Friday, December 11, 2015

The Plight at the End of the Tunnel

A reader recently commented that it was about time for another PDN article about the Lincoln Theater. Well, the PDN heard and obeyed, sending forth yet another Diane Urbani de la Paz article that embraces recycling.

The new angle now is that Scott Nagel is trying to call in the $185,000 in pledges he says have been made, turning those promises into cold, hard cash.


Say! I betcha I can make some money
fleecing suckers over the interwebs!

But I have a few questions...

One: Has anyone else noticed that that number Scott keeps trotting out has been unchanging for months and months? In other words, even in the no harm, no foul world of promises, his support seems to be tapped out.

Two: But let's say that people really have pledged a total of $185,000 - what percentage of that do you think Nagel will actually be able to get, cash in hand? And how big a gap does that leave between Scott's wallet and the asking price of $235,000?

Three: Has anyone heard anything about Scott Nagel talking about how much it would cost to restore and run the Lincoln? Or how that (even larger!) amount would be raised? Yeah, neither have I.

Four: Notice how, even when he only has a little bitty bit of information in the first place, Scott likes to let it out in dribs and drabs.

"Oh! We're putting together a seven person board of directors!"

Really Scott? Who's on the board?

"Well...I can tell you two names right now..."

And one of those two names is John Brewer, pudgy retiree and former head troll of the PDN. Round robin, closed system, perfect! Get the next article warmed up, Diane!


  1. I'm glad Paul Gottleib reads this blog and is so responsive to the commenter's requests!

    1. Acting on the chance that you're correct...Hey, Paul! Do the world a favor and drop dead. Thanks!

  2. Not a bad gig, "give us your money now and maybe we'll buy something, sometime in the future, maybe, just sign the check, your tax deduction is only good for this year..."
    Oh, and where did this new foundation come from, how is it connected to Nagel? If the money goes into another non-profit how do we know it will come back to use on the Lincoln? What happened to parking the Lincoln project within the Juan de Fuca Foundation? Would someone connect the dots before good people make a bad investment.

    1. If even the slipshod, run in the red JFFA crowd didn't want to be involved with this, that should serve as (yet another) huge red flag about this. There is NOTHING concrete about this other than Scott Nagel's desire to get your money and set himself up in a job running a non-existent non-profit to run a run-down theater. It doesn't get much more tenuous or flaky than that. Buyers beware, beware that you're not actually buying anything!

  3. With donors cash in hand, Scott can start to pay himself and his wife for "the work they do".

    Anybody that gives this guy money for this project deserves to be ripped off. And they will lose money.

  4. It is just insane. How supposedly reasonable people think this makes any sense, is beyond me.


    Anybody that is going to write a cheque to Nagel and Company should be prepared never to see anything, or any part of that money, again. What guarantees is he offering? What if they can't make a deal to buy? What if they can't raise the money to make needed repairs? Does anybody get their money back?

  5. Let's just say that Scott Nagel gets double lucky on this.

    Let's say he actually collects $150,000 in sucker money.

    And let's say that the owner of the Lincoln drops the price down to "only" $200,000.

    That still leaves a HUGE gap in funds at hand and the asking price. AND I don't see Nagel being able to corral that much, AND I doubt that the owner is going to drop the price significantly.

    So, it's STILL hard to imagine how this works. Plus, as CK points out, there's still hundreds of thousands that would need to be raised to restore and run the place.

    Which, meanwhile, sits and decays a little bit more with each passing day.

  6. And, the bullshit promoted on the KONP webpage about how the Light up the Lincoln has a corporate receiver for 501(c)3 status.
    "The Port Angeles Theatre Project has contracted with the Olympic View Community Foundation (OVCF) to create a fiscal sponsorship agreement to oversee and administer the financials of the Lincoln Theatre until the new Washington State nonprofit receives its own tax exemption in 2016."
    A corporate receiver is another corporation, who, for a FEE, will accept donations on behalf of another entity. They say that the Lincoln with have their non-profit status next year, but....ummm....yeah.
    That's nice.
    When it takes more than a year, to buy the damn thing, and THEN there are no details on how this vision is supposed to happen (do they even have a website?) sources of funding, grant applications pending, a cost analysis of the full project -- people are just throwing away their money.
    Scam. Scam. Scam.
    That hideous white-elephant building should be torn down, and 180k (pledged, supposedly) would go far to building a useful theater.

