Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Day of the Dead...Every Day

Halloween is now winding to a close. Tomorrow will be Day of the Dead. Close behind that will be Day of the Dead Part II, also known as Election Day in Clallam County. Which one of those days is the scariest to you?

On Halloween, we all dress up and enjoy a (friendly) scare, and kids get candy.

Day of the Dead is, traditionally, a time to remember and honor those who are gone but not forgotten.

Election day in Clallam County...What is it? A farce? A sick joke? Another note in a long-playing funeral dirge?

I get the point of observing Halloween, and Day of the Dead. But what, really, is the point of election day in Clallam County? Pretending that a sick, sick system is healthy enough to function? Making believe that the voices of the people will be heard? That voters have a real choice?

What is the point?

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Don't Get Your Hopes Up

Former port employee details allegations; PDN looks into trail of comments posted on website

They can't even bring themselves to use a stronger word like, say, "investigates." No, the PDN is going to "look into" the whole slimy, squirmy can of worms that is the Port of Port Angeles.

Don't get your hopes up. There's a long, long list of blatant scams and cons - Harbor-Works, the EDC, Karen Rogers, the Turd Tank, etc., etc. - that the PDN should have "looked into" and didn't. This will be no different.

In the meantime, if you want a place to share and discuss information related to this topic - or any other - in a venue where you won't be censored or deleted, well, feel free to Unearth whatever you want.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

PA: Stands for Panic and Apathy

The headline states: Clallam commissioners aim to improve code enforcement.

The article states...Well, no, no they don't really aim to do any such thing.

The comments on the article...Well, there are no comments on the article.

So let's look at this weird cycle of screwed-upness that is Port Angeles as seen through the eyes of the PDN and its readers.

Start with a screaming headline that promotes and idea that might have some currency, especially given the backlog of complaints and the sorry state of code enforcement in Clallam County. In this case, that means start with a headline that is a lie.

Because, as the article explains, the "improvement" they're talking about is the notion of hiring a person for a whopping 10 hours a week to help with...paperwork. Not another actual, boots on the ground enforcement person. Not an increased level of law enforcement support for those properties that are well and truly beyond the pale. And not, it should be noted, enough of anything to cost much of anything, or to do much of anything.

So, the readers of the PDN - what few remain - doubtlessly know two things: Code enforcement in Clallam County is a joke, and so is the PDN. After years of distortions and outright lies, they know it's not a reputable source of information, and thus, not a legitimate venue for discussing or debating anything. In short, the PDN withholds the truth, and their readers withhold their participation.

In this day and age, people "tune in" to a newspaper for two things: News, and the comments and thoughts their friends and neighbors share on various topics. Given that the PDN clearly seems to be suffering from a "crisis of credibility," I think it's safe to say their financials are probably increasingly shaky. (Let's also note that their demographic core of readers are also, to be discrete, continuing to age, and continuing to expire...)

This image represents the actual news content of the PDN.
It's also a good representation of their financial prospects going forward.

This is also a good time to note again that the PDN's "paywall" isn't even a low speed bump, and is easily avoided. That's another revenue stream that is likely drying up. Ironically, yes, the PDN turns out to be a member of the free press after all.

And so, as we approach what promises to be yet another dismal and disappointing election in Clallam County, it's easy to imagine a sense of panic blossoming at the PDN, while local citizens are ever-more cynical and apathetic. Needless to say, people who are panicked don't make good decisions, and people who are apathetic don't care what decisions anyone makes. These are two distinct forms of societal breakdown...But they feed off of and reinforce each other.

Another great day in Port Angeles. Meet the new boss...Same as the old boss.

Friday, October 20, 2017

New Jersey Exit - AKA - Cherie Kidd: LOSER ***2nd UPDATE!!! VIDEO FOOTAGE!!!***

It's a pity she had to go all the way to the other coast to learn something anyone here could have told her. Cherie, you can't compete. You're a loser.

Yes, the Ms. Senior America pageant has come and gone, and Cherie Kidd did not win, place or show. The lucky Pageant Princess taking home the crown was Ms. New Jersey. Did we mention that the pageant was held in New Jersey?

Anyway, if you look at the far, distant right of the photo below, you can see Cherie with her robotic fake smile plastered across her face. So far to travel for so little, eh, Cherie? Just like when people come from out of the area to visit Port Angeles.

Now we just get to wait to see if and how the PDN covers this totally expected loss. In the meantime, if anyone has any better luck than me in finding any video of Cherie's dance, please do share.
If looks could kill...Cherie's jealousy would be lethal!

***2nd UPDATE!!!***
Put on your 3D glasses, folks, and it's almost like Cherie is dancing...Well, watch it and see. Cherie helpfully puts herself front and center of the group dance...

