Saturday, January 10, 2015

Oh, Please...I'd Believe in GAY SEX IN PORT ANGELES Before I'd Believe This (SECOND UPDATE!)

The farce rolls on! Will someone, anyone, please tell Scott Nagel that he can't buy a building with money he doesn't have. These articles in the PDN are getting repetitive...


Scott Nagel offered Sun Basin Theatres, the Lincoln’s owner, $235,000, and now “he’s the buyer in first position,” Dan Gase said.

But Nagel has no plans to buy the Lincoln with his own money.
The Lincoln’s monthly utility costs were significant: The bill went from $1,006 in October 2013 to $2,086 in February 2014, its last full month of operation.

If and when the theater reopens, a lot of warm bodies in there will help, Nagel noted.
Nagel’s plan also calls for turning the Lincoln into a nonprofit organization.

While he will apply for 501(c)(3) status, it could first become part of the nonprofit Juan de Fuca Foundation for the Arts, provided the board of directors votes for that.
Nagel has given the foundation board and executive director Dan Maguire an overview of his plan for a performing arts center, but no vote will occur until he provides more details about finances and liability.

Those details are forthcoming along with the renovation budget, Nagel has said.
Meantime, the words “Building for sale” will stay on the Lincoln marquee, along with Gase’s phone number.

If Nagel doesn’t find the funding by late February, another would-be buyer could make an offer, Gase said.
To revive the Lincoln, Gase said, “a little imagination is all it takes . . . and that little thing called money.”
MEANTIME, THE WORDS "BUILDING FOR SALE" WILL STAY ON THE LINCOLN MARQUEE...I repeat, since no sale has happened, no money has changed hands, and there is no money to change hands...MEANTIME, THE WORDS "BUILDING FOR SALE" WILL STAY ON THE LINCOLN MARQUEE...


This just in...The Lincoln Theater is STILL FOR SALE. I repeat, as of this latest, breaking report, the Lincoln Theater is STILL FOR SALE. Please stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.


Congratulations! Well, I guess. I just Googled "Gay Sex Port Angeles," and this blog came up as the fourth result. Also, my Blogger feedback info tells me that someone found this blog today by Googling "maggie roth port angeles."

And on another topic...The Lincoln Theater is STILL FOR SALE. Yes, you heard that correctly - STILL FOR SALE. We will be sure to bring you any further developments related to this topic as they become available. But for now, we return you to your regularly scheduled programming, brought to you by GAY SEX in PORT ANGELES.


  1. Dan Gase, unintentionally I'm sure, identifies the problems with believing in this in any way whatsoever. There's not likely to be anyone with "that little thing called money" willing to put it up for this white elephant, and besides that, I don't think that Port Angeles even has "a little imagination," other than Gase and Nagel "imagining" that people will believe this is going to amount to anything.

    But obviously the PDN is vested, for whatever reason, in perpetuating this fantasy, and Diane Urbani de la Lusk is obviously willing to go along with it all, asking no difficult questions of anyone involved.

    At the end of the day, the sign tells the whole story: BUILDING FOR SALE.

  2. Let's see now...Taking everything presented here at face value...

    Scott Nagel is supposed to pay $235,000 for the Lincoln, money he has yet to raise. He has until the end of February (a short month) to raise those funds.

    Of course, you can't wait until the very last minute to do this, because checks have to clear, etc. So let's say that Nagel has to raise that $235,000 between now and February 25th. That's about 45 days.

    Which means he'd have to raise an average of $5222 per day, every day between now and then.

    That's a pretty big IF, especially when combined with all the other qualifiers CK has in bold here.

    So, by a show of hands, how many people think this is going to happen just like Scott Nagel says, and the Lincoln will be restored?

    And how many people think this is yet another PA scam?

    1. Is there a way the Lincoln Theater can be classified as a consultant? If so, then the city would probably be willing to kick in that five grand a day for the duration.