    1. For a FEE? Boy, do you sound cynical. Next thing you know, you'll be saying Scott Nagel is doing all this just to try and set himself up with a cushy job.

  7. So, John Brewer and the guy from Kokopelli's are two of the seven board members. That leaves five as yet unnamed members.

    Anyone care to take a stab at who these five might be. We can compare scores when the lucky five are named next week.

    Two people I have no doubt will be on the board are Edna Peterson and Josh Rancourt.

    1. Oh, and the other Port Angeles gem, Dan Williams. He is right up there with the bold faced fantasy hype, although not as successful as Scott and his wife.

      I can see him on the Board, telling all how to be just as successful as he has been. Which, of course, is yet another fantasy scam.

  8. Yep. That sure is dandruff visible on Nagel's shoulder.

    Details, Scott, details. It's the little things.

    1. I have to assume he knew the photographer was coming. When the photo was taken, I have to assume he knew his photo was being taken. Buy hey! Who cares if you look like a slob? When you're just another con artist in Clallam County, Washington, you can let all the niceties slide. Dandruff just makes you folksy and "authentic." You know, like "the authentic northwest."

  9. Of course, this is for something in such a vibrant area of DOWNTOWN Port Angeles. You know, the place that is EMPTY virtually all the time.

    This is to create a "performance space" to compete with a bunch of under-utilized performance spaces that ALREADY exist! Including the one directly across the street that sits EMPTY most of the year.

    This is another great example of how stupid things are done in this town. Some air head comes up with an idea that has no research done to see if it is at all viable in the real world. Then some scamster hears about it, sees an opportunity to make some personal money off it, and boosts the idea.

    How about a shelter from the cold, as it sits empty? Any of these people have any kind of heart?

    No, I didn't think so.

  10. What does Cherie Kidd have to do with ribbon-cutting at the new PUD building in Sequim?

    1. Kidd intends to parlay her 300 vote victory against a phantom candidate into a run for county commissioner.

    2. If she was at the PUD ribbon cutting I didn't see her nor was she part of the program.

  11. And, we see the "historic Climate deal" just announced an hour ago:"With landmark climate accord, world marks turn from fossil fuels".

    As we know, the number one producer of oil is the US. The number one export of the US is refined petroleum. The recent "salvation" of the economy was based totally on drill, baby, drill.

    So, anyone who thinks the US economy is in sound footing might want to check on their portfolios in the coming weeks.

    Throwing savings at the Lincoln fantasy might not make a lot of sense, if it ever did.

    1. Please give us a break and do your homework before you spout. In 2014 US exports of machines, engines and pumps accounted for 13.6% of our overall exports followed by electronic equipment at 10.6% of our exports. Oil came in third at 9.6% of the US export total, placing us in 47th place in the international list of oil exporters. We are running a huge trade deficit with imports of goods outpacing exports at a rate that resembles an undeveloped country or one of the broke developed PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain).

    2. Actually, I did do my homework:

      "The top exports of the United States are Refined Petroleum ($101B), Cars ($56B), Planes, Helicopters, and/or Spacecraft ($41.2B)..."

      And, just to add (From Bloomberg Financial News): " Jul 4, 2014 - The U.S. will remain the world’s biggest oil producer this year after overtaking Saudi Arabia and Russia as extraction of energy from shale rock spurs the nation’s economic recovery, Bank of America Corp. said."

      So, as stated, as the world moves away from fossil fuels, you need to be aware of how it is going to impact you, and the US economy.

    3. The world will never move away from fossil fuels, just ask China

    4. "Funny" you should bring up China.

