Friday, December 12, 2014

Insanity is doing the same thing, the same way, over and over, and expecting different results. Insanity is doing the same thing, the same way, over and over, and expecting different results. (UPDATED) Insanity is doing the same thing, the same way, over and over, and expecting different results.

Do you know why the City calls it the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee? It's because once they have an idea LODGED in their head, it's nearly impossible to get it out.

And thus, we get the recommendations from the LTAC after their meeting last Wednesday, which is more of the same stupidity that has helped push Port Angeles to the brink of destruction, along with one possible change - for the worse.

Who does this group think should be in charge of marketing Port Angeles as a "tourist destination"? Why, the same old, good old, good old boys at the...Chamber of Commerce. Yes, the same COC that's done SUCH a great job at that so far. Heck of a job, Russie.

Or, they also trust that tried and through, uh, I mean true, cutting-edge designer, Laurel Black. Yes, Laurel "my business photo is twenty years old and so are my ideas" Black. Another well-connected, well-established piece of dead wood.

Or, in true City fashion, Vertigo Marketing of Bend, Oregon. Yes, the habit of hiring out of the area consultants does die hard, doesn't it?

Meanwhile, the one recommendation that this brain trust supports that could be called "change" is definitely not for the better. Apparently, they are open to the idea of Edna Petersen "hosting" the Visitor's Center in her shop! Anyone who has ever been subjected to one of  Edna's leech-like come-ons will know what a bad idea this is. This is the woman who puts the "offensive" in the phrase "charm offensive." Can't you just hear it: "Welcome to Port Angeles - perhaps you'd like to buy something from my shop?"

The forward-thinking crew on the LTAC also seem to not be thinking about the fact that such a change would also create yet another empty building (the proposed former Visitor's Center) downtown.

And they are still locked into small, backwards thinking in other ways as well.

They recommend giving $70,000 to the Juan de Fuca Festival to buy a tent. Yes, a tent. One that will get used - at best - a weekend or so out of any given year.

Meanwhile, they would give the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center - a year-round, 24-hour-a-day resource and destination - a paltry $26,300. The PAFAC also does double-duty as green space, a spot to absorb rainwater (to avoid flooding), a viewscape, etc. And did I mention it does this year-round?

Ah, but Cherie and her cohorts don't really get any of that, do they? They understand a tent, and, inexplicably, they know and like Edna...But as for the rest of that whole change and growth and nature and art as marketable commodities thing...Well, it just kind of seems to make them feel, oh, I don't know...AFRAID.

Way to double down on dumb, Lodging Tax folks.


  1. What, fifteen minutes and no comment from Dale Wilson? You're slipping, Dale. But I trust we'll hear from you soon, since you were trying to participate in this screwy thing, and doubtlessly have some insights into the (non) process.

    Also, I occurs to me...If the Juan de Fuca needs a tent, couldn't the City just give them that infamous inflatable building it paid out something like $50,000 for a few years ago? It's just sitting in storage, so far as I know, waiting for Dan to come pick it up. Problem solved!

    1. I can't tell, are you dissing me?

    2. I would categorize it as good natured ribbing. We're both too old for "dissing" anything or anyone anyway.

      Now, about that Bubble Building...

    3. Tell me more so I can bring it up at Tuesday's council meeting.

  2. Edna?!?

    You've got to be kidding! The final nail. The death blow. Goodbye.

  3. Just last week CK said criticizim of the volunteers on city and county boards and committees has nothing to do with why so few people are willing to get involvied serving their community... Riiight.

    1. Cherie Kidd isn't a volunteer, she's representing the City. Betsy Wharton is there to maintain her image and credibility as being "involved with the community." Ryan Malane is there as part of his job. Scott Nagel is there out of self-interest. In other words, most of the people involved with this are NOT volunteers, really, and many have reasons to be there that have NOTHING to do with pure volunteerism.

      Fowler Stratton, though, is a good and decent man. He's smarter and better than Port Angeles deserves, frankly.

    2. That comment proves you are an idiot.
      Check Stratton's past...3 + years............zzzzzzz
      Oh yeah, I don't expect you to post this.

    3. Sorry, I guess I'm just such an idiot that I forgot and posted your comment. Feel free to write in and insult me again, though.

  4. Maybe, just maybe...If the Powers That Be spent a little more time making this a town alive with things to promote, rather than wasting time endlessly flogging the currently dead horse, maybe, just maybe...They'd see some results.