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

It Just Gets Worse and Worse

Meanwhile, in other news...Your County Commissioners are working hard to make Clallam County Great a Penal Colony Again...

In an effort to "save money," two Clallam County commissioners are working to restructure public defense for low-income defendants in district court, despite a recommendation from their own ad-hoc committee of experts to keep things as they are.

Commissioners Bill Peach and Randy Johnson instructed Clallam County Administrator Jim Jones on Tuesday to draft a contract that would appoint Larry Freedman, currently a pro-tem judge in Clallam County District Court 1, as an indigent defense coordinator who would manage contracts with attorneys who volunteer to provide counsel for defendants.

“I’m trying to figure out what we did for months in the committee you appointed,” Christopher Shea, a former public defender and prosecutor told Peach and Johnson.

“We worked; we did our job; and now you are saying ‘well, we don’t like that.’

“We just wasted our time and that causes concern.”

Right-wingers trying to appoint a fellow right-winger to short-circuit the ability of poor people to defend themselves in court...Not compassionate, not constructive, not even proactive, but it sure is predictable. Maybe they can convince the CRTC to make some swell leg shackles out of recycled composites?

What a fucking county...

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Shell Game, and She'll Lie - Further Adventures at the Port Angeles Port

The following all came in as comments on an earlier topic, but I thought they needed a more prominent location, so I'm cutting and pasting them here...Thanks to Mr. Binswanger for sharing all of this with us.

Hi Crypt Kicker - I just posted this in response to the most recent PDN CRTC piece. In case they delete it, I'm posting here so you can have a record of it. Here it is...

To whom it may concern:

I believe it is vitally important for Clallam County citizens to know some truths about the Port of Port Angeles and its support of the CRTC from a person who has first hand knowledge.

Fact: The Port was awarded a $2M reimbursable grant from the US Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration to offset funds the Port spent building out the Port owned CRTC building. (EDA Project Number: 07 01 07214). One of the conditions of that reimbursable grant was that the Port charge “fair commercial rental value.” While working at the Port, among other things, I was tasked with oversight of the Port’s business with the CRTC including working toward a long-term lease with the CRTC that would meet EDA approval. During this work, I discovered Port Executive Director Karen Goschen had executed a Memorandum of Understanding that committed the Port to a ten year lease with the CRTC at a rental rate below fair market value.

Fact: At a Port commission meeting on January 09, 2017, I brought to the attention of the commission the fair market rental deficiency in the agreements with the CRTC Ms. Goshen executed on behalf of the Port and the negative ramifications it may have in regard to the $2M reimbursable EDA grant. In response to my report to the commission, Commissioner Burke commented that the Port could play a “shell game” with the money.

Fact: On January 23, 2017, I met with Port Human Resources manager Holly Hairell and informed her that I wanted to take action regarding Ms. Goschen’s insistence I be complicit in this unethical action about the CRTC and EDA.

Fact: After I informed Ms. Hairell about Ms. Goschen’s insistence I be complicit in the unethical action about the CRTC and EDA on January 23, 2017, Ms. Hairell called Mr. Nutter and informed him of our meeting who then reported this to Ms. Goschen, who in turn placed me on paid administrative leave effective immediately.

Fact: Several days after placing me on paid administrative leave, Mr. Nutter served me papers on behalf of the Port alleging I was Insubordinate and of unsatisfactory conduct. Ultimately, Ms. Goschen dismissed me for this purported insubordination and unsatisfactory conduct.

Fact: The Washington State Office of Administrative Hearings conducted a hearing in April and May of this year and despite an overwhelming preponderance of evidence proving the Port retaliated against me for reporting improper governmental action, Administrative Law Judge Lisa Dublin inexplicably ruled that the Port did not retaliate against me. (OAH Docket number: 02-2017-GOV-0004)

On page 8 of ALJ Dublin’s July 17, 2017, Final Order, in subsections 4.15. and 4.16., she states in part: 4.15. “At the Port commission meeting on January 9, 2017, Mr. Binswanger brought to the attention of the commission what he determined to be a financial discrepancy of approximately $79,000.00…” “Ms. Goschen and Finance & Administration Director John Nutter recalled Commissioner Burke commenting that the Port could play a “shell game” with the money.” “Commissioners Burke, Beauvais, and McAleer did not recall any such statement.”; 4.16. “Based on the totality of the circumstances, I resolve conflicting testimony in favor of Ms. Goschen and Mr. Nutter, finding that Commissioner Burke suggested playing a shell game to account for the financial discrepancy.”