    2. Hey Scott, we're still waiting to hear how you're going to raise that $5000 a day to make your personal dream come true. Call us. Drop a line. We're waiting to hear from you.

  3. Make a mighty fine Port Angeles GAY SEX BATH HOUSE.

    1. The people who run Ambrosia once told me that they attribute part of their success to the simple fact that they have a back door (in the alley) for customers to sneak through, so they won't be seen.

      So, regarding your suggestion, it seems obvious that if there were to be a GAY BATH HOUSE in PORT ANGELES, it would need, needless to say, to have a back door.

      And keep your dirty comments to yourselves!

    2. Not much gay sex 'round these parts since Larry Williams left. Still got Andrew May!

    3. Fits the bill...there are back doors, the fire exits, that lead to an obscured alleyway.... see, HELLO Port Angeles Gay Sex Bath House!

    4. Please note that the comments of the Anonymous poster at 2:09 PM are their view(s), not necessarily the view(s) of this blog, or the blog administrator. Please also note that this blog has a strictly GAY SEX positive perspective. Finally, please also note that Andrew May is tight with Paul Gottlieb and Terry Neske, and has a very large circle of friends, I am sure.

  4. Dear PDN,

    Please explain to me two things.

    One: How is this "breaking news" when this is an article entirely about hypothetical possibilities, not something that has, in fact, happened.

    Two: How is this "breaking news" when this is, in fact, the same article you've already run at least twice before.

    Yours truly,

    A confused reader

    1. It was to explain to a confused PDN how the article should not have been "above the fold" nor in the online edition. It's not news, but we don't really get news in this area, do we?

  5. One thing I find interesting--well, one of many things--is that for all the figures thrown out there nowhere did they mention how much it would cost to renovate this. There's a lot of ambitious plans there--knocking out walls, restoring mezzanine, replacing the old screen with a retractable one, new stage, new fire exits, new bathrooms--but no idea of how much that would cost.
    One possibility is Nagel doesn't want to scare off potential investors. Another possibility is he hasn't done his homework and just plain doesn't know.
    Wonder which it is.

    1. I think you know which one it is. We all do. There is no intention or plan to renovate or restore the Lincoln. At this point, if there were some substance behind all this, we'd be seeing it, at least a little.

      But no, all we get is a reworked version of the same hot air story we've heard a couple of times already. This is either a con of some sort, or an intentional distraction from some other con going on simultaneously. It doesn't make sense as a real proposal.

    2. No it doesn't. Its a lot of people talking. That's the only "industry" I see out here: hot air and flatulence.

  6. Building (still) for sale.

    No money on the table.

    Sleazy City Council member/realtor involved.

    PDN blaring the (non) news over and over.

    Scam, scam, scam, scam, scam. scam. No other interpretation of this makes any sense. Scam, scam, scam.


  7. For the longest I thought PDN was merely ignorant as they go about perpetuating these scam-of-the-month proposals. Now I believe they are in on it. Look how they embraced PAU. With their institutional knowledge of the players in that scam they never asked a probing question. Now, the latest Nagel pipe dream is embraced as if it is anything but fairy dust. Brewer, are you invested in these scams or just stoopid? Keep in mind it was Scott who kept us from getting a real professional marketing company to do our city's promotions. Nagel is on the lodging tax committee and brayed like a mule if anyone said anything good about anyone but his buddy russ & co.

    1. Don't forget the last white elephant the PDN reported on, and reported on, and reported on was that rusting old ferry -- the one that is now going to go to scrap, like it should have 20 years (or more) ago.

    2. Don't forget that brand new Conference Center on the Oak Street property! Doesn't it look nice?

    3. Oh yeah. Let's rename the town to Port Vaporware. I'll bet there are a dozen more of these, if we just think....

  8. The Lincoln should simply be stuffed into the wreck of Kalakala so that it too can have "death with dignity".

    1. Port Angeles has so much that should be stuffed and sunk...I don't think the Kalakala is big enough to hold it, and them, all.

