Saturday, October 22, 2016

Those Who Will Burn Travel Trailers, They Will Also, in the End, Burn People


  1. Xenophobia extends to those who are without money around here. We need to root out this "wild west" mentality, by some thugs, and get this town on track.
    That means getting a couple of council members out, because they encourage this. More fines for aggressive panhandlers (making it illegal), a council member who wants to be part of the police reserves (and who promotes Our Town).
    This is NOT how a town should run.

  2. Sadly, this is exactly the mentality Trump has validated with his campaign, and what the Republican party has been cultivating for years now. I'm not trying to get into national politics, just pointing out the reality of what we are seeing all across America these days. Same kind of mindset. White red-necks unleashed.

    1. Don't worry, you're right on target. Trump has his supporters raging against demographic/racial changes that are impossible to "fight." Port Angeles is very stressed economically. Some have sought advantage by pitting one section of the disadvantaged population against another. That doesn't actually address or solve any problem(s), but it sure does make one of those groups feel good and powerful - until the arrests start.

    2. This is the exact scenario that has worked over time, get the most disadvantaged groups fighting against each other and the powers that be just sit back and let them go at each other. Terry Gallaher started this plan locally knowing he would be out of the fray before the shit hit the fan. Shit, meet fan.

    3. Along those same lines, we see pundits speculating about what will happen after the election. Just as in the national scene, here, those supporting the vigilantes are not going to change their minds because their criminal leader got busted.

      As we know, it is the mindset that is the problem. And, it isn't about being poor, and having economic problems. Trump is not exactly homeless. Neither are all the morons at Fox "News". Nor are the white trash driving around with confederate flags, and "White Power" emblazoned in big letters on their truck.

      It isn't the homeless and needy in this town that are attacking groups of people. It is largely business owners, their friends, and family.

      It is about an ideology that tries to create a power base by instilling fear. For the economic advantage of a few.

    4. Which is exactly why, by and large, the anticipated arrests will not happen.

  3. This story should be much bigger than it is however without this blog and POC none of us would even know it happened. Nice work. :D

    1. Thanks. Bullies and thugs like this deserve all the coverage (exposure) they can get. Just wait until the regional media picks up on this. They got to the dog fucker; they'll get to this, too.

  4. Agreed, it is the leadership that give license to this kind of idiocy. Former chief of police terry gallaher promoted this group, brian smith just looks the other way. city council is too stoopid and distracted by floride to way in on the matter. When there is no leadership apparent then thugs like adam chamberlin become the defacto's that working for ya?

  5. so now that you have enacted Godwin's Rule, is this blog done for?

  6. And, since this came in on an earlier topic, because the person posting it obviously doesn't quite understand how these here bloggy things work...I thought I'd copy and paste it here, in the more current, on-topic section:

    "Anonymous October 23, 2016 at 10:37 AM

    For the record. Adam still has a ton of support in this town. Under the advisement of his legal council we have been advised NOT to comment, respond, or engage in a battle of the words with any non supporters. That is the ONLY reason any groups or admins have disbanded or stepped down. It is only in complete support of Adam and in compliance with the steps needed to aid his defense. That and a desire to remain safe in a town that is riddled with crime and drug use in which Adam knows first hand, will retaliate against their haters. SO while you all sit here and talk shit about a man who once again, put his life on the line, for YOU, we are rallying around him. What you think you know, which comes from jaded former friends or said junkies and criminals, or idiotic and uninformed journalists, is not anywhere near the actual truth."

    1. To which I'd just like to say...How do you take the "high ground" in your battle against crime, when you're engaging in crimes (theft, assault, intimidation, arson, etc.) yourselves? Really, how do you justify that? What, you burned down one travel trailer to prevent the people associated with it from burning down two travel trailers? What? Your sociopathic justification is ludicrous. And, again, YOUR actions are also ILLEGAL. Which means, YOU are a CRIMINAL, too.

    2. And, as we see with Trump supporters, logic, truth, reality and facts mean nothing with the extremists running the Our Town group. The fall back position is "Everybody else is wrong, only we and our supporters are righteous and just."