      I guess you forget that virtually all our corporations moved their manufacturing over to China. You know, to make all that wonderful stuff you buy every day, to fill your house, and enable your lifestyle.

      China's pollution is actually our pollution. Those coal fired power plants we like to point to? You think they are powering Chinese peasants, or the factories making Apple computer you use, and that slick I-phone you carry?

      As has been well documented, we just moved our polluting practices “over there”, so that we don’t have to be bothered by them.

      I doubt CK will want to post the list of companies I have, so that you can see how many of the things you buy, own and otherwise consume came from American companies in China. The list is really long.

      Look around Port Angeles, and see how many people are driving pickup trucks, SUVs and over gas guzzlers. Look at the parking lot at Walmart, any time of the day. (BTW, Walmart is the world's biggest corporation.)

      It is so easy and convenient to point to China.

      And now, we assuage ourselves of any responsibility by pointing to “them”. When, it really is about each of us. Our money, via each of our purchases, makes it all happen, and continue.

    5. Post away. I don't buy goods (pardon the expression) that are made in China. Which isn't always easy. But somehow I feel better not buying things from a country that will use slave labor in its factories...Slave labor that comes from their prisons...Prisons you can be sent to for your political or religious beliefs. "Cheap" prices aren't worth all that moral and spiritual baggage.

      So by all means, post away.


    6. The list below is approximately 1% of the actual Corporate list.

      American & International Corporations In China-

      NOTATION- even though this is a very long list of American and other foreign corporations in China,
      it is certainly not a complete listing. We have only included a few of the names you may recognize.

      This is a list of companies who either own factories, or have contract factories producing their products
      in China. Some of the companies produce 100% of their products there, and others only produce parts,
      or certain ingredients for their products. The list below is approximately 1% of the actual Corporate list.

      Companies such as Avon, GE, and AT&T for example, have been in China and manufacturing products
      for 20 to 30 years. Most American consumers simply had no idea. Previously their source was Japan.

      Abercrombe & Fitch
      Abbott Laboratories
      Acer Electronics
      Ademco Security
      ADI Security
      AGI- American Gem Institute
      AIG Financial
      Agrilink Foods, Inc. (ProFac)
      Allergan Laboratories
      American Eagle Outfitters
      American Standard
      American Tourister
      Ames Tools
      Amphenol Corporation
      Amway Corporation
      Analog Devices, Inc.
      Apple Computer
      Armour Meats
      Ashland Chemical
      Ashley Furniture
      Associated Grocers
      Audi Motors
      AutoZone, Inc.

      Banana Republic
      Bausch & Lomb, Inc.
      Baxter International
      Bed, Bath & Beyond
      Belkin Electronics
      Best Buy
      Best Foods
      Big 5 Sporting Goods
      Black & Decker
      Body Shop
      Borden Foods
      Briggs & Stratton

      Calrad Electric
      Campbell 's Soup
      Canon Electronics
      Carole Cable
      Casio Instrument
      Caterpillar, Inc.
      CBC America
      CCTV Outlet
      Checker Auto
      Cisco Systems
      Chiquita Brands International
      Claire's Boutique
      Cobra Electronics
      Coby Electronics
      Coca Cola Foods
      Colorado Spectrum
      ConAgra Foods
      Cooper Tire
      Corning, Inc.
      Coleman Sporting Goods
      Crabtree & Evelyn
      Cracker Barrel Stores
      Craftsman Tools (see Sears)
      Cummins, Inc.

      Dannon Foods
      Dell Computer
      Del Monte Foods
      Dewalt Tools
      Dial Corporation
      Diebold, Inc.
      Dillard's, Inc.
      Dole Foods
      Dollar Tree Stores, Inc.