  9. OMC expansion $20 million
    Gateway: $15 Million
    HarborWorks: $5 million
    Pocket Beaches downtown $1 million
    Rain Gardens west side $1 million
    CSO project: $50 million
    Business Incubation Project: $8 million
    New PUD Building: $30 million
    Carlsborg Sewer Project $50 million
    Bluff Stabilization: $15 million
    These are the projects already completed or on the books and charging interest or to be completed and paid out over time--a long time. Take for instance if the school bond of nearly $100 million is passed the actual payback with interest is $180 million. Extrapolate that to the other debts listed and you will see the banksters are the only one making any money.
    Divide this by the number of jobs in the county and we're in a heap of cutler.

    Of course not everyone is feeling the pain. Can you believe there was $121 million laying around in liquid assets to attempt to purchase the First Fed stock offering. BTW, it appears the votes are not in to approve the stock offer. Otherwise they would not have extended the voting period. They already "sold" all the initial stock but they have this problem of the locals approving their plan to put our little "Bailey's Savings and Loan" on the open market so Wall Street can decide if your neighbor gets a loan or someone in Europe gets a loan.

    1. I appreciate your thoughts on the First Fed stock sale. The $121 million dollar figure blew me away. Thanks for the background on the extended voting period.

    2. I voted NO. Now they want me to vote again.

    3. Why don't all those people buy stock in the Lincoln? Scott, go ask those oh-so friendly people at that bank for a loan? If you have such a great idea that you want OTHER people to invest (cuz YOU said YOU weren't going to pony up that money), that great bank, with all those millions will jump right in. Right?

    4. I think if more people here were well and truly aware of the debt load that the city is carrying, there'd be a small-scale panic. There is no way - no way - this is sustainable, and, thanks to the scheming by city staff, who are enabled by a compliant City Council, there is no way this will end well for the people who live in Port Angeles.

      When the crash comes, you'll have all sorts of ugly things happening all at once - services being cut, cut, cut; property values plummeting; infrastructure crumbling (even more); crime rising; people fleeing. The hollowing out that's been done to the city budget will be mirrored by a literal, physical hollowing out of the town.

      So we haven't hit bottom yet, but it's coming. But Scott Nagel wants to play THIS stupid game? Yeah, right.

      This isn't the time for people to be putting money into property in Port Angeles; this is the time for people to be getting what they can OUT of their property in Port Angeles, prior to leaving.

    5. When you look at the total of the City's projects, and their debt, and then add in a few other things like the school bond, expected utility rate increases, inflation, etc., Port Angeles really does appear to have been sucked into a downward spiral from which there seems to be no escape. At this point, and certainly if you own property here, you will essentially have to pay to get out, losing money just to achieve escape velocity. This is some seriously scary shit.

    6. It is, indeed. Town is insolvent. There is no need for a crystal ball to see that the pyramid scheme that has kept it afloat is going to crash down. This thinly veiled "oh it's for the children" b.s. and the sudden need for a new high school building, so close on the heels of trying to pass a bond to fix Civic Field, after the urgency to rebuild the Lauridson bridge -- is all a way to pad the general fund, to keep it afloat. Can't keep raising utility rates. Can't keep after the county to keep raising the property valuation. This town has been spending like a drunken sailor for way too long. (Too bad the drunken sailor that used to run public works was allowed to bully people for so long, the city culture changed.) The lies are so fast and furious, that when the truth comes out -- it is going to be really UGLY. Hold onto your hats, folks, this is going to be a wild ride. NO WAY can things keep going the way they are for more than 24 more months.

    7. The City of Port Angeles and the Port Angeles School District are completely distinct and separate legal entities. There is no way the funds from a bond issue approved for the School District can accrue to the benefit of the City of PA.

    8. I'm not so sure the spending can be characterized like that. Yes, staff has spent way beyond reason. Yes, the ability for residents to pay more is questionable. But I think it is a lot like what jobs have become.