      Leadership, caught engaging in criminal activities while running the group are not the problem. Those that see it as wrong, are the problem.

      This is a clear example of why societies around the world have problems that continue, with no solutions achieved. It isn't that there are no solutions, but that there are people that cannot see them. That defend what clearly is wrong, because of ego and fear of change.

      As has been said: "The only constant is change".

    3. Just added to the conspiracy aspect of the investigation...

    4. Wow, he is gone round the bend, "put his life on the line" he really thinks he's a cop. Too bad the sheriff and the police chief told him "no thanks" when he approached them about being a volunteer. Put your life on the line by harassing homeless. Now that is what I call visions of grandeur.

    5. Hey Anon 10:37

      You post this gem: "Under the advisement of his legal council we have been advised NOT to comment, respond, or engage in a battle of the words with any non supporters. That is the ONLY reason any groups or admins have disbanded or stepped down. It is only in complete support of Adam and in compliance with the steps needed to aid his defense."

      So, what do you do? You come to this site to comment, respond, and engage, and engage in a battle of words!

      "It is only in complete support of Adam and in compliance with the steps needed to aid his defense."

      Good to see you're doing your part!

      But it begs the question. If "Our Town is all about ridding the town of crime, why does your leader need legal defense for the crimes he is alleged to have committed?

      Does "Our Town" provide any form of legal defense for the people they pass judgement on? Or, is the justice system only for "your people" in "Our Town"?

      Since Adam has been formally arrested, unlike the people your group harasses and assaults, shouldn't your group run him out of town, like all the others you seem to think should be? Or, are you tellng the community your form of justice only applies to the people you want it to. That if YOUR friends commit crimes in Port Angeles, THAT is okay, and we should come to their defense. But if they are not your friends, any suspicions you might have about somebody is good enough reason to run them out of town?

      "Funny" how vigilantes are.

    6. I interact with many of the homeless everyday..yes there are few weird characters..maybe even some scary ones but I'm much more afraid of the Chamberlain gang (not necessarily OUR TOWN) than I am the homeless and even the drug abusers who mostly mind their own business.

    7. So CK, judge and jury. You're pretty special. Do you have absolute proof of them burning the trailer or are you just blowing smoke which is your typical M.O.? Is your proof just circumstantial and hearsay? Justice isn't based on simply someones wishes for it to be true in order to look smart. You're, yes, "you are" an idiot.

    8. Hey, Anonymous 7:00 PM: Don't lecture me, try lecturing your friends and neighbors who are commenting here. I'm guessing they're worthy of your scorn as well, right?

      Also, I do assume, silly naïve me, that when law enforcement makes an arrest, that they have some sort of proof or evidence on hand. Hence, Adam Chamberlain got arrested. As for the burning trailer specifically...It sure sounds like a pretty straight-forward set-up: Known bullies and vigilantes talk and write about burning down THAT EXACT TRAILER, and, lo and behold, that very night, THAT EXACT TRAILER burns down.

      As circumstantial evidence goes, I'd say that's pretty good. It shows motive, intent, premeditation, conspiracy to commit a crime, etc.

      But hey, if you have any exculpatory evidence to offer, any facts to counter what is known at this point, please do feel free to share it. Short of that...You're just another blowhard sticking up for creeps and thugs.

    9. Reminds me of Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women, on tape, and then getting all righteously indignant when 10 or 11 women step forward to say he did to them, exactly what he bragged so proudly about doing! And, look how selectively his supporters react.

      Same thing here in Port Angeles. They talk about (and are recorded) burning down that trailer, how to do it, etc, and when it burns down, "Our Town" folks get all righteously indignant.

    10. He sure as shit didn't put his life on the line for ME. I can take care of myself thank you very much, and if I need assistance I can call the legal and lawful police authorities, not some punk kid who has a god complex and obviously an issue with his penis size.

    11. Hey CK 7:59. You silly rabbit. So you get arrested for something then that's it, your guilty, you go to jail. End of story. So, circumstantial evidence is enough for you, huh. So whatever happened to every person's right to be judged by their peers by trial? Are you saying you are forfeiting "your" rights based on circumstantial evidence?
      And now you "assume" I'm sticking up for thugs and criminals because honestly you don't agree. It's you my friend I am sticking up for. Because even you aren't perfect and may someday get falsely accused or arrested because of circumstantial evidence that may or may not be true and then you are punished when you"may" be innocent. You silly rabbit, slow down and be subjective and less reactionary.
      Your friend.

