And so, we enter a new era of open backroom deals, coupled with increased attempts to limit and control the flow of local information.
Yes, beginning tomorrow, the local "paper of (broken) record," the Peninsula Daily News, will begin to attempt to charge people to access its website. They've made this choice even though it is sure to decrease the number of visitors to said website - and despite they fact that they love to trumpet their (obviously inflated and gamed) numbers, and despite the fact that they base their wildly expensive advertising rates greatly on those same inflated numbers. Will those ad rates come down now, PDN?
In a blatant attempt to distort the reality of his own paper's standing, publisher John Brewer says “But we believe that if you stop for just a moment to contemplate how important
the PDN is to the vitality and civility of the Peninsula, you might even feel
good about your contribution to sustaining the content you value."
First, John, the Peninsula is almost totally lacking in vitality. Second, John, the PDN is totally lacking in civility. You do employ Paul Gottlieb, remember?
Meanwhile, said vital and civil paper has finally gotten around to pretending to cover what is going on in the local comedy scene, with a laughably shallow article (by...Paul Gottlieb!) about the "efforts" of the people involved with "PA United." The fact that they're doing this at all is because Dale Wilson and the Port O Call has shamed them into it. The fact that they're even acknowledging Wilson in the article means he has finally made it onto the big "PA Threat Board."
But the PDN absolutely, completely and totally tows the party line when it comes to the ongoing attempts of "PA United" to set up a new way for Jim Haguewood and Karen Rogers and crew to scam more tax and economic development money. Haguewood trots out a big ol' platter of BS and Gottlieb, muck wallower that he is, swallows it all up.
See that $133,000 I'm pointing at? That's how much I aim to steal from you this year. Any questions? Just kidding! No questions are allowed.
You see, all the upcoming meetings to decide the future of YOUR community's economic development efforts will be closed to the press. Haguewood says the groups involved are "private organizations," and therefore don't have to allow the press to attend. This BS is at the very end of the article, and Gottlieb just lets it stand.
But the fact is, Jim, most of these groups receive public funds, and therefore should have open meetings. Another problematic fact, Jim, is that all of these groups - except for your made-up CEO group - have always had their meetings open to the public, and the press. I've been to Chamber meetings, PABA meetings, and even a PADA meeting. So you're trying to claim an exemption that's never been claimed before.
A Brain Trust with no brains, and no trust. But Barb found the snacks!
And finally, Jim, you're apparently running willingly into the whirling blades of bad press and public perception. Put another way: WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO HIDE? Why block the press? What are you afraid might be seen or heard? If this is for the good of the community, why are you blocking the community from knowing what you're doing?
Jim Haguewood, Karen Rogers, their bogus CEO Group, and the flagrant money-grab that is "PA United" are all utterly lacking in credibility. By being so openly hostile to the press (in any form) and to being transparent (in any way) they only acknowledge their own evil intent. Oh, and Jim, promising to tell us your version of what happened after the fact...That just doesn't cut it. See comment above about your lack of credibility. Your bizarre, unrealistic "goals" also make the dog and pony show nature of this all plain to see. You're going to greatly increase the percentage of people under 45 living here and the population overall ("in the greater Port Angeles area") by 2020 - in just five and a half years? I'll bet you that you won't be able to find something to do with the old Lincoln Theater in that time period, yet alone the whole city and "greater Port Angeles area."
So here we are, in the 21st century, in the new Information Age, and Port Angeles is rushing at full-speed backwards, right into the kind of open backroom deals it's always been known for, with the new added twist of more blatant attempts being made to keep the public in the dark.
Finally, I must note the "people of importance" who are quoted in the PDN article, and who will doubtlessly go along with all this idiocy. People like Nathan West and Sissi Bruch. Both Nathan and Sissi are well educated people. The fact that they are willing to be fleeced by know-nothings like Andrew May and Jim Haguewood is potent testament to all that is wrong with Port Angeles. Dumb people float dumb ideas, and smart people go along with it. Crooks keep fleecing the public coffers, and those charged with guarding the coffers respond by offering the crooks their PIN number. This is Port Angeles in the 21st century, in the Information Age.
Is that a status quo you're happy with?