      Used to be you had a job that paid benefits, and paid towards a pension. If you go way back, the local industrial employer built schools, stores and even housing for it's employees. There was a long range vision, and a sense of responsibility.

      In Mexico, the employer is called " Patron", and it is expected that the employer looks after not only their employees, but also their families. Long range vision.

      But now, jobs are "contracts", with people working as independent contractors. No benefits, no pensions, and the worker is responsible for their own taxes, etc. No long range vision. Just get what you can for as long as it works, and then move on.

      In Port Angeles, everything has become dependent on grants, and grant funding. No long range vision. No budgeting for future needs. The so-called CSO project had to stop halfway through, because the city didn't get the grant funding it wanted. But, they DID get the grant money to build those really useless beaches next to Munro's logs-for-China operation.

      And, this approach requires everything be a disaster before grants are approved, because others are applying for that money. The City has to look pathetic enough, to warrant the grants.

      So, there are millions of gallons of sewage overflows. The landfill is collapsing into the Strait. The city has the highest rates of suicides and opiate drug abuse.

      What for the headline about how the city got a grant to help pay for policing, after the stories about not being able to provide basic traffic enforcement.

      But hey! We got surveillance cameras all over town. And Wi-Fi! And beaches with views of oil tankers.

    9. Wait a minute.....lets review. The Unified School district and the city have no cross swapping of cash? What about the wonderful business incubator that folded?

      August 2006 (from the school districts back files)
      Mr. Jim Haguewood, Clallam Business Incubator Director, offered the board a presentation describing current trends in economic development and anticipating the economic development outlook over the next five years. Mr. Haguewood discussed the Lincoln Center’s role in regional development, and provided suggestions for the school district’s role in economic development. Mr. Haguewood was followed by Dr. Mark Madsen, Port Angeles City Manager, who built upon the economic trend analysis, and described the draft strategic plan for the city of Port Angeles. Dr. Madsen discussed the city’s economic outlook, and suggested opportunities for the school district’s role as a partner in city development."

      Let's review PDN articles:

      In 2010.. PDN report: Jones said he's hoping the school district and city of Port Angeles will step forward to help the struggling organization."The county can't do it alone," he said.
      In November 2009, the board was reorganized.Four entrepreneurs resigned, and Peninsula College, the county, the Port of Port Angeles and city of Port Angeles were added."

      Then: "the Port Angeles City Council has approved a four-year contract with the Clallam Business Incubator on a 4-0 vote, with three members abstaining. The contract, which lists no monetary amount, was pulled from the consent agenda for the June 24 meeting for more review. City Finance Director Yvonne Ziomkowski said that the incubator's allotment will be about $85,000, as it is in this year's contract.On Tuesday, the contract was approved by Mayor Gary Braun and Councilmen Dan Di Guilio, Don Perry and Larry Williams.Deputy Mayor Betsy Wharton and Councilwomen Cherie Kidd and Karen Rogers abstained from the vote. The incubator contract will begin Jan. 1, 2009, to be renewed annually through Dec. 31, 2012, with either party able to terminate it with 90 days notice.Rogers serves on the incubator's board of directors."

      About a year later: "Clallam County has taken the first major step in dissolving the cash-strapped Clallam Business Incubator. The three commissioners Tuesday passed a resolution absolving the Incubator of the $750,000 that the county loaned the private nonprofit organization with state Department of Commerce funds in 2004. The move is contingent on the Port Angeles School District — the incubator’s landlord — assuming the debt. The school district would not be responsible for paying off the loan. Clallam County would pay off the loan with payments of $48,194 per year, including 1 percent interest, until the loan is retired."

      Meanwhile, in September 2010, some poster on the "other PA blog" said: "$750,000 CASH went to Dr. Cohn and the school district. The CBI never received one penny. The school district spent the money on the Lincoln Center. The loan happened at "believe it or not" Jim Jones and Dr. Cohns request."