    12. Let me repeat: Hey, Anonymous 7:31 PM: Don't lecture me, try lecturing your friends and neighbors who are commenting here. I'm guessing they're worthy of your scorn as well, right?

      You also KEEP DODGING THE ISSUE, which is that there was: A) Our Town chatter about burning that travel trailer, and then B)It got burned up THAT VERY SAME NIGHT. Please tell us all why you doubt there is a connection there.

      And yes, the full facts of the matter will come out in a trial, it is hoped. But that doesn't change the fact that it all looks bad for the Our Town clowns right now.

      And, to repeat...

      Hey, Anonymous 7:31 PM: Don't lecture me, try lecturing your friends and neighbors who are commenting here. I'm guessing they're worthy of your scorn as well, right? Please direct your comments to them, not to me.

    13. Hey Anon 7:31 Hope you don't mind if I pile on, here, and ask about the post above:

      "But it begs the question. If "Our Town is all about ridding the town of crime, why does your leader need legal defense for the crimes he is alleged to have committed?

      Does "Our Town" provide any form of legal defense for the people they pass judgement on? Or, is the justice system only for "your people" in "Our Town"?

      Since Adam has been formally arrested, unlike the people your group harasses and assaults, shouldn't your group run him out of town, like all the others you seem to think should be? Or, are you tellng the community your form of justice only applies to the people you want it to. That if YOUR friends commit crimes in Port Angeles, THAT is okay, and we should come to their defense. But if they are not your friends, any suspicions you might have about somebody is good enough reason to run them out of town?"

      So, we all are to play nicey-nice with Adam and his crew because, he has yet to go to trial. And, as you say: " So, circumstantial evidence is enough for you, huh. So whatever happened to every person's right to be judged by their peers by trial? Are you saying you are forfeiting "your" rights based on circumstantial evidence?"

      That Adam is to get the presumption of innocence he and his supporters won't give to others? They don't hesitate to play judge, jury, and executioner. But they expect different when it comes to THEM. THEY deserve to be treated differently. Because ?

    14. Wow. For you to ASSUME I am part of Adams group or my friend is crazy. For you to ASSUME I am part of "Our Town" and they are my people shows your complete ignorance and actually shows you are just like Adam in judgment of others. So really you are the very same as those you damn. Well CK, this is your blog, you chose this subject with your slant on it and it shows your followers are just as ignorant and hypocritical as you. So much so that you are afraid to print the critical comments you get about you that are true.

    15. Dear Anonymous 8:24 AM...Please allow me to stand up for myself, and those commenting here, and say that I don't think many of us have, oh, I dunno, torched someone else's property.

      So, if you really and truly think that our condemnation of whoever did that is equal to the actual act of arson, well, it's your right to believe what you want to believe. But just a little tip: Don't assume that a lot of other people will see things the same way. Many people, possibly even most people, would see an actual, violent, dangerous crime as being worse than condemning the actions of the criminals committing it.

      Oh, and that doesn't make us hypocrites, by the way.

    16. @Anon 8:24 What am I missing? What do you think is being ASSUMED ? What slant do you feel is unjustified?

      Should we be supporting crime? Adam WAS arrested and charged. Do you dispute that?

      Where is the hypocrisy? I really don't see what you're saying. Please explain.

  7. Adam has not "put his life on the line". What a crock of crap.

    Fear mongering, and vigilantism are the tools of the weak and stupid.

    They have never done anything other than bring shame to a town. From the moment we were branded in the National Media as a Vigilante Town (2013, Drum case) by a solvent sniffer (that some really celebrated, it was weird) we have accumulated some very bad types of people who have come here, trying to dole out their own form of "justice". Which is just violence with a really broad rationalization.

    All it does is further polarize a town, and cause more fear. Its hurting us, not helping, in any way.

    They're just thugs, folks. Just thugs.

