the wilderness. I love the beauty and majesty of our county, but the welcome mat has been more of a steemroller trying to roll me out of town.

    1. Welcome to Clallam County. All of this is business as usual.

  5. I think several of us should complain to the State Auditors office....takes at least 4 people for them to actually start paying attention (or so it was with the old Mayor, Ms.Rogers).

    1. As previously posted, I've reached out to the WA State Auditor's lead whistleblower investigator. I'm not sure if it requires at least 4 people to complain before she pays attention though I guess it couldn't hurt at this point. Following is her contact info...

      Cheri Elliott, Lead Whistleblower Investigator
      (360) 725-5358

  6. Perhaps Colleen McAleer is more dangerous than you suspect.

    She encouraged Randy Johnson to take Hallett’s position when he quit in disgust. The only Problem-Randy is an owner of Green Crow! substantial conflict of interest kept him from being confirmed.

    Plan B - ask Steve Burke - lifeguard and poolboy at the William Shore Pool.

    Remember Burke was appointed by McAleer he didn’t run for office. He is doing Colleen’s bidding.

    1. I doubt that no-one underestimates the crazy that is McAleer, however, I doubt she is crazy enough to actually resort to anything thta would get back to her. She relies on people not fighting back.
      Yes, the Seattle Times, KOMO news, and perhaps some other news groups could have fun with this. After all, they report more about the Peninsula than the PDN has in more than two decades.

    2. Colleen will throw EVERYONE under the bus to save her own ass.

      Karen Goschen is at greatest risk as she would lose her job. Second is Burke.

  7. She certainly does appear to have a firm grasp on situational ethics doesn’t she.

  8. So both Nutter and Goschen remember the shell game statement. But none of the commissioners can?

    And then Nutter is forced to leave?

    Sounds like President McAleer is a disaster. How long do we put up with Team McAleer destroying our community and stealing our resources?

  9. I am compelled to follow rules in getting my case heard by higher authority or risk having the matter thrown out. First, I had to allow the Port to invesitgate itself. What a joke! Second, I had to request a hearing with the Office of Administratvie Hearings. The ALJ in this matter had overwhelming evidence of retaliation and wrongdoing yet in her ruling highlighted the very most detrimental manipulated info about me and ignored almost all of the rest! There is more than 30 hours of recorded transcript of this hearing that includes most of the Port witnesses perjuring themsleves! Third, I've filed a Petition for Judicial Review with the WA Superior Court where they will review evidence admitted in the OAH hearing. Part of the Petition for Judicial Review included providing notification of the matter to the WA AG. I've followed what I believe is the correct course of action as to prevent them from throwing my case out due to not following procedure. What else can I do?!

    Further, I have contacted the Seattle Times and KIRO...but this must be too small for them or the Port has too many "fiends" there. I've provided Gottlieb and Major at the PDN overwhelming evidence and they've taken no action."Fiends" again!

    Up till now, I've been a lone wolf. My goal is not to do damage to citizens of our county, it's to expose what seems to be a crystal clear case of malfeasance and abuse of authority. It also seems citizens would be interested in knowing how much the Port has spent thus far fighting me using Port staff hours and multiple lawyers and law firms.

    I need citizens to call the PDN and insist they report on this! I need citizens to stand with me in this fight! I am right here in plane sight! Complaining behind the safety of a computer is one thing, but standing (or marching) together is something else! READERS: PLEASE make your voices heard! I am offering myself up and I have an insiders viewpoint and evidence to support my claims...however, I can't do this forever. At some point I'll have to move on but for now, I'm still trying to fight the good fight!


    1. Sorry to read all this, Daniel. Sadly, as you are finding out, the "system" of supposed oversight, checks and balances, and all the other process we are told that are in place to protect us and our freedoms, was corrupted long ago.

      Little piece at a time, the legislators have spent years gutting the laws, changing language and building in protections so that the powers-that-be can continue benefiting from their privileges.

      The PDN is part of the same group in Port Angeles, so don't look for any help from them. Same with the I-5 media. They like the gory crashes and storm damaged scenes because there is no need to take sides in a dispute.

      Also sadly, you are not the first well-intentioned person in this town to shout out, ask for help, and stand alone.

      People have seen "the system" now serves and supports the well-off, and has no interest in helping anybody else.

      Look what happened a year ago, when people packed the City Council chambers to protest the councils actions concerning fluoride? The acting mayor shut the entire meeting down. The council set about to pass more regulations to further silence any forms of public protest and disagreement.

      I'm not saying give up. In fact, fight smart.