  5. Why does one private business owner get to have city money and public traffic directed INTO their store? Isn't this kinda preferential? Blatant favoritism? Giving a distinct advantage to one businerss, over all others in town?

    Sure, I know Edna is well connected to Cherie and her friends. But this attempt to pass public money straight to their friend is more blatant than most. Are they getting desterate, as Port Angeles declines further?

    And, marketing Port Angeles as a tourist destination? I guess they weren't paying to close attention to that clip about the reviews of the local hotels by visitors. Remember, where the visitor found blood specks on their sheets. and 5 used syringes under the mattress, and the hotel operater BLAMED the visitor for not checking the room out first!!

    Or the visitor who said they have been traveling and staying in hotels for the last 20 years , and Port Angeles was thw worst they had seen?

    Point being, if we're going to even consider marketing the town, we might want to clean up the used syringes, first, don't ya think?

    1. So long as they don't charge extra for the syringes, can't they pass them off as official "Port Angeles keepsakes"?

  6. Your negative tone
    is entirely justified.

    Edna? How fricking depressing. We're stuck in the 1950's here, and not in a good way.

  7. I can't believe that you actually got an x-ray of Pat Downie's head!

  8. The only thing surprising about the whole process, is that Edna and Laurel weren't on the Committee to participate in "self-dealing". But I guess the rest of the Committee made sure they remained in the running. Have you ever noticed how many different boards, causes and groups Edna has been involved with over the years? Edna is OK if someone else benefits, as long as first and foremost, she benefits. That is her M.O. in our community. I suspect this is the primary reason why she lost a City Council election several years ago to someone who stocked shelves at Country Aire and had recently moved to Port Angeles. The community was fully aware of her motive for running - just like her motive for hosting the Visitor Center at her shop - "its all about that bass, bout bass, no treble . . . all about that bass, bout bass, no treble"

  9. It's a cruel joke, and totally self-defeating, to keep pushing Port Angeles itself as a tourist destination, when there just isn't any here here. People may well come THROUGH here on their way elsewhere, like when Forks was in the middle of the whole TWILIGHT thing, but there's no reason at all for people to specifically come to Port Angeles. (Not even if the JFFA has a new tent.)

    The powers that be, if they are truly interested in making this all they seem to think it is, should spend a lot more time listening to local voices of concern, a lot more attention on making this a even halfway livable community, and a lot less time (and money) on marketing us to visitors who will only be disappointed if they make the trip.

    1. too bad no one (here) actually reads all the bad press we have online and on Yelp.

      The brainless and clueless who lead us just keep smiling and pretending.

      What gets annoying is when you are trying to talk to them and they have their index fingers stuck in their ears and keep saying "lalalalalalala -- negative, won't listen...lalalalala"

      The Revitalists for PA aren't any different. I *TREE* PA, right?

      What does that mean? I think it refers to clear cutting?

    2. PA stands for Piss Ant...because if brains were gasoline, this place wouldn't have enough to run a piss-ant's motor-scooter halfway around a Cheerio!'

    3. Has anyone ever emailed the address of this blog to members of the City Council? Talked to members about this blog? In other words, pointed them in the direction of some of the "other" voices? I'd love to know if anyone has had that experience.

  10. Ain't country living grand? (Take out the O and it fits to a T).

    These are all such bad ideas. But, that's why the minions of this town hate negativity so much.

    Anything approaching reason is to be avoided, at all costs.

    Why isn't the Juan d'FUka festival self-supporting at this point in time? It has been going on far too long to still be sucking on it's mama's breast.

    The re-re-re-vitles folks are all ga-ga over all of it. Since anyone who said a disparaging word was tossed, it's become a circle jerk. Everything is such a good idea!

    300 members and dwindling. This town is hopeless.

  11. Despite the usual crew of hopefuls talking about "the change" that's supposedly in the air here, at the end of the day, this is what reality looks like in Port Angeles. The same circle of people making the same small-minded decisions to benefit themselves and their similarly small-minded friends.

    No one leaves their comfort zone, no one challenges any assumptions, and certainly no one addresses any real problems. And the city continues to go down the drain, seemingly for all eternity.

    1. Sad that you think nothing will change, because nothing has changed (that you seem to acknowledge) in the last 10 minutes or so.

