Thursday, October 20, 2016

Stiff 'Em AKA Our Wallet is Empty, But the Turd Tank is Still Full of Shit

Of note yesterday was a tip that the grotesque and gargoyle-like Glenn Cutler has been brought back into City Hall as a consultant. This should come as no surprise, since cash and carry Cutler is all about skimming...I mean, earning, all the money he can. After all, he's an old man just barely making ends meet with his two full pensions.

But whether or not ghoulish Glenn Cutler physically came back or not, his presence, his legacy, will be felt in City Hall for a long time. Case in point: His signature project, the expensive and foolish Turd Tank, is back in the news.

From an article written by Cutler's wannabe son and ardent admirer, Paul Gottlieb:

A $1 million dispute centered on building delays and construction costs has bubbled up between city officials and the builder of key components of the city's new $47 million Combined Sewer Overflow system, the priciest public works project in the city's history.

"We are saying some of the costs are not valid," said Craig Fulton, Public Works and Utilities Director for the city. Fulton told City Council members Tuesday that negotiations, if unsuccessful, could lead to litigation.

This is all classic Port Angeles bullshit, ineptitude and sleazy behavior. First, approve and embrace "the priciest public works project in the city's history" even though it's backbreakingly expensive, and doesn't actually solve the problem it's supposed to address. Two, sit back and watch those costs soar! (Remember when this was "only" a $30 million dollar project? And the $47 cost cited is lowballing it by a shameful amount.) Three: Balk at paying all the bills for your own stupid project. And four: Balk at paying your own bills, but happily shell out for consultants to "review" the costs you're contesting.

Words that no one in City Hall can read...

It's practically a recipe: Take a big slug of stupid, mix in ludicrous amounts of tax dollars, simmer until costs overrun, and then spice it liberally with consultants. Cook until your debt load crushes your citizens, and voila! You've got a Port Angeles stew.

I have to wonder if all the construction and engineering firms in the region are waking up to the fact that fact that Port Angeles is a bad risk. Business-wise, it's risky getting involved with the City, since they have no problem placing big orders, but are increasingly stingy when the bill comes.


  1. Cutler never really left, at least not in spirit.

    Look at what the new guy is doing, as you point out here. It's straight out of Cutler's playbook.

  2. I saw that post. So, how much has Cutler been paid? How long has he been on the city payroll as a "consultant"? Does the money he is getting paid get added to the overall costs of trying to fix the sewage overflows by not fixing them?

    And, is the system even working as proposed? Anybody know? City workers? Maybe time for an independent audit?

    1. The article says there is to be an audit of the books. What about an audit of the project itself? You can write just about anything into the books, and make it look good.

      $20k for a new valve? Looks about right. But, did in fact a new valve get installed, or did they just clean to old one up, put a coat of paint on it, and charge the project $20 k? Think that is fantasy? That is what happens here.

    2. Bingo! Gold Star for Anonymous 4:47 PM.

    3. The whole city needs a good audit, rinse and repeat.

    4. Who will run on a platform to audit the city? That sounds like something that would get a candidate elected.

    5. I'm sure there are some people in town that would LOVE the position, and do a fantastic job. Need someone fearless, and independent.
      Lets get the job up for election -- the council COULD create such a position, if there were enough pressure.
      I think it is beyond time that we get some real transparency in our government.

  3. This topic raises one of the other Glenn Cutler fiascos: the Landfill. What are they doing out there, working on the beach in the dark?

  4. But if you actually pay the bills, there's nothing left to skim.

    1. These projects all are designed around grants. The city is one of the biggest grant whores around. And, the primary reason they come up with these crazy projects is because the grants provide money to pay the salaries.

      Don't worry, those on the inside are getting the money. What do you think threats of litigation are about? Justice? It is just about money.

    2. "whore"is too kind of a word.

      At least being a whore is honest work. Whores provide a service, for the market rate, and don't pretend to be the Queen (unless you pay for that).

      No, the city are grant-poo-stains.

  5. Different issue. PUD just sent out individual mailers (not with bill) stating no fluoride currently in water and to discuss this situation with your dental professionals. Looks like their slowly trying to get the drumbeat of adding fluoride into people's minds by next election.

    1. Sounds like unregistered lobbying.
      PDN being used as an illegal front, taking the bribes.
      Business as usual.

    2. Conversely, you could interpret the notice sent by the PUD to state "if you were previously concerned about fluoride, you no longer need to be. Check with your dentist if you want a voluntary fluoridation treatment."

    3. Or use fluoride toothpaste if you like. What a concept. Freedom of choice.

    4. It's still that icky, industrial waste methyl ethyl death substance when you use it voluntarily.

    5. PUD does not add flouride to their water. That was a notice to the small segment of customers served by the PUD that receive city water that the PUD must purchase from the City just to inform them that flouride is no longer being added by the City.


  7. No thanks to the homophobic comments...They won't be making it through.


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