The article about the League of Women Voters debate between the candidates for County Commissioner today was timely. I've been meaning to post a bit about that (primary) race, and gosh, the PDN beat me to it.
Well, sort of. I mean, wow, could that article have been shorter, less informative, and contained fewer details? Once you eliminate the boilerplate about when the election is, how much a Commissioner makes, etc., the actual article is probably about 250 words - like a letter to the editor. No wonder the PDN's slogan is, "We report, you deride!" We wouldn't want them to break a sweat or anything, right?
Anyway...I'm writing from the perspective and assumption that, if you're reading this, you're probably not a gung ho, let's re-elect Dim King Jim kinda person. So, if that's a given, then who will you be supporting in the primary election, and why? Will it be Mark Ozias or Bryan D. Frazier? (Feel free to tell us who you'll be writing in, if that's your plan.)
From my perspective, Ozias clearly seems like a genuine, progressive, well-meaning person. I'd probably say something similar about Sissi Bruch - and we all know how well her campaign for County Commissioner turned out. In other words, is Mark Ozias the kind of person you'd like to have in a public office, but he's probably too nice to win (what is sure to be) a rough and tumble election?
Or, is Mark Ozias too nice a person to have in office? If he did win, could he take what would surely be near-constant abuse? Might he be inclined to follow the path of Sissi Bruch (as a City Council member), and play too nice, try too hard to get along with his fellow Commissioners?
That sure doesn't seem like it would be a worry to have about Bryan D. Frazier - for a number of reasons. One is that he seems like an in-your-face kind of guy, which is fine. But I don't know that he'd have much call for getting in anyone's face, since it seems like he's a lot closer to the conservative side of the aisle than the progressive one. He also seems way too comfortable with the fantasy-based perspective many elected officials in Clallam County have. See his whacky comments right her on blog about Dan's Fantasy Tram, and then think about the County budget.
"...And furthermore, my fellow citizens,
I will make the trams run on time!"
Of course, I give Frazier points for posting here. Hopefully he's still checking in and will see your comments on this race. In any case, it seems clear to me that, if it's change you're after, Mark Ozias is the way to go. But, hey, convince me that I'm wrong. Both candidates doubtlessly have strengths and weaknesses that most of us aren't aware of, so do share your knowledge.
BUT...I must caution you...Anyone posting any nonsense about "knocking McEntire out in the primary" had better do so with something stronger than wishful thinking to back up such a long-shot notion. If you really, really think that such a thing is possible, please provide a detailed vision of how that might happen. And please make sure that vision conforms to reality, not just (as stated above) wishful thinking. Yes, we'd all like to see Dim King Jim take his act on the road, but he won't go easily.
We'll just shut up, sit down,
and let you drive, Dim King Jim!