      But, that's the thing. Like Climate Change, it doesn't matter whether you want to acknowledge it. It is happening, regardless.

      Ignore the reality that the city is holding the PADA and Chamber to a degree of accountability not seen in Port Angles in a very long time, if ever. Ignore the reality that Barb will not be here (as if she ever really was) , because the city cut off funding. And on, and on.

      Sure, it is just the beginning. Sure, there is a LOT more to do. Sure, there will be conflicts ahead.

      But, what is the alternative? You want to sit on the deck of this sinking ship, and do nothing?

    2. "the change" usually refers to when a woman ceases to be reproductively viable. Does this happen to little towns, too? Seems so.

  12. Having never been in Edna's shop - is it that bad? I worked retail for a number of years, in a gift shop and in a jewelry store. I've had all the sales training, etc. Yet, I always found that there is a fine balance between being helpful and aware enough of the customer in the store so if they DO need something you are quick to be at their service, but respectful if they wish to browse at their own leisure without being hounded. I quit one job at a clothing store because I didn't agree with their high pressure sales tactics. Don't these owners realize what a turnoff that is? I don't really have a need for the kind of stuff I've seen in the window of her store, but the comments have seen not only here but other places make me fearful to even step in to look around!

    1. Edna's shop: over prices junk, and if you buy something and (heaven forbid) it is already broken, then YOU BROKE IT. She is as tight as a kettle drum, and as pleasant as a pissed off wet hen.

  13. Has anyone ever done a study on what the Tourist actually spends here? Has there been a profile study on who these people are and their income metrics and also, do they actually use the multitude of "average' hotel/motel facilities? My guess, mind you, is that the average tourist is a "nature loving" sort who may use their vast knowledge of skirting the bad rooms and using the campgrounds. Using the grocery stores for supplies and maybe an occasional dinner at one of the cheaper spots or not? I may be wrong, but I may be right. The whole Tourism thing does not equate to actual big money infused into the economy here. The Parks and City use a number of actual people that come through here, not actual money spent. This axiom is totally wrong. The formula SHOULD be, number of people coming into the city during peak seasons, actual money spent on hotels, restaurants, and facilities and how much of this has been spent on the "attraction and luring" of tourism dollars here. Simple equation. The now, seemingly slow departure of Nippon and the supposed growth of ACTI. (BS), seems like the city is finally on it's last gasp. I hear no new ideas. I see no no new solutions. The last person that tried to infuse some sort of energy was Paul Cronauer. (RIP). I love the new H2O place on the waterfront, I hope they succeed. A couple of others BTW, Easy Street and the Crepe place and a few more. But, the 1st street with the vacant shops and front as well. Shops that do not stay open after 5pm. No wonder Sequim looks like NYC instead of PA (Detroit).

  14. view

    Edit Anonymous said...

    Has anyone ever done a study on what the Tourist actually spends here? Has there been a profile study on who these people are and their income metrics and also, do they actually use the multitude of "average' hotel/motel facilities? My guess, mind you, is that the average tourist is a "nature loving" sort who may use their vast knowledge of skirting the bad rooms and using the campgrounds. Using the grocery stores for supplies and maybe an occasional dinner at one of the cheaper spots or not? I may be wrong, but I may be right. The whole Tourism thing does not equate to actual big money infused into the economy here. The Parks and City use a number of actual people that come through here, not actual money spent. This axiom is totally wrong. The formula SHOULD be, number of people coming into the city during peak seasons, actual money spent on hotels, restaurants, and facilities and how much of this has been spent on the "attraction and luring" of tourism dollars here. Simple equation. The now, seemingly slow departure of Nippon and the supposed growth of ACTI. (BS), seems like the city is finally on it's last gasp. I hear no new ideas. I see no no new solutions. The last person that tried to infuse some sort of energy was Paul Cronauer. (RIP). I love the new H2O place on the waterfront, I hope they succeed. A couple of others BTW, Easy Street and the Crepe place and a few more. But, the 1st street with the vacant shops and front as well. Shops that do not stay open after 5pm. No wonder Sequim looks like NYC instead of PA (Detroit).

    December 12, 2014 at 3:44 PM

  15. view

    Edit Anonymous said...