      But first and foremost, take care of yourself.

  10. I like the idea of Komo4 or Seattle Times.

    No one in Puerto de Angeles has any pull with media over there and they Lovvvve making fun of our banjo-fiddle deliverance style of living.

    1. that isn't true. Several people have some pull with the media "over there". How do you think some of our goofy stuff ends up on the news elsewhere?

  11. I don’t understand why any of this is a surprise. Once the get into office they fight to stay there for life! Chapman, Ozias and now McAleer. It doesn’t matter age or gender!

  12. You have no idea what damage Colleen has caused to Port tenants. You have no idea what damage Steve Tharinger has caused against local businesses. Both have aligances to their government whores to take whatever they can without regard to the consequences. Lie, cheat, steal, extort and there isn't a damn thing you or anybody can do about it. All these trees and no hangings.

  13. So the CRTC gets below market rent because Colleen McAleer wants the project to succeed but to get her Job Colleen McAleer is a whistleblower because Jeff Rob gave below market rents.

    What a lying piece of white trash!


  14. Isn’t Colleen McAleer the latest evolution of Karen Rogers, Edna Peterson, Cherie Kidd, etc.?

  15. Anyone who moves to Clallam without first reading this blog does so at their peril.

    Mr. Binswanger is certainly not the first honest person to get the royal treatment. Hopefully he will master the legal issues and successfully argue his court appeal. But even court rulings won't change the psychosis that Clallam County is.

    1. I know...at some point you have to feel great empathy and sympathy for people, like Mr. Binswanger, who move here and get the rude awaking from the rubes and 2nd rate con-artists that populate the ruling class in this area.
      The stupidity is amazing, but what is really shocking is how they keep getting away with it. Makes you wonder "is this really how things work".
      The decline in America is staggering.

  16. Your blog is closed effective today!

    1. LOL! Here we go again.

      As we get towards the end of the month, the allocation of monthly meds starts to run low, or has been used up.

      The Docs know people like this troll can't be trusted to manage things, doncha know.

    2. Sounds suspiciously similar to what Goschen wrote to me after I made my report of her improper governmental action to Holly Hairell. She wrote something like: your on leave effective immediately!

      I’m curious to know who wrote “Your blog is closed effective today!”

      I’m sure you don’t work for the Port and she can’t close your blog “for personal reasons” and because “she’s in charge and can do whatever she wants” as she testified during the hearing held in my case.

      Seems like someone is getting upset about this matter coming to light...

    3. Wow! I've never posted on a closed blog before! Especially one that I moderate! This is a totally new experience!

      As for the clueless, pathetic, impotent threats...Not such a new experience. But, gosh, I'm still here.

    4. 3:27 just goes to show that many in Port Angeles are not only psychotic, but moronic to boot. In short, psychomoronic!

    5. CK, I think the moron hasn't figured out that you have control over what appears on this site. The idiot figured they would just post "This blog is closed..", it would show up, and everyone would accept their post as fact.

      I know, it sounds stupid. Stupid is, as stupid does.

    6. Well, I don't FEEL closed. In fact, I still feel open to accepting and approving comments that expose the crooks, con artists and liars of Clallam County.

      As for approving comments from clueless, pathetic, impotent trolls...Not so much. Ineffective today!

    7. Oh, okay. I get it now. When I came home tonight, I CLOSED the door behind me. Is that what you meant???

    8. Slept well last night, with my eyes CLOSED the whole time. Is that what you meant???

  17. Psssstt....CK, your admirer is back...the troll from the depths of stupid. I sure want to know how they're going to persuade blogspot to close your blog.

    Ego trumps intelligence in this town.

  18. UPDATE: I received a call from Jesse Major yesterday and we spoke for almost 40 minutes. During the call, among other things, he confirmed he spoke with Ms. Goschen and she apparently told him Mr. Burke’s use of “shell game” was a “poor choice of words”! And also that “they” often use that term to describe accounting for funds! It seems to me any reasonably intelligent person would recognize that is a ridiculous excuse for the unambiguous intention of Mr. Burke’s words. We also discussed the CRTC lease/mou/appraisal in relation to the $2M EDA grant. Jesse mentioned that Ms. Goschen said she was able to get a March 2017 addendum to the John Halberg MAI appraisal that more met the needs of the original agreements, however the addendum letter was NOT from John Halberg MAI as he had sadly passed away before then. I also proved to Jesse that I lawfully filed a whistleblower claim on January 23rd, hours before Ms. Goschen placed me on leave. The dots are easy to align. I believe the facts clearly prove malfeasance and a ruse by the Port to cover it up, and also a deplorable retaliation against me for reporting it. Citizens need to question their elected officials and wonder how they could’ve “forgotten” Mr. Burke’s words and done nothing about it. I hope the PDN takes this vitally important factual info and gives it the front page space it deserves, and I hope the truth of this matter compels the Port to clean house once and for all! I am still in the area and willing to do my part in restructuring and reorganizing this organization. To me, it is a crying shame the Port’s assets seem so poorly managed and underutilized; the dereliction in the oversight of the airport alone is enough to make one wonder WTH is going on! What happened to a government “by the people and for the people”! I think that saying was meant for ALL of the people, not just those in power and their cronies at the top of the economic food chain.

