Monday, May 30, 2016

That Noise You Hear Is Silence

When it comes to the daily working (and scheming) of Port Angeles, there are lots of things you don't expect to hear much about. I'm sure no one is too surprised to not hear a lot of talk or planning for the upcoming MILLION DOLLAR BALLOON PAYMENT due on the Niichel property. So far as I know, that MILLION DOLLAR BALLOON PAYMENT is still looming out there, with the City woefully unprepared for it. But, SHHH!, we don't really want to talk about that, think about that, or even acknowledge that, thank you very much.

Here's another fine mess you've gotten us into!

Then there are the things that you'd expect to hear about - but don't. Remember when Pixie Dust Bob Larsen of the "Composites Recycling Technology Center" promised a "series" of "big announcements"? As in, "Coming Soon!" more exciting news! That was over a month ago, and there has followed a total of, as I count it, one "big announcement." (One in a series! Collect them all!) Maybe the news that the State was reconsidering their grant funding put the brakes on the rest of the announcements, but...Gee, Bob, was your whole great idea, successful business model, commercial enterprise so dependent on grant funding that one little bump in the road would cause it to crash?

It kind of looks like maybe so. Which, uh, kind of makes us wonder if it really is such a great idea or successful business model or whatever else you peddled. Kind of sounds like Pen Ply all over again, frankly. That didn't end so well for anyone - except for local scumbag Grant Munro, that is.

Shhh! Quiet, please! People are trying
to watch a movie that's not being shown.

Then there's the Lincoln Theater, which finally sold - they say. This was another case where the entire arrangement seemed a little suspect, but the purported purchaser promised more information would be coming soon...And again, that was over a month ago, and I haven't heard any further word about plans, designs, management, or even the proper and certified closing of the sale.

On a related note, I also haven't heard anything about how Scott Nagel is swiftly and surely returning the money he (supposedly) raised in his (failed) effort to get people to buy the Lincoln for him.

So, anyone got any inside dope on these dopey endeavors? Sucker-bait schemes make a lot of noise in being born, but seem to like to die in silence. At the very least, let's ask a few more questions, shall we?

In the meantime, I'm going to sit back and wait for the next "big announcement" - like maybe a new airline to service Port Angeles that's "Coming Soon!"

DIY Airlines - Taking off soon!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

JFFA Starts with a BANG!

Holy shit! A shootout on Highway 101! Just as the Memorial Day and JFFA weekend is starting. The perfect time for traffic to come to a dead stop on 101. Port Angeles really can't catch a break, can it?

Anyway, the comments on the Peninsula Daily News article about the shooting are many, and interesting. Someone who seems like they were on their way to town posted the link below, which paints a none-too-pretty picture of Port Angeles, crime-wise. Even visitors are getting in on the act...

Friday, May 27, 2016

Positively the Worst Person to Have Representing You

First of all, thanks to the reader who tipped me off to this promo video for the NEW Cherie Kidd Show on PAPA TV - a venture that is, with this offering, already digging its own grave. (And digging it deep...PAPA, what were you thinking?!?)

All ego, no brain: Ladies and gentlemen, may I present
Miss Havisham...I mean, Cherie Kidd!

What is there to say? Cherie is a laughing stock. She is a totally incompetent politician, and a known liar. Even when she isn't lying, she constantly mangles facts, concepts and even simple words - all in that truly horrible screechy voice of hers. She's a batty, badly-facelifted old fruitcake, and a worse goodwill ambassador is hard to imagine.

Anyway, here's the video itself - viewer beware!

One thing to look for is that lovely aerial view of Port Angeles at the one-minute mark...The one that is about one-third the log yard on the waterfront. And one question I have is this: Was soulless and sad Nathan West on the clock when he walked along the water with Cherie for this?

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Gee, Losing Money is a SKILL???

Hot off the presses today from the State Auditor's office (there's a place that could use some good news) comes the results of an audit of Port Angeles School District No. 121. Or more correctly, the Findings of said audit - as in, Official Findings, which aren't good things to Find at all.