    Has anyone ever done a study on what the Tourist actually spends here? Has there been a profile study on who these people are and their income metrics and also, do they actually use the multitude of "average' hotel/motel facilities? My guess, mind you, is that the average tourist is a "nature loving" sort who may use their vast knowledge of skirting the bad rooms and using the campgrounds. Using the grocery stores for supplies and maybe an occasional dinner at one of the cheaper spots or not? I may be wrong, but I may be right. The whole Tourism thing does not equate to actual big money infused into the economy here. The Parks and City use a number of actual people that come through here, not actual money spent. This axiom is totally wrong. The formula SHOULD be, number of people coming into the city during peak seasons, actual money spent on hotels, restaurants, and facilities and how much of this has been spent on the "attraction and luring" of tourism dollars here. Simple equation. The now, seemingly slow departure of Nippon and the supposed growth of ACTI. (BS), seems like the city is finally on it's last gasp. I hear no new ideas. I see no no new solutions. The last person that tried to infuse some sort of energy was Paul Cronauer. (RIP). I love the new H2O place on the waterfront, I hope they succeed. A couple of others BTW, Easy Street and the Crepe place and a few more. But, the 1st street with the vacant shops and front as well. Shops that do not stay open after 5pm. No wonder Sequim looks like NYC instead of PA (Detroit).

    December 12, 2014 at 3:44 PM

    1. CK-
      This is the worst train of comments ever posted here.
      It's been pretty good up till now, but WTF?

      How did Russ and the Chamber come out better than anybody?

    2. Anonymous 6:07 PM: I'm commenting on the three comments with a little bit of the assumption that it's a spoof of the repeated repeated title of this subject.

      Or maybe it was just a mistake. Either way, it becomes part of the conversation, though I don't see anything about Russ Venalmaw or the Chamber in the posting you're referring to...

    3. Russ Eeenema just wants the money. Edna just wants the money (and foot traffic into her lair). The guys in Oregon (meh) just want the money. It's clearly not about caring about the town. And, honestly, it's just chock full of the same brochures and junk that the Blackball has, right? Same ones that you can find on the wall of the ferry waiting room. What else do they do? I don't see the point. This whole exercise is to give money to someone for no apparent reason?

    4. The gig is this: the city collects four percent of every lodging stay. By state law they have to spend this money on tourist related matters. They could spend it for new lights and turf on the Civic Field but the greed heads in bygone years convinced them to spend it trolling for tourist. Now they spend it to prop up the dying chamber of commerce. The only reason the chamber doesn't know it's dying is the city gives them a half million dollars as a transfusion. Other tourist related investments are they making? A few years ago they had to dig up the streets to put in pipes. Under those streets are the basements of building considered historic. Now they are using Lodging Tax funds for street repair. Clever eh?
      Now, all you brainiacs with those two bookends for orientation lets list areas where the money could be spent and stay in town. I will give one point for creativity and none for sarcasm.

    5. Then the four percent could be used for AIA recommendations; to buy and refurbish the Lincoln as a public auditorium; to fund some OTHER festivals; to give kickbacks to starting businesses (waive fees for the first year, or cut utility rates); to improve bus service to Hurricane Ridge (from the Gateway Bus fiasco); to restore the old fire house and then lease it out to a non-profit as an small performing arts center or other "tourist" ready vehicle; to enhance the quality of life in town by opening up the Fiber Optic cable, and creating a free Wi-Fi system that works.... am I getting the idea? Yeah, give the money to the horrid, terrible, miserable Chamber that does nothing to help businesses OR promote the town (our chamber has a terrible reputation, locally and elsewhere). The PADA and PABA are, equally, useless. The city is very anti-business, and only sucks the dangling parts of what they "think" are big fish.

    6. Anon 5:57PM: Thanks for writing, Max. Your ideas are good ones, but they will never, ever be implemented. No wonder you left town.

    7. 5:57, you are on to something. great ideas, we should talk, please write a letter to the editor of the port o call and spread these ideas throughout the city. maybe enough people will pelt the council until they get it.

    8. I'll just get pelted (and run out of town, like Max) by the locals who think that all outside ideas are "n-e-g-a-t-i-v-e".

      That's what all new, and good ideas do in this town, die by committee. The same committee that sees dollar signs and wants to line their pockets with gold, or copper.

    9. Why not have the Alan at Port Book and News host the visitor center? He could sure use the foot traffic into his failing little business.

    10. "The Alan"? As in, The Alan vs. The Edna?