      If you ask me, you cannot say -- clearly, and without a doubt, that the school district AND the city (and county) don't keep some crazy books together.

      Prove it to me, besides you just saying it, that they don't.

      Because from all that I've read, including the auditors reports, record keeping is insufficient, spotty, and suspect.

    10. Anonymous 8:46 PM: Excellent post, and a great overview of how these players and the funds they control comingle. Anyone who is paying attention can see at least a general outline of how many of these money grabs operate. Thank you for your comments.

  10. A scam?

    Setting up a "non profit", to pay yourself a salary with "other peoples' money"?

    Isn't this what Port Angeles' grant culture is all about? Getting other peoples' money to pay yourself (and cronies if possible) a salary?

    1. Lots of coastal towns that had their own small movie theaters back in the day called them things like The Driftwood, something to give it a "nautical" feel. What could the new, improved Scott Nagel version of the Lincoln Theater be called? Anyone have any ideas?

      The Griftwood?

      The Grantwood?

      The Crony Island Theater?

      The Sea Es Oh View?

      Come on people, Scott Nagel needs your help with this!

    2. Cabbages and Kings Theater
      The Anchurian (as in Republic of Anchuria)

      We need a name to reflect the banana republic town that we are living in. A "banana republic" is a country (but in our case a town) operated as a commercial enterprise for private profit, effected by a collusion between the State and a corrupt alliance of favored business and government, in which the profit derived from the private exploitation of public lands is private property, while the debts incurred thereby are a public responsibility.

    3. I grew up going to the Strand Theater. Maybe for Port Angeles, though, it would be better called the Stranded?

    4. It really is interesting how Americans are able to socialize losses and privatize gains. Notice how the car dealers out east got the governments to fix the roads for them, run a sewer line to them and water lines and so on but the only payback is a little bit of county tax paid on the sale of a car. And, the customer pays that not the dealer. If they had to run their own roads and plumbing they could never operate. So, thank the taxpayers for all that.

    5. Commissioner McEntire's play book...

  11. YAY!!! YAY!! GAY SEX Port Angeles! We've already done more to put PA on the map than all Russ Eeenma has done in his whole career here.

  12. Of course it's GAY SEX Port Angeles. Can't you feel the hands of the city on your shoulders. "Bend over more, you say?" As long as you tell me things will be great, and whisper more sweet lies, no problem.

    New city motto: Port Angeles -- get stuck where the sun don't shine

    1. And THANK YOU for tying it all together. Gay sex, straight sex, whatever sex - the thing is, in Port Angeles, you're gonna get screwed. Thanks again.

  13. Time to consider putting the city in receivership, or bankruptcy for a municipality. When the city turns in its charter we become a part of the county. Suddenly all our bills are due from the entire county and not just the 5,000 working stiffs in the city. Since the county is a political division of the state then we are actually spreading our debts to the entire state. See how easy. Of course there would be no more exciting city council meetings. No more slam dunk contracts going to the chamber. No more lucrative positions at city hall. No more double and triple dipping into retirement accounts. We might just be a wide spot in the road between Forks and Sequim. Has a nice ring to it eh?

  14. I think that is a brilliant plan. Flush, and start with a clean bowl.


    1. That is one text-heavy, design-poor, crazy quilt of a website. Which is not to say I'm in favor of the school bond(s). I'm not. But that website is too busy, too user-unfriendly, to change any hearts or minds.

  16. THANK YOU 10:35, is a very nice summary of all the reasons this is pure, sheer INSANITY to saddle property owners with.

  17. It is rather 2000's, but, the text is actually pretty interesting once you get into reading it.

  18. The no98millionbond should have been a wordpress blog. It still can be. Would make much more sense, and let people comment, too. Please?

    1. Alright, NO98 folks, you're getting some feedback here. Give the people what they want - and you'll be more likely to get the votes you want. What do you say?

  19. The NO98 POBox belongs to Waypoint Electronics, down in the Marina. FYI