The following is part of one of the Findings from the audit:

Schedule of Audit Findings and Responses

The District did not have adequate controls over Skills Center contracts to ensure amounts due from participating governments were collected.

Background: Port Angeles School District No. 121 hosts the North Olympic Peninsula Skills Center for the purpose of training students of the District, four neighboring school districts and Peninsula College in certain vocational skills. The Skills Center is located in abuilding co-owned by the District and Peninsula College.

The District allocates the Skills Center net loss to all participating governments based on factors outlined in the Skills Center interlocal agreement. Net losses totaled $712,839 for fiscal years 2012 through 2015.

Description of Condition

Contracts - During our review of the Skills Center contracts, we found:
* The District did not properly allocate enrollment slots to participating governments or prepare and annual budget covering the proposed operation and financing in compliance with the Skills Center interlocal agreement.

* The District and College were operating under the terms of a 2003 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which included a third party that was no longer in operation.

* The District established the building as a condominium under the Condominium Act in 2004, but had not adhered to the terms of the condominium declaration, including establishment of an association, board and bylaws.

Allocation of Costs - Our review of the allocation of Skills Center net losses and building expenses found:

* Of the $712,839 total net loss for fiscal years 32012 through 2015, $61,314 had been allocated to the District, $283,111 had been billed to participating governments, and $368,414 had not been allocated. We were unable to determine the correct allocation of the net losses due to lack of enrollment slot allocation data.

* As of April 2016, the $283,111 billed to participating governments in 2014 had not been collected.

* The District under-billed the College for indirect costs...based on the designated square footage used to calculate direct costs...However, since the District did not periodically review or document the actual square footage used, we were unable to determine the amount under-billed.

* As of April 2016, the District had not billed the College for any costs incurred since July 1, 2015, although the MOU required expenses to be billed monthly.

Cause of Condition

The District did not monitor to ensure Skills Center contracts were current and being complied with.

The District did not establish and follow procedures to ensure compliance with the Condominium Act.

Staff members responsible for performing tasks outlined in the contracts were unaware of their responsibilities.

The District did not establish adequate procedures to ensure costs allocable to other governments were properly calculated, billed and collected timely.

District's Response

The district does not dispute the conclusions noted in the finding and will take action to mitigate the conditions noted in the finding.

The district intends to review best practices for skill center programs and work with the skill center advisory board to determine the best course of action with respect to the structure of programs offered.


Whew! After all that, it's nice that "the district does not dispute the conclusions" of just how totally screwed up they are. And these people are supposed to be working, however Education. But it sure seems like they don't even know how to read, or do basic math.

So who is on this "skill center advisory board" anyway? They don't have it mentioned at all on their website. I found a listing that shows Lee Whetham is on it...But who else makes up this brain (mis)trust? And does anyone think that a big chunk of those $712,839 net losses weren't so much lost as they were...liberated along the way?

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Looking into the future, say, to the year 2030, which do you think will be the more influential and affluent town - Port Angeles or Sequim?

Looking at the here and now, in terms of image, infrastructure and semi-responsible elected officials, which do you think is better positioned to thrive in the future - Port Angeles or Sequim?

In other words, if you had to bet, and put your money down on Port Angeles vs. Sequim for the most prosperous and populated community of the future, which would you choose?

As for me, I'd sure like to have the contract when they decide to move the County Courthouse from Port Angeles to, well, you know...

It's something to think about, Port Angeles.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Why Wait for Them to Hand Over the Cash When You Can Just Put Your Hand in the Till?

Randy Johnson, former president of the wood products company Green Crow of Port Angeles, and current chairman of the board, registered to run for Mike Chapman's soon to be vacated County Commissioner seat Friday. Johnson, who is also the board president of the Clallam County Economic Development "Corporation," joins fellow Republicans Maggie Roth and Gabe Rygaard and Democratic rerun Ron Richards in the primary election for the four-year position.

Johnson, who has never held elective public office, was also one of the unsuccessful applicants for the recent Port of Port Angeles Commissioner vacancy.