    11. Ha ha! Expect a cage match soon!

  16. Sorry CK, I was out shopping for advertisers. Afterward I wrote this little ditty for the website. Hope you don't mind if I share it with your readers. Thanks for the shout-out. Oh, and by the way, I intend to address city council Tuesday night in support of Edna's proposal to run the visitor center. I want the world to know how good Edna is for our community.

    Highest bidder has inside track for Lodging Tax Dollars
    Committee top-heavy with chamber members, grant recipients

    The Lodging Tax Committee has spoken. Now it is up to the city council to select a contractor to handle marketing of the area to tourists and, in a separate contract, operate the Port Angeles Visitor Center.

    The chamber of commerce was number two in the Lodging Tax Committee’s scoring for the marketing contract valued last year at over $300,000 and third in their bid to run the visitor’s center.

    Port O Call publisher, Dale Wilson was second best bidder on the visitor center but was scored low by chamber loyalist on the committee--much higher by independents. His proposal will not be in the running when city council makes its selection.

    Even though the chamber was the highest bidder it may have the inside track for operation of the visitor center if Scott Nagel has sway with the committee. Nagel was cheerleader for the chamber on both contracts.

    The chamber has enjoyed a ten year no-bid contract for both these functions. In the past decade the chamber received from city council $3,500,000 in tax money. In those ten years not one hotel has enjoyed 50% occupancy for any of the past ten years. Last year, under the chamber’s operation of the visitor center the center was closed during 75% of the arrivals of the Coho ferry.

    Recently, in a strongly worded letter from the city manager the chamber was admonished for not meeting its duties.

    Now, however it appears the chamber is on its way to landing both contracts even though theirs was not the best bid in either competition.

    Several members of the Lodging Tax Committee are chamber members or chamber grant recipients--or both.

    Soroptimist Club is the low-bidder, offering to front for Edna Petersen, to run the visitor center for $63,648. The Soroptimist bid was almost half that of the chamber bid of $120, 712. Wilson’s bid to run the visitor center was $1,700 lower than the chamber’s.

    The Soroptimist plan raised concern from committee member and chamber grant recipient; Scott Nagel. Nagel runs the annual Crab Fest which is funded by the chamber with Lodging Tax money. Crab Fest will be a major benefactor when his committee approves purchase of a circus-size tent.

    Nagel’s concern was with the location of the visitor center if the Soroptimist Club wins the contract. That bid includes locating the visitor center within the retail shop run by downtown doyenne; Edna Petersen. Under their plan Soroptimist would sub-contract operation of the visitor center to Petersen.
    Wilson’s bid would have operated the visitor center in its present location.

    Nagel was also the most outspoken critic of Vertigo Marketing of Carnation, Washington which entered the lowest best bid, receiving the highest score by the Lodging Tax Committee.

    Nagel’s gripe with Vertigo Marketing was that an out of town company would have to get up to speed in promoting Port Angeles to anxious tourist.

    Nagel did not seem concerned the chamber has not gotten up to speed in the past ten years of managing both entities, according to the aforementioned letter from city manager.

    Port O Call asks the burning questions Should lodging tax committee members be eligible to benefit from lodging tax dollars? Yes, it’s legal under statute but is it just? Must city council abide by lodging tax committee recommendations? Shouldn’t the lowest best bid be the winner when spending lodging tax dollars just as it is when spending any other tax dollars?

    1. In case anyone was wondering about Dale Wilson's judgment and what drives Port O Call's news machine, please note above what Dale is saying about Edna's contribution to the community. Dale was also quoted as saying not too long ago, that the Downtown Association took a courageous stand against the City and PA United when the Board didn't even give their membership a chance to vote.

    2. You're right. Dale is obviously a jerk, just like Russ and Barb. Worse than the PDN and KONP combined.

      Too bad he isn't as strident and perfect, like you. What a schmuck. He shows up in town two years ago, and DARES to actually try and help make things better. Idiot! He should have stayed home and sat at his computer, like you, and do nothing.

      What a coniving backstabber! He creates a forum that allows anyone to write, and communicate with the rest of the community. What a moron. He and his wife work for the last year to create and deliver a paper to everyone in the City, and beyond.

      And, self centered? Why, he has a whole group of people writing for the paper that have a wide array of political and social perspectives.