      Eastman Kodak
      Eclipse CCTV
      Edge Electronics Group
      Electric Vehicles USA, Inc.
      Eli Lilly Company
      Emerson Electric
      Estee Lauder

      Family Dollar Stores
      Fisher Scientific
      Ford Motors
      Frito Lay
      Furniture Brands International

      GAP Stores
      Gateway Computer
      GE, General Electric
      General Foods International
      General Mills
      General Motors
      Gerber Foods
      Gillette Company
      Goodrich Company
      Goodyear Tire

    7. And, "part two", as the system wouldn't allow that big a list intact:

      Harley Davidson
      Hasbro Company
      Heinz Foods
      Hershey Foods
      Holt's Automotive Products
      Hormel Foods
      Home Depot
      Honda Motor
      Hoover Vacuum
      HP Computer
      Hubbell Inc.
      Hunts-Wesson Foods

      ICON Office Solutions
      Intel Corporation

      J.C. Penny's
      J.M. Smucker Company
      John Deere
      Johnson Control
      Johnson & Johnson
      Johnstone Supply
      JVC Electronics

      KB Home
      Keebler Foods
      Kenwood Audio
      KFC, Kentucky Fried Chicken
      Kimberly Clark
      Knorr Foods
      Kohl's Corporation
      Kraft Foods
      Kragen Auto

      Land's End
      Lee Kum Kee Foods
      LG Electronics
      Lipton Foods
      L.L. Bean, Inc.
      Libby's Foods
      Linen & Things
      Lipo Chemicals, Inc.
      Lowe's Hardware
      Lucent Technologies

      Mars Candy
      Martha Stewart Products
      McCormick Foods
      McKesson Corporation
      Megellan GPS
      Merck & Company
      Michael's Stores
      Mitsubishi Electronics
      Mitsubishi Motors
      Mobile Oil
      Motts Applesauce
      Multifoods Corporation

      Nabisco Foods
      National Semiconductor
      Nestles Foods
      Nivea Cosmetics
      Nokia Electronics
      Northrop Grumman Corporation
      NuSkin International
      Nutrilite (see Amway)
      Nvidia Corporation (G-Force)

      Office Depot
      Olin Corporation
      Old Navy
      Olympus Electronics
      Orion-Knight Electronics

      Pacific Sunwear, Inc.
      Pan Pacific Electronics
      Papa Johns
      Payless Shoesource
      Pentax Optics
      Pep Boy's
      Pepsico International
      Pfizer, Inc.
      Philips Electronics
      Phillip Morris Companies
      Pier 1 Imports
      Pierre Cardin
      Pillsbury Company
      Pioneer Electronics
      Pitney Bowes, Inc.
      Pizza Hut
      PlaySchool Toys
      Polaris Industries
      Polo (see Ralph Loren)
      Post Cereals
      Proctor & Gamble
      PSS World Medical
      Pyle Audio

      Quest One

      Radio Shack
      Ralph Loren
      Reebok International
      Reynolds Aluminum
      Rohm & Hass Company

      Shell Oil
      Schwinn Bike
      Seven-Eleven (7-11)
      Sharp Electronics
      Shure Electronics
      Speco Technologies/Pro Video
      Shopko Stores
      Skechers Footwear
      Smucker's (see J.M. Smucker's)
      Solar Power, Inc.
      Spencer Gifts
      Stanley Tools
      Starbucks Corporation
      Steelcase, Inc.
      STP Oil
      Sunkist Growers
      SunMaid Raisins
      Sunglass Hut
      Subway Sandwiches
      Switchcraft Electronics
      SYSCO Foods
      Sylvania Electric

      Tai Pan Trading Company
      Tamron Optics
      Tektronix, Inc
      Texas Instruments
      Timken Bearing
      Tommy Hilfiger
      Tower Automotive
      Toy's R Us, Inc.
      Trader Joe's
      True Value Hardware
      Tupper Ware
      Tyson Foods

      Uniden Electronics

      Valspar Corporation
      Victoria 's Secret
      Vizio Electronics

      Walgreen Company
      Walt Disney Company
      WD-40 Corporation
      Weller Electric Company
      Western Digital
      Westinghouse Electric
      Weyerhaeuser Company
      Whirlpool Corporation
      Wilson Sporting Goods
      WW Grainger, Inc.
      Wyeth Laboratories


      Yoplait Foods
      Yum Brands

      Zale Corporation

    8. Everyone wants a Trader Joe's to come into PA.

    9. Gee, in looking at this list, I wonder what people buy in America isn't made in China. That list shows pretty much everything!