On page 15 of ALJ Dublin’s July 17, 2017, Final Order, in subsection 5.9, she states in part: “In the present case, over the course of his communication with Ms. Hairell on January 23, 2017 in person…Mr. Binswanger reported alleged improper governmental activity, i.e. filed a whistleblower claim, relative to the CRTC lease and the EDA…”

...And Nutter wouldn't melt.


Fact: On August 16, 2017, I filed a Petition for Judicial Review with Thurston County Superior Court. (Case number 17-2-04663-34)

In closing, it is my hope that this post will not be removed and Clallam County citizens will become aware of this vitally important information. As of late last week, I was informed by the EDA that the Port has neglected to request at least 40% of the grant awarded to it. A question as to why the Port has not requested these funds should be asked.

I recognize that there will be Port supporters that believe I am writing this because I am disgruntled. I also recognize that the Port will go to almost any lengths to make me out to be the “bad guy”; they’ve done a good job at manipulating facts to harm my credibility and to interfere with my business endeavors thus far. The truth is, I am understandably unhappy about the way the Port has treated me and behaved, and I am also deeply disturbed none of the commissioners or senior staff (except for me) objected to commissioner Burke’s suggestion that the Port do a “shell game” with public funds. In my humble opinion, there is never ever an appropriate circumstance to suggest let alone to do a “shell game” with funds one is a fiduciary for. *Merriam-Webster’s definition of a “shell game” is in part: “Fraud; especially: a swindle involving the substitution of something of little or no value for a valuable item.” Dictionary.com’s definition of a “shell game” is in part: “any deceit, swindle, fraud, or the like.” Google’s definition of a “shell game” is in part: “a deceptive and evasive action or ploy…” TheFreeDictionary.com’s definition of a shell game is in part: “any swindle or fraud”.

Quite simply, the behavior of the Port is not surprising to me based on what I know about its history but nonetheless, it is wrong. At this time, it appears Clallam County citizens have been deprived of another $800,000.00! It also appears Clallam County citizens may not be aware of what Ms. Goschen testified was $8.2M in public funds spent on the CRTC endeavor thus far….an endeavor that has purportedly earned a whopping $28,000.00 and employs 17 people! Just imagine how far $8,200,000.00+ could go to create actual living wage jobs for Clallam County citizens if these funds were entrusted to honest and competent business persons?

On the many signs placed around our county for incumbent commissioner McAleer, the slogan reads in part: “Integrity”, “Vision” and, “Experience”. I ask the voters and citizens of Clallam County to consider the facts I have laid out, and to ask yourselves if this commissioner, or the other commissioners and Port staff that seemed to be complicit in one of the commissioners suggesting the Port do a “shell game” with the public’s money, have shown “integrity”? Or, “vision”? Other than a vision for squandering millions of dollars of the public's money for headlines? Or, “Experience”? Other than experience in patting themselves on the back for their great “vision”.

Sincerely at the citizens of Clallam County’s service,

Daniel Binswanger

PS - I have shared all pertinent and factual information related to this matter with PDN reporters, who thus far have neglected to follow up with me in any way. As of this writing, I remain available to share my experience and the truth that surrounds it with the PDN or other concerned citizens.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Winnowing Process

This is normal, Port Angeles-style...

An upcoming election draws a field of candidates.

Once everyone is signed up, and the election season is officially underway, several candidates drop out. Cynicism is reinforced, and the public's ability to actually choose who represents them is sabotaged.

Forums are held, but, due to the wide and deep political apathy in the community, they are poorly attended. (Fewer than 40 came out to the most recent "debate" which featured four candidates for the Port Angeles City Council.)

At said debate, a range of questions are asked, with many being about less than crucial, time-waster issues (a plastic bag ban, gun control) that hardly speak to the core problems facing the City.

As someone who denies established science, I'm sure that
Travis Berglund could do wonders with the City's
fantasy-based finances...

In their coverage of said forum, the PDN wastes as much space as possible "covering" these tangential questions, because distractions are always welcome. (See also their extended coverage of the "medical episode" that the debate's timekeeper went through, which, while somewhat interesting, is nowhere near vital to the public's interest in who will run the City.)

Once this slanted, skewed and intentionally incomplete article is posted online, a few diehard readers may - or may not - post a few inconsequential comments on it. But most people have learned by now that such "efforts" are, in fact, pointless.

Thus, to sum up: The process is very much manipulated behind the scenes. Deals are cut, and the public is, as much as possible, cut out. Interest is kept low by keeping cynicism high. Official press coverage is minimal and essentially meaningless. And the long-running scam that is Port Angeles is allowed to keep pathetically chugging along, bringing benefits and wealth to a favored few, while keeping 99% of the community poor, struggling, and, yes, cynical.