      Yeah, you're right. Since he isn't as perfect as you, we should do everything we can to discredit him, tar and feather him, and make an example of him to the rest of the community: Don't you EVEN try to make things better, or else!

    3. 3:55
      When someone, it could be anyone, makes statements as Mr Wilson has made about people and situations in a public manner - then he opens himself up to feedback from the community, pure and simple. If his statements border on the bizarre, should we "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain"? I'm not calling his motives into question. I'm simply saying his statements and his sense of reality is twisted, which is reflected to some degree, in his journalism . He's made these statements publically. He's a big boy - he can take the heat. You can let his public statements stand on their own. You don't need to impugn anyone's character or motives. If you or I made the same statements, I would expect feedback. Sorry you got yourself in such a kerfuffle.

    4. Please do itemize these statements you find so bizarre and twisted. Perhaps we have been in error. Yet we offer equal space and time for anyone bringing corrections to our attention. Thus far we have had no takers. Obviously you take issue with some of our reportage. Do correct me. Of course you'd have to put your name to it and my guess is you would rather hide behind a keyboard and troll the folks out there getting their feet muddy and holding themselves out for carping from n'er do wells like you. Now when you come to my opinions, which are clearly labeled opinions, I leave them there for public consumption. I certainly expect disagreement. Dare I expect one such as you to put his name to his disagreement? Or, do you prefer to lob verbal grenades and hide like a schoolboy. That is fine. You do write well. I think I know you.

    5. Dale, I keep thinking what I am reading is sarcasm about Edna, but I'm starting to think that you are serious that she would be a good choice. I'd rather see the visitors center shut down, or poke out my own eyes with a fork.

    6. The sarcasm is there but there's a bit of method to the madness too. Right now Edna and a few misguided souls think she is a great leader. Naturally the dim-witted would fall for this because every meeting I've ever been to where she was also in attendance, she stands up and tells everyone what a great job she is doing on whatever is up for discussion. Under the Peter Principal people are promoted to their highest level of inefficiency. If we give Edna her heart's desire--running visitors through her business--everyone will see she is useless and clueless. I don't think it will be too detrimental since the people who visit a visitor center are already here. If they are not run out of town by hanging with Edna for ten minutes then they may come back. If they are they will jet out of town, even on an empty tank. The most important part of giving Edna the contract is to starve the chamber into either fending for itself or throwing in the towel so real business minded people have a better chance without them bleeding off all the funds that should be available for real economic development locally. You may have to re read this.

  17. Shouldn't the visitors center be on the way OUT of town?

  18. When there is a death in the family the survivors are left alone for a respectable period of time so they may mourn and figure out how to carry on without the dearly departed. Port Angeles has had a death in the family. It is the timber industry. Now we should be left alone for a while. Keep the damn tourist away until we can mourn and figure out, internally, how to carry on without them. Unless we face the fact of this death and carry out the five stages of grief then we will never get better. (google it) During that time we should say to hell with tourist. We have mourning to do, we have grieving to do. In that mourning period the survivors gather round the casket of the dearly departed timber industry, sip aged whiskey, cry a little, sing songs reminiscent of the dearly departed's heyday. And then they bury the casket, join arms in the walk back from the grave yard, return to their various businesses and carry on. Until we grieve and bury the past we will not climb out of this dysfunctional morass no matter how many tourists flit through town.

    1. No offense, but....Are you loco? How long has it been since the timber-slash-mill industry has been a real, major player and employer in Port Angeles and Clallam County? It's been DECADES since there were more people involved in those industries than are employed at, say, local Safeway stores, or the tribal casino, or the hospital. DECADES.

      And you are STILL needing to grieve? Get over yourself, man. The mindset you describe is incredibly poisonous. It's the one that is still telling kids to drop out of high school and wait - and wait, and wait - for a "good-paying job at the mill." Only that job is NEVER going to come.


      So, in the meantime, those dropouts get each other pregnant, get hooked on drugs, and generally destroy their own lives, and the life in the community around them.

      GRIEVE? Good grief! Get on with you life. Things change. Move on.

    2. You missed the point CK. The community has not yet accepted the fact of the death of the timber industry. One of the five steps of grief is to acknowledge/accept the fact of the passing. If you sit through an EDC meeting the corpse is much alive and affecting every economic development decision made there. Much as it is in many more meetings in the community. We have to fact the facts before we can move on. Many here do not accept the fact that that industry is dead. Many will not accept the fact that we cannot troll for tourist since we have no real product to offer them. Many will not accept the fact that our leadership, such as it is, is still in denial, the first stage of grief. Get over yourself my friend. You too are a victim. You haven't accepted things as they are--you bugged out.