When asked why he had chosen to run, Johnson said he would be a "business-oriented" candidate. Elaborating further, in reference to his current role as board president for the EDC, Johnson stated that he'd "like to cut out the middleman" in terms of the ongoing transfer of public funds to the private sector. "With me as Commissioner, I think we'll be able to achieve new levels of efficiency and, at least for me, economic growth."

Thank you to the Peninsula Daily News for providing the framework for this story. Their version has been augmented to reflect actual reality.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

“I’ve got a problem with this ethics code in its entirety"

It's the old question of do you throw out the good in hopes of finding the perfect? Only, in this case, there's also the question of is the good actually any good at all.

I'm referring, of course, to the City's so-called "ethics code," which was the subject of much discussion and tinkering at this week's City Council meeting. Tinker, tinker, tinker - but is the code a stinker?

From my perspective, it seems like pretty much everyone would agree that there's a need for some sort of official ethics code, to address legitimate issues when they are raised. But the question is, will the existing code, the one with Bill Bloor's fingerprints all over it, ever be able to really serve that purpose?

Is it flawed but fixable, like a majority of the Council members said (and voted)? Or, is it like dissenting voice Lee Whetham says, flawed from it's very inception in an ultimately fatal way?

Looking at the behavior of the current Council members, and the chaos the ethics code has enabled, do you think it's been effective? Do you favor changes to it? Or do you think that the City needs to scrap it and redo it completely - say with a new City Council after the next election?

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Rich Millionaires! Thousands of 'Em! Yeah, That's the Ticket!

Even by the oh-so-low standards of Port Angeles ideas and Peninsula Daily News coverage, there was an article in today's PDN that literally made me laugh and snort out loud with disbelief. It's a small article headlined thusly:

Port Angeles planners consider comprehensive plan update

Sounds pretty boring, right? Kind of the same old, same old. But it's worth a read if you want a good laugh. Here are some highlights...

City Planning Commission members focused on the economic development aspects of a comprehensive plan update last week. Urban and regional planner Bill Grimes of Spokane, a consultant with Studio Cascade Inc., led the presentation.

So far, so good. You've got your disinterested local commission, and your expensive out of town consultant. Ready...Set...Go!

Grimes said the comprehensive plan should lay the groundwork over 20 years for accommodating an increase of 4,000 in the city's population, which was 19,038 in the 2010 Census.

WOW! Port Angeles must be doing something right if it's going to have 4,000 people moving there in the next twenty years. Right?

Well, maybe. If. Maybe. Let's look at the flow of the grow, shall we? In the 2000 Census, the population was 18,397. The rate of population growth between the 2000 and 2010 Censuses was 3.5%. The rate of growth since the 2010 Census? An anemic 1.1%. Now, that could get you to that higher number, but, given all the underlying and very public problems facing Port Angeles (debt, drug abuse, remoteness, debt, decaying infrastructure, poor schools, debt, expensive utility rates, debt, political corruption, debt, lack of quality of life, etc.) it seems overly hopeful to count on it.

Anyway, given that extremely low rate of population growth, what sort of people do you think are or should be moving to Port Angeles?

Planning Commissioner Elwyn Gee said Port Angeles should attract more wealthy people. "We need that fellow who makes a million dollars a year to support the economy."

Made millions on Wall Street and moved to Port Angeles, or...

Talk about a problem solver! Why didn't anyone else think of that before? Just "attract" wealthy people. Or, if that doesn't work, maybe go out and bag a few with the tranquilizer darts. Whatever.

Won a million in the lottery and blew through it in a year in Port Angeles.

Anything else for our reality-based comprehensive plan update discussion?

Ed Chadd told Commissioners the plan should address projected climate change impacts.

Sure, no problem, Ed. We can put some lip service language in about that. We've been real good about that - the lip service part, that is. Now, in the meantime, have you been down to our fake beach recently?

Monday, May 16, 2016

Pier Review: Is More Spending Really the Answer?

