The aim of this blog, though it may have a snotty tone at times, is to share information. To give people access to some facts, and to allow them a venue in which to share facts themselves. The general focus of such fact-finding explorations - and occasional mockery - is the deep, abiding, corrosive corruption that has taken hold in Clallam County. You know, the type of corruption that kills entire communities, and shatters individual lives within those communities.
In other words, we're focused on the poison in the well.
Now, you'd think there'd be very few people willing to advocate, even anonymously, in favor of the poison. Right? I mean, in theory, political corruption is something that everyone - except for the morally bankrupt few actually participating in it - is against.
And yet...You've all seen the crazy pushback I've been receiving of late. (Which is to say, you've seen a fraction of the threats, insults and assorted ravings that I've allowed through for demonstration purposes.) Which leaves me with some questions.
But first, let me explain that, out of all the various threats, insults and assorted lunatic ravings I've received here, only a tiny, tiny percentage of them ever even come close to objecting to a subject because they say I have the facts wrong. You've seen that with the recent threats I've let through. They aren't saying, "Hey, asshole, you've got the facts all wrong and need to correct them!" No. They're saying, "Shut up or else!"
This failure to challenge the facts presented here leads me to believe that said facts are - in fact! - closer to the truth than not. Would that not be a fairly logical conclusion to come to?
Having concluded that, I have to wonder, as I stated above, who in their right mind is it that is advocating in favor of the poison in the system?
Related to all that...So many of the threats, insults and full moon lunatic ravings that come in berate this blog. Run it down. I'm a "loser." No one reads it. My readers are all figments of my imagination. It's "irrelevant." And did I mention that no one reads it?
Now, if all of that is true...Why be so upset? If this blog is irrelevant, has no readers, etc., then why would anyone care what is said here? Let me put it this way: Peter Ripley can say anything he likes about me, or anything else, because it doesn't matter. No one reads his blog. He's a one watt radio station, broadcasting to nowhere. If Peter Ripley said the vilest, meanest, most untrue things possible about me, I wouldn't care. I'd consider the source, and be well aware that no one is seeing what he's writing. So again, if this blog is as marginal as its critics maintain...Why are they so upset?
Which leads to...What kind of creep and cretin makes un-American threats to someone just because they disagree with their perspective? Really? That's your land of the free? We're all free to see things exactly like you do, and no other way? Wow, comrade, that sounds pretty much like an old-fashioned Soviet Block to me.
More pointedly...What kind of creep and cretin makes un-American threats that they have no intention or ability to carry out? What kind of faux fascist foolishness is that? "I know who you are." No you don't. "I know where you live." No, you don't. And even if you did, you'd have us all believe you're going to leave the comfort of your lonely basement, leave the protective cocoon of Clallam County, travel hundreds of miles and..? What? Try to commit a felony? After leaving so many pieces of online intelligence here that already it's laughable?
And all for...What, exactly? Let me point out the exact same thing I told Scott T. Collins when he tried to bully and threaten me into shutting this blog down: I'm the only one who has the passwords to this blog. If your goal is to get this blog to go away, and something were to "happen to me," it would just stay here, floating along on the internet...Forever. Accessible and alive. So, even if your most macho fever dream were to come true, it would still be an epic fail on your part.
So, what's the point? More to the point, what the fuck is it that is so wrong in Port Angeles and Clallam County that there's so much corruption? What causes a sick few to take from so many? How many communities inspire a blog like this one? Why the hell would anyone defend the corrupt status quo? And how do these losers think they're making a difference, or making anything better, by behaving like thugs, bullies, cretins and fascists?
Port Angeles isn't a town - it's a psychological disorder given physical form. And the more you fight that fact, the more you just make it worse.