  12. Anonymous 2:41 is correct. The figures come from the IMF World Economic Outlook Database for 2014. Another credible source, NPR, also puts machines/engines/pumps, etc... in first place. Second place goes to a combination of petroleum products and other chemicals, not just petroleum products. The US is the world's biggest petroleum producer, but that doesn't mean that petroleum is our biggest export. We use a large percentage of the petroleum we extract.

    1. You are only partially correct. Oil is not the top export of the US, it is "refined petroleum", as stated in the original post.

      And, it is still "fossil fuels", which the world is now moving away from with more determination than ever. So, you may want to argue, but the investments in fossil fuels are still going down, down, down.

      Have you looked at what coal company stocks have done over the last 6 months?

  13. How many drones does it take to replace carbon based trucks, airplanes, ships and railcars to deliver goods? And how will those drones which cannot carry much of a payload be recharged? Or will asylum seeking refugees on bicycles transport all that stuff to offset carbon dioxide emissions?

  14. We still excel at one thing at least. Certainly not in foreign policy or education.

  15. Back to the theater. Let me get this straight. Updating and preserving this building will be a downtown boon to the downtown core. Which will support what businesses? Bridal gowns and pawn shops? There are some wealthy people around here and do you think these people would have chimed in if, and if this deal looked like a winner? Not so far. The Lincoln is an ugly and not even architectural marvel. And yes, there are underused arts/concert facilities here. And oh where is this extra disposable income going to come from to support the venue? The trend for live arts and music is the worst it has been in years because of the advent of live pay per view in the comfort of ones home. The symphony does not pay its musicians except for the conductor and the board. You get what you pay for. The college has free concerts by, guess what musicians and actors that get nothing for compensation. Hard cash is hard to come by especially if you have no idea that can be soluble to creating income. The town is too removed for a decent business to locate here and therefore creating wage equivalent jobs. It is no wonder that most high school people (that graduate) will move as far away as possible to get higher degrees and thus decent paying jobs not here. There are decent paying jobs here but they remain in the top 4 tiers; healthcare, legal, public and administrative'. And most of those jobs are being either filled by attrition to their friends and older semi-retired doctors to have something to do. The Lincoln Theater is nothing more than a cheap real estate scam dressed as a pig with lipstick.

    1. As most every business downtown closes at either 5 or 6 PM and, a "performing arts" venue would close at 10 or 11 PM, there wouldn't much to keep people downtown and, you know, spending money.

      It's that pesky reality that keeps this being more than a simple pipe dream.

  16. There aren't ENOUGH wealthy people around here to throw money at a junk building. It is ugly. It is not safe (earthquake or fire). It has bathrooms in the basement down some really weird (not to code) steps. It has a balcony that never had a way to exit, and again, really weird narrow, twisting steps.
    How do bands load gear in? Through the front door, where there is the start of a right turn lane. The acoustics suck. It's cold. It will cost a butt-load (technical term) to heat.
    The back wall is a series of cement pours, and is the original back retaining wall of that hillside (when they raised the street level). Not a stick of rebar in the whole thing.
    The endeavor is a boondoggle. Look at the truly glorious theaters around the country in very affluent areas that have not been able to turn-around a dead motion picture theater. HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS. All of the grants have been sucked dry. Can't get a normal commercial loan on the property because it is "special use".
    And, the place has been stripped of everything that could have some value -- all the old fixtures were sold on Ebay years ago. The front facade is ugly, and the original one was probably destroyed, or is so damaged, that it cannot be easily fixed.
    So, it takes more than a year to come up with the MOOLA, and then, maybe one or two decades to come up with the money to fix it up?
    Tear the thing down. shouldn't insult pigs like that. If I were a pig, I wouldn't want to be compared to Nagel.