The punning options are too rich on this one, so let's just say we're going to pier into the future today. According to the Peninsula Daily News, "about fifteen" residents attended the "unveiling" of plans for the pier on Saturday. That doesn't seem to be a level of excitement that justifies the price tags being bandied about.

Simply put, the consultants hired to address this issue, Studio Cascade, have proposed three options, that could be summed up as small ("the light touch" for $2.3 million), medium ("Klallam Cove" at $3 million) and large ("Peabody Place" at $3.6 million). Insert standard speech here from Nathan West talking about how "the City will be aggressively seeking grant funding opportunities" for blah blah blah.

But, as always, even if Nathan is both lucky and somewhat correct, these projects will cost the City money. Where will that money come from?

I'm getting ahead of myself, though. That isn't the first question that needs to be asked. The first question should be: Does the City need to spend this money at all? Debt, debt, debt is weighing heavily on you, Port Angeles. Sure, one more wafer-thin slice of debt may seem inconsequential, but is it really necessary at all?

Is this another tourist-baiting project that is unlikely to succeed? Is this another diversion of time, energy and funds from actually needed infrastructure projects? Will any of these options measurably improve life for local residents who are footing the bill?

So many questions. Yet the current City Council is unlikely to even come close to hinting at maybe sort of kind of asking them. Damn the torpedoes, and full spend ahead!

Consultants! The City flounders, and the consultants fleece.

Meanwhile, on a very much related note...Let's all ponder for a moment how the City's lack of vision and willingness to lurch from one unnecessary project to another has been a bonanza for consultants like Studio Cascade. A significant chunk of that debt, debt, debt can be traced to consultants like these who have literally raked in millions over the last decade from the City's lack of vision or leadership.

How much quality of life has that spending bought you? How much of an economy has it nurtured? Has it been worth it? And is even MORE spending on these things really any answer at all to the problems that plague Port Angeles?

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Senior Citizens Play Time Bessy Dressy Follies of 2016

It seems that the Taffeta Alert one of you sent in was spot on. As in, jeepers! Cherie Kidd's found a spot on television to parade her simple mind and extensive wardrobe.


Yes, Cherie. Dressing up like it's the past absolutely is
the best way to build a successful future.

Deputy Mayor Cherie Kidd donned an antebellum costume Wednesday for the filming of a pilot episode of a program that will promote Port Angeles. "Positively Port Angeles" will air June 1st on Wave Broadband's public access Channel 21, and on the internet, Kidd said.

There's already a comment about this on the Peninsula Daily News website that sums up the appropriate response to this Grandmother Guignol performance. I have saved it here, since the PDN will probably delete it as soon as their intrepid staff wake up:

Even for our Deputy Mayor, this is surreal. Port Angeles' most-distrusted woman has decided she's the right spokesperson for what's good about the city?

It's an interesting use of public-access TV, too - an extended infomercial for a failing politician, masquerading as an extended infomercial for Port Angeles tourism, being shown to the citizens of Port Angeles. "Ironic" doesn't even begin to cover this.

I agree! But I think "moronic" gets us a little closer to the truth, doesn't it?

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

What, Again?

Oh, silly, silly Spellcheck! Once AGAIN you have failed the PDN, as seen in the headline below:

Seattle lawyer finds ethics complaint again Port Angeles city attorney to be without merit

Personally, I think a much better headline would shrink that thought down even more:

Seattle lawyer finds Port Angeles city attorney to be without merit

Now that would really be A GAIN for the City, eh?

Anyway, is anyone really surprised that the lawyer hired by the City has found Bill Bloor to be all that and more? After all, that's the result the City would clearly desire, and it required no heavy lifting for this Seattle attorney, Peter Eglick, to find his way to that very conclusion. Case dismissed!

Not only is your case dismissed, Bill, but you also won a FREE hat!

Only...Except...But...The fact still remains that Bill Bloor is, to be kind, a woeful and ill-informed attorney. Even if you agree that he didn't do anything "ethically" wrong in this case, it would still be hard for you to make the case that he's been an effective representative of the legal profession for the City. He's simply been wrong - often glaringly, painfully wrong - too many times.