    PS ~ It seems the PDN has been getting pressure to pay attention to this matter. If you’re so inclined, please do what you can to keep the pressure on the PDN till they give this the front page space it deserves. I recognize the Port will continue to do all it can to malign and defame me, but I am not a quitter and I will NOT give up this fight. *If anything sinister happens to me or my family, you all know where to point law enforcement...the Port has millions of reasons to want to shut me up!

    1. You obviously don't know the PDN. They do not exist to print facts or real news. They exist to support the status quo power structure. No amount of pressure will change the management, esp. at the top (Mr. Black, who is a real scumbag).

    2. Even if the PDN prints something, you can be assured it will be written to make the Port look great, and you wrong.

    3. Propaganda Distraction Newsletter..is what PDN stands for, right?

  19. It's looking like the blog is still open as far as I can see! I love toddlers who stamp their feet and insist that something is "so" simply because they say it is.

  20. Daniel keep the faith!

  21. Open Letter to PDN

    Many are following the current controversial election and campaign between Colleen McAleer and Michael Cobb.

    The PDN archives are filled with the recent history which center Ms Colleen McAleer at most challenges facing the Port of Port Angeles. This includes the following:

    Whistle blowing against Jeff Robb to remove a 30+ year experienced Port Executive Director.

    Operational turmoil driving out 30+ year experienced Port Executive Director O'Hollaren

    Installing inexperienced Karen Goschen as Executive Director

    Note that Karen's "Port" experience starts in 2012 with the Port of Port Angeles. She is promoted to Deputy Director under a strong experienced Director (Ken O'Hollaren) and is rapidly promoted to Executive Director in 2016. Honestly 4 years experience is insufficient which leaves her open to manipulation by the Port Commission who you will see below are woefully inexperienced.

    Commissioner McAleer has also effectively driven away professional business development personnel including Jennifer States and Daniel Binswanger. Dan Gase is a local jack of all trades including semi-successful realtor, security guard, city councilman and other assorted jobs to cobble together a living.

    Departure of John Nutter is a red flag. The Finance Director has additional responsibility and accountability in their role. He confirmed the "shell-game" comments by Burke. Shell-game is not a term that is used in any other context than to hide and cover up. There is a problem and Mr. Nutter has left distance himself from accountability and responsibility.

    Commission turmoil resulting in long term Commissioners, Calhoun and Hallett retirement or resignation.

    Replacing long-term commissioners with inexperienced Commissioners Beauvis and Burke.

    Note Hallett's forced resignation was particularly painful. Colleen McAleer personally asked Randy Johnson to apply for the open position promising she would get him approved. Unfortunately Colleen's inexperience failed to recognize that Randy's ownership interest in Green Crow would create excessive conflicts of interest in voting on Port activity. This was highly embarrassing to Randy but he was able to get a county commissioners position.

    Smear campaigns to defeat Paul McHugh for her first run at the Commission while she was a Port Employee.

    Smear campaign against Michael Cobb currently underway in her bid to retain her seat.

    Note: Much has been made about donors to Cobb but lets talk about McAleer's supporters.

    Team McAleer: While family supporting family is not unusual there is a conflict of interest in that the family makes money on Real Estate transactions and there are numerous conflicts and potential conflicts with the Port's operations and real estate holdings. This can be as blatant as the direct buying and selling of property or as subtle as buying and selling of adjacent property.

    Alan Crain: Mr. Crain is the CFO of Kitsap Bank and the Chairman of the Board Director for Washington Business Alliance where Colleen McAleer works as their Executive Director. His residence is not in Clallam County and would not appear to have an interest in our local campaign. No need to look far for potential conflicts of interest. Inside knowledge of Port activities would benefit Kitsap Bank's lending and investing activities. Certainly as an individual in control of Ms McAleer's employment and wages with the Washington Business Alliance there is additional conflict.