    3. If people cannot accept proven, demonstrable reality, that is THEIR problem. End of, except when they are on the City Council, County Commissioners, etc. Then they make it the community's problem. When they ignore the informed voices in their own community who speak to the reality of their situation, they only compound the problem(s). So, yes, if you're saying that Leadership Denial Syndrome is a problem in Clallam County, then I agree with you.

      But I disagree that "grieving" for something that has was moribund for YEARS, and has been dead for YEARS, is necessary or helpful at this point. Uncle Dudley has died. Now, let's get on with our own lives, even though we probably all miss Uncle Dudley terribly.

      That's what I did - got on with my own life. I "accepted" that things weren't likely to change there, so I made a change in my own life instead. If I'd stayed you might be able to call me a victim. But I'm not a victim - I got out. That makes me a survivor in my book.

      Or put another way...My Sunday newspaper didn't contain the litany of bad news that the PDN did. Not even close.

    4. Denial ain't that river in Egypt and despair ain't that wheel in the trunk.

  19. We should just recall the whole bunch of current city council members, now.

    In today's PDN, we hear the City doesn't have enough police to do traffic enforcement. In the same paper, we see the city's sewer system dumped 3.5 million gallons of shit into the harbor the other day, despite the city spending tens of millions on Glenn Cutler's Tank o Crap.

    The list of bad news we've heard over the last couple of weeks is long. Things keep getting worse, and the City Council keeps plugging along as if there are no problems. "Another Great day to do business in Port Angeles"

    At what point is "enough", enough?

  20. Get this; the city spends 5 million on law enforcement annually another four million for the 911 dispatch program and the chief of police says we have an average of 3 units on duty at any given time. They admit they cannot control speeding in town-which occurs out in the open. How the hell can they expect to get a grip on the heroin trade that happens in the shadows. Let's face it the dealers here are not of the Sicilian mob variety. They are more likely the pimply faced pencil necked geeks who sell to support their own habit. You can spot them anywhere. You can bring in any high school student and with the right motivator he can ride around town and point out the houses where the dealing is happening. With the number of overlapping law enforcement agencies in this small town how can it be. We have the city police, sheriff's department, coast guard, state patrol, fbi, county prosecutor, corrections officers--with that many uniformed people in our population they cannot control the heroin trade--bullshit. Either they don't give a damn or they are profiting from it in one way or another. Maybe it's just job security. There is the story of the preacher who was walking down the road. He comes upon a wounded body beside the road. He starts to administer first aid. In a moment he realizes this wounded victim is the devil. Pulling away he says "why you are the devil I'm gonna let you die." The devil says, "well if you do preacher you are out of business." Whereupon the preacher begins to nurse the devil back to health.

  21. Here is a Wall Street Journal story about heroin in small towns, right here in Washington:

  22. the only problem with the heroin use here is not enough of them O.D.

  23. It's great that so many people were interested in this. A few important points have been missed or were stated incorrectly:
    1) LTAC is required to have members that are Lodging Tax recipients and collectors.
    2) When it's just an advisory committee to the City Council, it's ultimately up to the Council to make the call. If LTAC had forwarded ONLY their #1 Choices - Vertigo (which is from Bend, OR, Dale, not Carnation, WA) and Soroptimist/Edna would have likely won. Bend has amazing marketing and it turned around a nearly-dead timber town. Do you think any member of the LTAC will want to stick their necks out when they know the decision will be reversed?
    3) Despite what people say, Port Angeles is ALREADY a tourist town. Who is kidding who here? Mill jobs are GONE. Ask any business downtown if their business is seasonal.
    4) By state law, LT monies can be used ONLY for tourism promotion (heads in beds) or on public facilities like convention centers and sports arenas.
    5) the PAFAC only asked for $26K. And, it's a city-owned facility.
    6) Any other area of the state would die for the traffic that the National Park generates through town. PA can be a great tourist destination if the "product" is developed.
    7) Tourists average just under $300 per trip in local spending according to the state research. That supports a lot of jobs in town. For that matter, 400K people come through just to take the ferry. Figure out how to get them to stay!