And, of course, he is also wildly overcompensated for his so-called services.

So, this is what victory looks like for the entrenched forces of discord and greed in City Hall. You get to keep on keeping on with your lame, lame, lame attorney. Somehow I don't think anyone outside of City Hall is going to think that's great news.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words...But a Sunny Holiday Weekend in Port Angeles Isn't Worth More Than a Handful of People

Spring has well and truly sprung! How do I know this? Because our ever-lovin', season-marking picture snatcher Tyler has just taken a whole new batch of people-free pics. Thank you, kind sir!

To set the scene, these photos were taken on a sunny Sunday afternoon, and it was Mother's Day to boot. That is to say, earlier TODAY. Plenty of reasons for people to be out and about, right? There was a Classic Car Show downtown, there's Nathan West's Boondoggle Beach, or maybe just some good old fashioned taking Mom out for a bite to eat or to do some shopping?


Thank goodness they closed off the street to handle the overflow crowd of...I count three people. (When I went to the gym one morning last week at 4:30 AM, there were at least six people there. Or, as the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce would describe it, an "overflow crowd.") Still, the lack of people at this event might help to explain...
...The plentitude of parking spaces left right next door. Ouch! Ah, but maybe it's just a case of no one wanting to pay for parking, right? Maybe that's why the lot is so empty...
...Except that...If we look a little further down the street, all we see is street. No cars to speak of (parked or otherwise), and no people, just street...
...And empty sidewalks. Maybe it's that people are just SO upset that someone was saying bad things about Dan Gase that they just stayed home and cried?
Or maybe...Just maybe...
...Part of the reason people say such nasty things about Dan Gase, and his Fluoride Four comrades, is because they're all part of a brain (free) trust that is perfectly willing to fritter time and energy away on completely unnecessary and unwanted things like, oh, say an expensive fake beach?
An expensive fake beach that can't seem to draw anyone to it on a sunny Sunday holiday. An expensive fake beach that is like a slap in the face to climate change, long and short-range planning and any sort of fiscal responsibility. In fact, just about the only thing such a beach might be good for is as a place to deposit a whole shitload of gaily painted rocks, such as the kind promoted on the front page of the Peninsula Daily News today.
But do you think you'll ever see photos like these in the PDN? Do you think they'll ever ask any hard questions about how things have been brought down to such a pathetic state?
Of course not. They'll ask no questions, and tell known lies. In their world, these photos won't be acknowledged, they never happened. Which, in one sense is true. If you need there to be someone in a photo for it to be somehow "real," then yes indeed, most of these photos never happened.
Because there was no one there. 

Painting Rocks and Painting Yourself as a Victim

If you've been following national politics at all over, say, the last year or so, you've undoubtedly heard Donald Trump whining at some point about how unfair "it" all is, how "they" are working against him, etc. In other words, you've heard a well-connected, totally protected billionaire whining about how he's a "victim."

It's ridiculous.

Now, in a tiny little Clallam County-sized echo, it's been revealed that Doughball Dan Gase is also a "victim." Someone, somewhere online (the place goes unnamed) said some oh so hurtful things about him, and it made Dan's jowls go all a-quiver with fear, so he called the police. Said caustic comments were all aimed at Gase, Cherie Kidd and Pat Downie. (Apparently the commenter didn't have room to include Gase's belly-busting bro Brad Collins, which kept it from being a full Fluoride Four set piece.) Do I need to say that the authorities found less than nothing of concern?

First of all, Sister Gase, online "death" threats are, generally speaking, not worth the paper they're not printed on. It's hot air, like the kind that pours out of you.

Second, well...There is no second. I don't believe for a minute that Doughy Dan believed there was anything to the threats (if they even existed) in the first place. This complaint is just a political ploy, and an attempt to change his public role from that of an arrogant anti-citizen moron to something more sympathetic - like being a "victim."