    And, as for all the old (should know better) women who are scared of their own shadows, and encouraging these idiots, I have one thing to say: grow up,get a grip.

    1. I'm reminded of the local Democrats who brought in Steve Markwell to frighten elderly Pasty Feeley, who (at the time) held some influence...I'm reminded of grandpa Butch Hoare trying to manhandle Tyler out of a public event...I'm reminded of Jim McEntire's entire awful, sexist, bullying campaign against Linda Barnfather...Meanwhile, Barnfather was being bullied by her own party behind the scenes...I'm reminded of Grant Munro, infamous for pounding his wife, telling shafted citizens to "pound sand"...I'm reminded of pretty much everything that Karen Rogers and Larry Williams and Glenn Cutler ever did...I'm reminded of parents who brand their kids and neighbors who settle disputes with bulldozers...I'm reminded of the callous, non-response of the city council to pleas for help...

      In short, I am reminded that Port Angeles is a town that seems to be built almost entirely on bullying, rule-breaking, and pious, after the fact posturing, to try and soothe the rubes.

      And here we are today. A town known for drugs, thugs, and hopelessness.

      More and more I am convinced that the best thing for Port Angeles is a good-sized tsunami. Wash the land clean, and let someone else start again.

    2. Great post! Let's also be reminded of an African American gentleman that was assaulted this summer by a group of teens. No arrests and few care.

    3. And don't forget any number of hit and run type accidents/fatalities that have resulted in, shall we say, sporadic law enforcement responses.

    4. Tsunami odds are rather low. Got any other remedies?

    5. Giant Meteor(ite) 2016
      Just End It Already

  8. November of 2017 we can have a tsunami at the ballot box, create a new city, run by reasonable people who know how to cope with this craziness which includes hiring a chief of police who knows how to take names and kick asses--starting with vigilantes.

    1. Too bad Reggie Hammond doesn't live here.
      But Joe Arpaio apparently does.

  9. Wasn't that long ago the Feds spent?? millions to construct that new Border Patrol/Homeland Security center across from McDonalds. Pumped up the number of onsite agents from 3 or 4 to around 50, if I remember correctly.

    See how that benefited Port Angeles?

    And, remember the article where the agent said they drove around, with nothing to do? Wasn't it in a national paper? Was a big embarrassment.

    1. It sure does seem like you could pretty much trace the beginning of the current spike in crime to the opening of that Border Patrol facility. It sure as hell doesn't seem to have done anything to bring crime DOWN.

  10. People blundering about with sawed-off shotguns are not the ones with their lives on the line. Just sayin'.

  11. Please note...The myspace (yes, myspace!) page you directed me to "cannot be found."

    1. Dont know why you cant find it. If you type in the page it will take you directly to it. Or do a google search for Adam Chamberlin port angeles myspace

    2. Ah ha! Here it is. I took the address you sent in, replaced a period with a slash and did indeed go to:

    3. Who knew that many people still use MySpace?? Complete with photos smoking a joint, and girls already decked out in slutty-whatever for Halloween. Such a good example of citizenship everywhere you look.

  12. Port Angeles plan for dealing with the homeless?
    Vehicular Homicide.
    At least 3 homeless have died by vehicle-strike in the past year. No one has been charged.
    Total of 15 vehicle strikes on pedestrians in 2016.

  13. The frightening part of this entire episode is when a supervisor for the state's Corrections department is the one who suggested throwing a flare into the trailer. How long will he be in that job?

    1. Brian Frazier, Dept. of Corrections. May be on the other side of them bars soon.

    2. REALLY? Brian Frazier is the person who is part of the "Our Town" group, (was he on their private Facebook conversations that were "screen-shot"?) that told them to throw a lit flare into the trailer? I have to see that!

      Of course, consider the source!

  14. Hey troll...The contraction of the words "you" and "are" is spelled "you're." Not "your." So you're sure looking like an idiot when you get it wrong every...single...time.

  15. It's unfortunate that your grammer doesn't match your manners.

  16. Brian Frazier supplied information on warrants. When confronted, his account was suspended by him. His comments erased. Not before some were screenshot tho.

    1. Can anyone post some of these screenshots?