This is the cynical cycle that defines and powers Port Angeles. Any questions? *

*Questions not allowed. Go back to sleep.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

I Saw It On The TV

Well alright then...I've been away for a few days, attending to family business out of town. After some stressful moments, everything worked out well in the end. So, my last day there, just before coming home, I got a sandwich to go, and went back to my hotel room to relax, unwind, and pack.

I'd been away from home, and my computer, for days, and hadn't really even thought about Port Angeles at all in that time. But then, I got my sandwich, and simply turned on the TV, and there you were Port Angeles. The show that just happened to be on was an episode of Hoarders, featuring a family from Port Angeles.

"Ah, yes," I thought. "Of course. That seems about right."

I had no idea that Port Angeles had made it onto that particular "national platform." But it makes perfect sense.

Now we just await the exciting dance debut of Cherie Kidd, and the further unveiling of the latest too-good-to-be-true deal with the Port.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

It's Not Valentine's Day, But Here's a Sleazy Sweetheart For You Anyway

There's no conflict of interest here, right?

New pastures are becoming old hat for John Nutter, the Port of Port Angeles’ director of finance and administration.

The former Port Angeles police officer and one-time Olympic Medical Center finance director travels to new employment climes Dec. 1 when he starts as the new chief financial officer for Airborne Environmental Control Systems, he said this week.

The West Hurley, N.Y.-based company which develops cooling systems for high-heat military lasers and sensors, signed a lease effective May 1 for its new headquarters at the port-owned Suite E at 2007 South O St.

A shifty shit not worth shit...
Currently, know-nothing Nutter makes $125,000 a year at the Port - which is about a million dollars in Port Angeles money. Even though he says his new salary is still "being negotiated," I'm pretty sure that Nutter is pretty sure he'll be making scads (or at least oodles) more in his new position.

Port Angeles is like an over-full toilet bowl, only when you flush it, all the shit just swirls around and around, without ever going down the drain and away. I mean, Nutter, Karen Rogers and the recently mentioned Teresa Pierce were all in City Hall at one point. They've all swirled over to various spots at Olympic Medical Center, and Nutter has continued his shit smear to the Port (an even bigger, fuller toilet bowl) and is now - in the most conflict-of-interest-laden, smacks-of-a-backroom-sweetheart-deal way - moving over to a company that has, gosh, signed a lease with the Port.

The way the same old players keep getting swapped around and snatched up by various "entities," you'd think that Port Angeles was just teeming with highly educated, high caliber, highly qualified and experienced experts and professionals.

But gee, if that were the case, wouldn't the town be something other than the dreary, run-down, debt-ridden, drug den that it actually is? I mean, if all these people were really so good, wouldn't the town show the effects of their expertise?

Of course, all these crooks and cons are good at is at lying, sleazing, stealing and sweetheart deals that benefit just themselves. Given all the evidence to support that hypothesis, you'd have to be a Nutter to believe otherwise.

...And a piece of shit that at least makes people laugh.

Monday, October 2, 2017

THIS is What the Fix Looks Like

It's election time! Time to exercise our rights as citizens to select our representatives!

Whoops! Except in Port Angeles, that is...

Jake Oppelt is pulling out of the race for Port Angeles city council.

Oppelt announced Monday that he was suspending his campaign. He says he is in the process of selling his house and his new residence would be ½ mile outside of the city limits. That would make him ineligible to serve on the council.

That leaves local restaurant owner Mike French as the only active candidate for the race.
However, Oppelt's name will remain on the ballot.
Current city council member Lee Whethem was ousted from the race to retain his seat during the August primary.

This is the second candidate to pull out of race for city council following the primary.

Todd Negus dropped out of his race against Jim Moran last month after the two advanced from the primary, eliminating Marolee Smith.  

Because he had no idea at all he'd be moving soon...Right?
This is exactly what the fix looks like. Split the vote and drive out the "troublesome" and occasionally "question asking" incumbent in the primary, then, once that's done, have one of the other candidates drop out. How many times have we seen this total subversion of democracy in Clallam County? It's been done again and again, and it's only done with the willing, knowing participation of all parties involved.

That means Ohole is rotten, Mike French is rotten, and leaves good ol' boy Lee Whetham - who was part of a similar scam himself when he first ran - looking like the least rotten of them all.

Now, much as I may have my issues with Lee Whetham, I think it's time to organize a serious write-in campaign for him, and for Marolee Smith, too. They were robbed, yes, but more importantly, you were robbed.

Fuck the fix, and fuck Mike French. Write in Whetham and Smith and at least send a message that you know what is going on, and won't stand for it.