It's ridiculous.
Dan Gase says NO, it is NOT safe!
So, in the spirit of public free speech, and to celebrate a new holiday I'm just making up on the spot - Elected Motherfucker's Day - I'm inviting you all to share your warmest wishes and best thoughts for what you'd like to tell Dan Gase and his fellow travelers. No death THREATS, please, but feel free to say you wish they were DEAD, or that you know they're brain DEAD. Or maybe you could just point out how DEAD the town is under their uninformed so-called leadership. Maybe you could make the connection between Doughy Dan's cowardice in the face of a few nasty words online and the Council's cowardice when it comes to facing the real issues the City needs to deal with.

Or maybe, taking a cue from the big, important front page story today, you could paint your thoughts on rocks, and leave them around town. "I painted this rock after it fell out of Cherie Kidd's head." You get the idea. Just don't take the rocks to a City Council meeting, though. Signs aren't allowed, and Dan Gase might have you arrested for carrying a weapon.

Painted rocks, Clallam County style...

Friday, May 6, 2016

It Has Come to This: Part II

Here's a headline it must have pained the PDN to put into print:

Accusation of perjury leveled at Port Angeles Deputy Mayor; Jefferson County investigates

Though that, in a sense, says it all, let's give a little context for anyone new who's reading this.

An accusation of perjury against Port Angeles Deputy Mayor Cherie Kidd, based on her testimony at a March 29th city Ethics Board hearing, has led to an investigation by the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office. In an April 8th complaint to the Port Angeles Police Department, Port Angeles resident Dale Wilson accused Kidd of falsely claiming that Councilman Lee Whetham "inflamed" residents who attended a February 2nd City Council meeting. Kidd later adjourned the meeting abruptly over what she testified were concerns for "public safety."

"For public safety purposes, it was not safe" Kidd testified.

Needless to say, for those who were at the meeting, or for those who watched the video(s) of that meeting, it is clear that Lee Whetham did no such thing. It's also plain to see there was no "clear and present danger" to public safety - other than the public pummeling Kidd's fragile little ego was taking.

This is an incredibly serious turn of events, and something that was completely, totally avoidable. But Gavel Gertie has brought this upon herself. Her refusal to listen, to apologize, or to bend in even the slightest way towards being contrite has led to this: She's charged with perjury. Police are investigating. And yes, Cherie, even the PDN has to report it - though they have, of course, disabled the commenting feature.

So what does the ever mush-mouthed and loquacious Cherie Kidd have to say about all this self-generated strife and shame?

Kidd did not return calls for comment Thursday.


Anyway, well done, Dale. And good luck. How are ad sales doing?

Thursday, May 5, 2016

It Has Come to This

Unopposed elections. Wasted tax dollars. Meaningless surveys. Mealy-mouthed City Council members. Threats. Delays. Official complaint after complaint. The ability of the public to speak out (in various forums) curtailed. Too many insults and improprieties to list.

And so it has come to this:

We, the undersigned registered voters residing within the City of Port Angeles, by signing this petition express our support for the holding of an election so the voters of the City of Port Angeles can decide whether to change from the current council-manager form of government under RCW 35A to the council-manager form of government under RCW 35 in a second-class city in order to elect a full new city council."

This was filed yesterday. The backers needed 467 signatures; they got over 1,000.

There is an article about this in today's PDN, but, of course, as mentioned above, they have disabled the ability to comment. (No signs, no comments!) Feel free to do so here. This is a drastic step to take. Is it warranted? Will it make a difference? Will it open any eyes or minds on the current City Council?

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

You Can't Take It With You, But You Sure Can Take the Town Down With You BEFORE You Go *** UPDATED!!! Special Senior Citizens Wiggins Out Edition ***

Mayor Patrick Downie:

Age: Somewhere in the neighborhood of 90.

Health: Rapidly declining.

Grasp of Modern Life as most of us know it: Woefully outdated. 

Still, he's the Mayor.