    There is more, but this is enough to get you started. At the heart of the problem is Colleen McAleer.

    Confirmation will come if you ask off the record and confirmation will come when you receive few if any positive supportive comments of her actions or activities.

    You may want to inquire why she is no longer with the successful Team McAleer Real Estate operations, is it because she was so disruptive? You may also note the lack of long-term employment anywhere.

  22. 5:04 - holy shit that is extensive when you add DB’s claims.

    There has to be someone directing McAleer.

    When you talk to her in person she seems intelligent at first. After a week you know she is parroting the words and thoughts of others.

    1. Welcome to how corrupt our county is, and how it's all for a small few, and the rest of us can go shoot up some heroin or something.

  23. From: Daniel J Binswanger
    Date: October 21, 2017 at 8:00:43 AM PDT
    To: jmajor@peninsuladailynews.com
    Cc: pgottlieb@peninsuladailynews.com
    Subject: WA State Auditor Finding on PoPA: Material Weaknesses: We identified deficiencies that we consider to be material weaknesses.


    The following link to the WA State Auditor’s most recent findings may be a reason at least $800K of the EDA’s $2M reimbursable grant has not been disbursed to the Port. http://portal.sao.wa.gov/ReportSearch/Home/ViewReportFile?arn=1019672&isFinding=false&sp=false.pdf

    Of note is the auditors findings in regard to federal awards, that includes:
    Material Weaknesses: We identified deficiencies that we consider to be material weaknesses.

    This is another factual example of the Port’s negligence (Ms. Goschen’s malfeasance) in complying with the EDA award conditions, and it’s another reason for the PDN to report news that effects Clallam County citizens.


    Daniel Binswanger

    1. Well I am sure commissioner Connie and Commissioner Stevie saw the audit but they are the junior and appointed commissioner’s respectively.

      Our esteemed Commission President Colleeny did abso-fuckin-lutely nothing about having deficiencies and losing $800,000 did she? What do you suppose she would say if it were Jeff Robb and say Paul McHugh instead of The Karen&Colleen show?

      Vote McAleer - liar, con-artist and blame shifter.

    2. Mr. Binswanger, you are wasting your time with anyone at PDN. Especially that crack-whore Gottlieb whose nose is browner than feces itself.

  24. Colleen can fire Karen Goschen and make Diso-Danny Gase the Port Executive Director.

    He can then put Flouride in the harbor and Sequim Bay to make sure the salmon don’t get tooth decay.

    He can hire Laurel Black as Business Development, Edna Peterson can run the gift shop at Fairchild International Airport, Cheri Kidd and Pat Downie can be Mr and Mrs Senior Citizen representing all that is old in Port Angeles.

    Employment for life

    1. I'd laugh, if it weren't so sad.

  25. This can’t be real. You know if you brought a reality TV show up here you would make a zillion dollars and solve the poverty issue.

    One show on the Politics.

    I swear it would “kill” in ratings sweeps.

  26. The politicians are well intentioned but unqualified that allows the powers to continue to make their fortunes. There is more wealth in Clallam than you might think.

    Are you ready to open that can of worms?

    1. This blog has been opening the can for years.

      The big question is what you do with the facts. Up to now, only a handful here & there have stood up and attempted real structural change. But unfortunately it really does take the whole village (as a bigger hardened criminal pointed out in her book).

    2. Are you suggesting policitians who were apparently complicit in a “fraud” are well intentioned?!

      Of course there is vast wealth in Clallam County, but one can hope there are more wealthy and powerful that genuinely care about their county and citizens than otherwise. We should all hope that the good-hearted “powers” to be in our county will make their voices heard in objecting to improprieties from elected officials and local government employees.

      PS - It seems like the “can of worms” has already been opened, and it is rancid! Or, is your comment meant as a threat?

    3. "Good-hearted powers making their voices heard"?
      What are you taking, gotta get me some! LOL

  27. 9:24 - good hearted people would not be supporting Colleen McAleer, Cheri Kidd, Mark Ozias, Randy Johnson, etc.

    NOONE has named the back room powers that put the puppets in place and manipulate the revolving door of well-intentioned buffoons who make huge mistakes like publicly saying “shell-game”.

    If you know what the fuck you’re doing you don’t make that public statement do you?

    NO! You quietly play the game and make the problem away.

    You don’t say “that is an accounting term we use all the time”.

    McAleer ordered the below market rents to make the CRTC look better but had no idea she fouled the grant and caused the Audit result to show MATERIAL MISTAKES! She has no idea what the fuck she is doing.