Deputy Mayor Cherie Kidd:

Age: Physical age is a STATE SECRET but her mental age is somewhere around 6th grade.

(Mental) Health: Rapidly declining.

Grasp of Modern Life as most of us know it: Tenuous, at best.

Chance Cherie knows what "tenuous" means: Ten percent, at best.

Still, she's the Deputy Mayor.

But this situation is, needless to say, ready to flux all over the place. These two could drop dead, get committed or become incapacitated in any number of ways. Just about the only thing they will not do is serve any more terms as members of the City Council. Ever.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall...

This flux, this change, is coming fast. (Really, really fast, if you get my meaning.) So what happens when these two are gone? When the Fluoride Four are just the Twitbrained Two? Who will take their places?

I ask because, honestly, this is a decision that will be facing someone (voters and/or the remaining members of the City Council) really, really soon. Two new people on the Council could be transformative - or you could (per a recent email) get Edna back in there. A wide open, unopposed race? How does Council Member Peter Ripley sound to you? Or do you want to aim a little higher?

Feel free to toss out names or suggestions here, folks, because two of those seven hourglasses have only a few grains of sand left between them.

...Just how long until I fall?
Sigh...Now Cherie's friend Marie Wiggins has (you guessed it) filed her own ethics complaint - this one against the four City Council members who stayed behind after Cherie abruptly "adjourned" that infamous meeting lo these many months ago. Marie is, for those who don't know, the wife of (you guessed it) former Mayor Glenn Wiggins, whom you may remember because he wanted to log Beaver Hill where the PAFAC is located. (I wish I was kidding about that, but it's true. Sad, but true.) This is VERY CLEARLY an attempt at coordinated getback, and as such, it is exceedingly hamhanded. It is also a case of generational wagon circling, being that Cherie, Marie and Glenn have a collective age of around 300 years. That being the case, they certainly don't represent the future at all, and don't even represent the past well, either. 

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Close the Barn Door - the Horse Got Out!

To recap, here's a brief chain of events...

Max Mania got elected and started asking questions and voting "No" on stupid things. This was bad news from the perspective of the powers that be, so they tried to silence him by filing false ethics "charges" against him.

That went nowhere, because he hadn't actually done anything, and because - Oops! - the City didn't have any ethics code on the books. In a sudden rush of supposedly ethical energy, the City Council passed an ethics ordinance. (See also: Bill Bloor, failure.)

Skip ahead a couple of years, and Marolee Smith decides she doesn't like the petty princess dictatorial antics of Cherie Kidd, and so she files an ethics complaint against her for her unprofessional, discourteous and unethical behavior. Then another complaint gets filed. And another. City Council members are targeted. The City Attorney is targeted. (See also: Bill Bloor, laughing stock.)

An Ethics Board is empaneled. And another. The City has such a need for these boards that they have to approve notorious homophobes and other assorted cranks to flesh them out. The PDN does their best to protect Cherie and Dan Gase and Bill Bloor (See also: Bill Bloor, kingpin of bad advice.) But new media sources in town get the truth out. Recalls are started. Calls to step down are heard. Pitchforks and torches are distributed to the angry villagers.

Cherie Kidd isn't cut out for a tough racket.
So, the City just has to cut out the potentially tough parts for her.

In the swirling chaos of trying to deal with multiple ethics complaints, further problems arise. Ethical and professional lines are blurred, then crossed. (See also: Bill Bloor, morally bankrupt.) Put under oath, Cherie Kidd, as shucks sweetheart of Port Angeles tries to blame a fellow Council member and lies her little heart out.

And so we come to this little announcement in today's PDN:

Port Angeles City Council members will consider revisions to the City's ethics ordinance when they meet Tuesday. At the meeting, the Council will go through a first reading of an addition to the ethics ordinance that would address instances of multiple complaints and claims made against a public official based on conduct arising from a single action or event.

To translate: Now that the City's own sharp stick has been used by citizens to poke the corrupt City Council and severely compromised staff, the City wants to start cutting said stick back. The whittling begins Tuesday night.